Is there nothing more to talk about?

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by stilltrucking » December 23rd, 2017, 5:49 pm

don't know what I meant about code, something jesus said about the confusing the wise

"Thou didst hide these things from the wise and intelligent and didst reveal them to babes”

got be pure for righteous anger. that is why I joined a Quaker Meeting in Tennessee
we are all up against the wall of science, man, woman and child( Firesign
the mark of the silicon based beast
this net that brings us togather
is a Trojan horse that that infiltrates my life gathers more data about me than I like to think about.

Yes Kenneth you are right
The code is the English Oxford Dictionary

i hope I have made that all as clear as mud :wink:

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by saw » December 25th, 2017, 1:19 pm

the old warriors may be the only ones
that remember, there was this time
when people talked to each other
and cell phones and e-mail were just a spark
in a techies eye, so one might come to
think of themselves as The Last Jedi
and I think the aging population like all
tribes have elders with real wisdom
and I play a game where I very subtlety
try to sneak in something "profound "
which is of course subjective, but
it's an important lesson I learned along the way
So I was talking to this millennial
she was 28 years old and in charge
of this restaurant and she was all business
in every mannerism, and as we wound up
our little conversation i said, Well
remember Michele....there is a whole lot more
to life than work....and her jaw dropped
and she looked at me intently as if to say,
How did you know I was a workaholic
with zero social life....and she held her gaze
until she snapped back, and then offered
Yeah, right
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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by still.trucking » December 25th, 2017, 2:41 pm

something I can read slow other times I have to read fast
sometimes I read something fast and then I have to print it out so I got a piece of paper and read again slowly
a spark
in a techies eye,
my eyes a full of sparks when I read your words on this screen, trouble I have with anything I read in on a computer screen. Hard on my eyes like starring into a white out on Donner Pass trying to see if there were any taillights ahead. I suppose that is why I dig spontaneous prose, faster that a speeding keyboard, hammer hammer the jam

that was well worth the ink 8)
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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by stilltrucking » December 25th, 2017, 10:50 pm

I been watching too many Dickens movies about Christmas
Yes it is all going down like you say, they need to destroy the USA to save it.

Felt pretty good today, all full of good spirits and tea
decided maybe I could watch the News Hour and not get too despondent. But I was wrong after ten minutes I wimped out and turned it off after learning that we had won the war on Christmas . Tax cuts that break the bank , what ever happended to our worrisome deficit, no problem it will pay for itself, just like they figured the war on Iraq was good business. ah shit I am ranting and I cant get up

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by mnaz » December 26th, 2017, 2:51 pm

Trump = Scrooge.

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by stilltrucking » December 26th, 2017, 4:18 pm

Yes :)
The Grinch that won the war on Christmas

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by saw » December 27th, 2017, 5:55 am

there's plenty to talk about
but do i really want to impose, should I
inject my lunacy into another human being
i always wonder about this, worry
even at times, but I can't seem to rein in the beast
he's a motherfucker of a talker
and he probably needs to be silenced someway
and I keep thinking the ink will just ...dry up
but noooooooooo
and when i say ink... i mean ink transposed
into binary belching
excuuuuuuse me
I meant to fart
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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by Unk » February 14th, 2018, 12:37 am

We can always talk about the invisibly hand that rules the world
I want to know when is God going to get some goddamn respect

Lunacy is just a state of mind
been on my mind since I was a kid
could not believe the world I was seeing was real

spooky children
some of us are born that way
thanks dino

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by saw » February 14th, 2018, 9:40 am

my blaspheme started at age 8
St. Dominics in Hamilton
Hamilton was a real shopping district
before the shopping center or God forbid
The Mall....I was being indoctrinated
into this strange world that defied logic
my faith wasn't formed yet, nor as it turned out
would it ever be....I was easy to get along with,
willing and able to learn all there could be taught
A master I'd say of my ABC.s but some of these ideas
put forth, I found troubling... and Sister Eleanor
was quick with the ruler to the knuckles and twisting
the ear of small children, and I became more and more
afraid of her and Monsignor Ells...they, ...well
just didn't seem like the best representatives God
could have chosen for his mission to spread The Divine
and so it was, one day in class, as I was staring at my Catechism
( I can literally still see the words on the page ) THE FEAR OF GOD
It was this concept that all third graders needed to grasp
in order to move the next grade....of brainwashing I guess
and so my little blue and white uniform raised my hand
I had this burning question that needed to be explained better to me
and so....quivering a tad...but determined ( and here, I will paraphrase)
I asked...How is somebody supposed to love someone they are afraid of ?
From then on I was ostracized, and chosen for many shit details and to sit
on a stool in the corner looking at the wall....and it was there on that stool
one day it hit me clear as a bell...( once again I will paraphrase)
This is all bullshit

