Sunday Stream (S8-299) ~ Passage

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (S8-299) ~ Passage

Post by mtmynd » December 20th, 2020, 11:07 am

Sunday Stream (S8-299) ~ Passage


How much do we know? How much we do know is passed from the past. Small tribes passing their accumulated wisdom and knowledge thru sit downs, maybe around campfires, the youth eagarly listening (there were no video games, no radio or tivo). There was only the tribe. The wisdom and knowledge of the small tribe eventually dies out - nobody to transmit those memories of what was and how they got there.

Other tribes grew. They were more successful, the environs they inhabited were more weather-kind. The trees grew tall, the land was rich with fertile soil. Rains were beneficial, streams and rivers ran constantly. The legends of their parents, the answers to survival, were oral traditions... nobody had a written language then. What was told was told on trust, there was no proof, no tape-recorders, no cameras, nothing but the spoken language left as memories falling gently from the tribal tree. The words were only saved by pictures drawn on sides of cave walls, chipped images sculpted on the same rocks... pic-to-grams. A picture is worth what it leaves behind.

The words are long gone, but the pictures have remained... without a clue as to how many have vanished. (gain/loss - another cycle within the spiral). but what has remained is interpreted into our present language. If we could speak to the ancients as we are speaking now, would those pictures tell the same story as we see/hear? Antelope, a man holding a long stick, a spear... they hunted the antelope for food. we research the area where they were likely to camp, to dwell, make children, tell stories of their day, their yesterdays - how they carried the fire and slept "in this beautiful place next to a waterfall" where the antelope would come down for drink. They would pass on their knowledge of survival, techniques for hunts (stay downwind of the animal. do not startle the antelope. approach focused). It was important to learn different ways to make it easier to survive. Where the berry patch was, when it had fruits, how seeds made more... helping the new to survive.

The Ancients banged out rhythms on tree trunks, finding the hollow fallen tree to provide a better sound. the humming begins to vary, it stays in touch with the beat. one place has narrow hollow logs... they hum in variations thru this thin but long tube-like, hollowed-by-ants log and the hum is amplified. The didgeridoo is born. It's portable, no need to take one of those big logs around - just hum and play voice in the neat thing...

Different sounds thru different things - flutes (blowing into a hollow tube),strings stretched over a hollow box (guitar), strings stretched between an arch (harp), later little drum sticks hitting a string within a large hollow box (harpsichord/piano), and hollowed cylinders (drums).

Music comes from the hollow. Creation comes from the hollow. The universe exists within the hollow. The hollow is sacred. The hollow is infinite, boundless, with beginning/without end. And yet without 'the breath of life even the original silence is deaf. The silence is the nature of the hollow. Silence exists for sound as sound exists for silence.

Colors have sounds, light has sound... all of existence has sound... OM.... the om is the original sound of existence. Like a prism divides the white light into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, so do those colors combine into white light. The movement of photons creates sound... movement of air thru the tube, movement of fingers against the strings over the hollow. The silence is not movement, the Light brings the movement. The seed breaks open in the darkness but reaches towards the Light. Its life within, the 'soul' of the seed contains light to ignite its movement, to reach upwards towards the heat - the fire that burns in movement (a cycle within the spiral).

Silence between sound defines the message. The space between matter defines the object. Perception is the observation of an object.. any object observed, focusing on the activity of the object, its movement within silence, the silence of space, confirms our being on some level. Obervations, seeing, looking, sense of hunger gobbling up what they view... all those photons of light, little sounds playing within the hollow.

Silence/sound. Together in yin/yang harmony they created Light - boom! crack! thunder/lightning. Beat of the heart keeps the Light within.... the Light within keeps the beat of the heart.

The mind calms from its fury of movement, inspired by over-stimulation. As if our senses are hungry, starved for answers the mind continues on the road - blazing new paths/following old paths, driving on streets/driving on freeways... going from point to point, we move... our movement taken from the over-stimulation of our senses, driving mind to over-consume. We are fat with stimulus, it drives us to stress, the mind at high rpm, winding higher and higher - so much to see, so much to do, so much needs to be done... the world is at danger, its lives on the edge. We are ready to blow ourselves up, the tensions are rising! We are over-stimulated! We're going to explode!! There is no room for differences... they just bring more questions! Damn! What are we going to do?? It is getting late... the ozone layer is weakening, the environment is in jeopardy, the droughts, the floods, the earthquakes, the tornadoes, hurricanes!!! We see so much. We hear so much. We read so much. We feel so many things inside of us... our minds consuming all that we sense. For what?

What are we really looking for? What will we do if we find 'the answer'? We haven't a clue. We don't even know if we'd recognize 'the answer' if we found it... there's too many decisions to choose from. We're changing stimulus like we change our clothes.

All this movement is producing new sounds, new colors... things and stuff that our senses have never encountered. Do we choose to create all this movement, or is all this movement creating our newness? Mankind is taking large steps into a future that we can only imagine. We now have to ability to create much of what we can imagine. Our imaginations become our realities.

But our realities are not utopia ... they don't fix all the problems. We try and we try... we humans and our mind doomed to journey... very mobile creatures that have inhabited this earth in all directions... we are everywhere.

We are not everything. That we cannot be - everything. Too fucking bad. Get off the high horse. We are born to die. We humans are living off perceptions, off theories as well as off grains and animals. We are as much yin/yang as all of Life. We are another sound within the symphony and Light is the conductor waving its rays across a universe that dances to the song... we feed off life as well as life feeds off us.

Calm. Ease... at ease... the only place we're going is Now. There is no thing else, now. Now is all that is...


enjoy the moment where time
no longer exists

enjoy the moment where mind
is at ease

enjoy the moment where light
illuminates all doubt

enjoy the moment when love
pours like rain

enjoy the moment when light
passes flame to wick

we are all candles
in the void
like stars in the universe
like drops within the ocean
giving what we are
in return for our

Cecil B. Lee
[wrtten 07 March 2004]
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

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