Good luck, Mr. G.

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Good luck, Mr. G.

Post by sasha » October 19th, 2018, 11:53 am

(Having just seen "First Man", I'm reminded of a story about Neil Armstrong that made the rounds about 25 years ago. Sadly, it's not a true story - but it should be.)

It seems (the story goes) that just before climbing the ladder back into the LM, Armstrong could be heard uttering the cryptic words "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky." When asked about later, in interviews and at conferences, he would always smile and demure explanation. It wasn't until the 1990s that he finally revealed the truth, since, as he said, all of the backstory's participants had passed away.

It all went back, he said, to a day that he and his brother Dean were playing catch in their parents' backyard. Dean had just shagged the ball right over Neil's head, where it rolled into the backyard of their next-door neighbor, the Gorsky's, coming to rest under the bedroom window. Neil ran over to retrieve it, and when he bent down to pick up the ball, he could hear them arguing inside.

Mrs. Gorsky was berating her husband: "Oral sex? It's oral sex you want?" she was saying. "Listen, mister, you'll get oral sex from me the day that kid next door walks on the moon!"
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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