Since then I've developed a more refined perception of God and my faith
tells me, when I am out hiking in the beloved woods of Pennsylvania, Maryland
and Virginia, God surely is in every tree, every rock, every cloud, every squirrel
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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by Unk » February 14th, 2018, 1:01 pm

I used to envy the Catholics, I have always wanted to confess with the big boys. (must read Dino's confessional #6) when I was eight I used to walk through little Italy on my way to ps#2 which may still be standing at the intersection of Central Ave and Pratt street. On my way I had to walk pass St. Leo's and when I saw those nuns in the old black habits walking toward me I would cross the street. They put the THE FEAR OF GOD on me.

I don't believe in that GOD any more, but I still believe in G!D, I just ain't got a word for it. IT is more than I can write.

When the Mall in Columbia was first built must have been the early sixties I went and was impressed, I got religious kind of feeling, that this place I was standing in was a temple.
A madman told me that the Hindu's built the temple and the Jews wired it for sound.

I must say that is not an enthusiastic salute those priests are giving.
pathetic salute.jpg
thanks dino

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by sasha » February 17th, 2018, 2:56 pm

I was raised Catholic, and attended Mass faithfully right into my 1st year of college. But then I discovered the true god - physics, the geartrain that drives the cosmos - especially orbital mechanics, the dance of the spheres, and it was all so beautiful and elegant - all that depth, all that profundity springing from a simple differential equation (whose solutions proved gnarly and near-intractable). As a teen I'd wanted to be an astronaut, but was told by an Air Force recruiter that my eyesight would likely keep me grounded. Writing my thesis was the next best thing - virtual spacecraft navigation - I could pretend, I could simulate the cockpit readouts of one orbiting vessel approaching another, and see it all unfolding before me...

Religion is only one of many paths to Spirituality, the true goal - and we too often see it perverted to further someone's oppressive agenda.

u""(q) + u = G(u)..... my path
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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2018, 6:55 pm

For years I have been trying to remember who first wrote "God is the square root of negative one" I thought it might have been in a Salinger short story but never can find it.
my favorite work of fiction based on the Catholic church was a sci fi novel

Fiat Voluntas Tua

Listen, are we helpless? Are we doomed to do it again and again and again? Have we no choice but to play the Phoenix in an unending sequence of rise and fall? Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Carthage, Rome, the Empires of Charlemagne and the Turk: Ground to dust and plowed with salt. Spain, France, Britain, America — burned into the oblivion of the centuries. And again and again and again. Are we doomed to it, Lord, chained to the pendulum of our own mad clockwork, helpless to halt its swing? This time, it will swing us clean to oblivion, he thought. ~ Ch 25
A Canticle for Leibowitz

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2018, 11:05 pm

We could always talk about the 25th amendment

cut and paste>>>>>>>>>> ... trump.html

Last February, a group of psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers wrote a letter to The New York Times averring that President Trump was mentally unstable and that the various pathologies they had diagnosed him with made him unfit for public office. It was a refutation of the so-called Goldwater Rule, adopted by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, which said that giving a public figure a mental diagnosis without seeing him or her was unethical. . . .

Dr. Wolfe would not tender a diagnosis. “I think we’re well advised to be cautious about how we use diagnostic language for public figures,” she said. “I think it really doesn’t help. We need to reach those who can do something about the 25th Amendment, rather than throwing out labels.”
Last edited by stilltrucking on February 18th, 2018, 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by Doreen Peri » February 18th, 2018, 3:24 pm

Thank you jack!

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Re: Is there nothing more to talk about?

Post by still.trucking » February 18th, 2018, 3:28 pm

Thank you :oops: I will fix it now
Still Talking After All These Years
By PENELOPE GREENFEB. 17, 2018 ... trump.html
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"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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