My Christmas newsletter this year

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My Christmas newsletter this year

Post by sasha » December 8th, 2017, 1:37 pm

I'll be including this with my holiday greetings this year, except it'll be in Comic Sans.....

My goodness, has it already been a year since our last newsletter?? It seems like only yesterday that Missy was promoted from Associate Director of Marketing to full Director! But I guess the $180K she’s earned since then couldn’t have happened overnight, ha ha! Can a VP position be far off? Guess we’ll just have to wait until next Xmas to find out!

It was a good year for Kent, too. You all remember how disappointed we were when he came this close to a Nobel Prize for his discovery of element #121 – and just because no one could verify the claim in time, they awarded the prize to that group from France who made nanomachines or some such silliness. Well, never one to be beaten down, our Kent turned his attention to mathematics instead, even though they don’t award Nobels for it. But his work this year on the Riemann Hypothesis is being considered for a Fields Medal, the next best thing! Way to go, Kent!

And what about Parker? What’s she been up to, you ask? Well, you don’t hear much about her because she’s spending all of her time in the jungles of New Guinea, running a free clinic for the natives there! I guess with deforestation and contact with the white loggers, influenza is a real problem, and her work inoculating the Papuans has attracted the attention of the World Health Organization, even if Fox News isn’t interested. Come home, Parker! Flu season is underway here, too, ya know!

As you can well imagine, Trevor and I are proud of our kids, and justly so – but we’re not the kind of parents who live vicariously through them, nossiree! After flying to Bora Bora for that eclipse, Trev and I enrolled in a survival course to learn technical rock climbing, and may (hint hint) be traveling to the Himalayas in the not too distant future… But first things first. We did Yosemite Dome in October, and learned a lot about pitons and carabiners and all that yada yada. We’re not ready for K2 yet, but we’re booked to climb Kilimanjaro in the spring, and are really excited about it! Whoooo! Anyone care to join us? (Just Kidding!)

Well, that’s about it – oh, I almost forgot about George, our youngest. Poor thing – he’s still supervising the shipping department down at Acton Industries, you know, the place that makes those auto parts – muffler bearings or distributor drains or whatever. He’s still living out in Waterville, and driving that 8-year old Chevy Silverado. He tries so hard to provide for his family – I forget how many kids he has – but his wife (what’s her name again – Millie? Mabel? Something like that) had to take a job to make ends meet, something about keeping the books at a grocery store. We don’t see much of them - with so much else going on it’s hard to keep in touch. But we’ll send them a card in time for the holidays, you can be sure of that!

Well, the cook staff has just rung the bell announcing “Dinner is Served”, so I’ll wrap this up and wish each and every one of you a most Joyous Christmas, and a Happy (and Prosperous) New Year! God Bless!

With love,


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Re: My Christmas newsletter this year

Post by still.trucking » December 21st, 2017, 1:02 am

My eyes are weary tonight can't focus one the screen, eyes are calling for darkness one read of that on this screen ,need to print it out because one quick read was not enought. I only half understood it need hard copy to really savor it, yes easy on the eyes hard copy. Sorry about the ramble After one quick reading, all I can say to you is thank you 8)
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