Corona Jam

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Re: Corona Jam

Post by saw » February 7th, 2021, 11:02 am

went down to the VA hospital
with a thousand others
we came for our vaccine
our hopes to live a little longer
in a world with QAnon
and Marjorie Taylor Greene
standing in a line that ran up and down
every corridor.... and veterans were
falling out in that 2 and a half hour march
the staff had to haul in chairs
that could be dragged along the floor
whenever the line started to move again
we were familiar with the drill
Hurry up and Wait
old dudes with old bladders
and scores of ailments
and wobbly legs like old tables
mostly Vietnam era, but some older
the criteria was over 65
it was a madhouse, but everyone did their job
they had a plan, just didn't expect
so many showing up to a Walk-In Clinic
I was wondering what am I doing here
guys with masks not covering their noses
no social distancing to speak of
then we got to this auditorium
and the male nurse in charge explained
no one....that got their first shot
has been hospitalized, so
I guess they aren't worried so much
about social distancing and proper mask wear
they are just trying to get as many shots
in as many arms as they can
and well they did a damn good job
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Re: Corona Jam

Post by stilltrucking » February 7th, 2021, 5:11 pm

saw wrote:
coping is a task we are tested with
the best copers find contentment
in those little nooks of peace and silence

coping is all I do
still trying to find a vaccine
I keep finding it here and there
but always gone by the time I get to the make appointment webpage

I don't mind waiting till all the vets get there's first
in the meantime I am having a good time on s8, despite my fears 8)
thanks: d
listening to Drive By Truckers 18 Wheels of Love :D

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Re: Corona Jam

Post by sonofthesun » February 8th, 2021, 4:29 am

the beauty,
so easy
i cry upon its simplicity
hard to share
but im willing
to try
There is no empty space

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Re: Corona Jam

Post by saw » February 8th, 2021, 7:53 am

mass inoculation
so glad people with actual brains
are in charge
happy that folks with hearts have a say
not that fake tan, fake news. fake hair guy
he was the shits , has anyone ever been more
self-absorbed....probably.......but man
he was a contender
think of the sheer delight
when human beings can comingle again
think of the celebrations
think of the hugging and kissing
think of the dancing and singing
the movie watching, the concerts
the picnics, the baseball games
man-o-man are we gonna revel in doing
what we used to take for granted
think of the coffee shop, reading the paper
tinkering away on your laptop....Yes
Yes, I will take a refill......Thank You !
Thank You So Much !
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Re: Corona Jam

Post by stilltrucking » February 8th, 2021, 5:48 pm

if I can't go down rocking I ain't' going down
tell me about those old vets
what would I know about the forlorn rags of old age
I am just a 4-f hippie c.o.
medically unfit to be a particpant in the south east asian war games
just because in the sixties I could not fall asleep without the comforting thought of a shotgun under my chin.

I am grateful that I was spared from playing war games, I used to feel guilty about that until a combat vet told me I should feel grateful not guilty!
Achilles in Vietnam

Paul's Rifle

The one I inherited from Lew Welch
many nights after Crazy Mike's death I fell asleep to thoughts of the rifle pointed at my head, my finger on the trigger.

College Park Maryland 1962
Paul's rifle leaning against the wall in the bedroom closet

I fell asleep to thoughts of the rifle pointed at my head, my finger on the trigger.
and sleep was a challenge for me, after Crazy Mike's death
I was barely conscious, I might have just to have been sleepwalking.I was living inside my head
the world around me was a blur

Paul's rifle games me my 4F selective service deferment when my number came up during the South East Asian war games. Had a Friend in Nashville who had one of those army issued floppy camouflage hats with a little peace symbol on it with those words
"participant in the south-east Asia war games 1968.
Sometimes when I am being verbally abused by some dick head, I want to ask him if he is a combat vet. If he is I'll turn the other cheek, if not, then I want to grab him by the throat and squeeze until I squoze the dog shit out of him
I had a quaker friend in Nashville was a combat vet from those war games. He had cigarette burn scars on his arms. He had a floppy camo hat with a patch on it said, "Participant Southeast Asian War Games"
somebody stole my Friends hat from the cloakroom of the chemical engineering lab on the campus of Vanderbilt University. I can't imagine somebody would wear a hat like unless he had been there done that. A person of no worth only person who would do that.

Aircap Truckstop Wichita KS
big guy with a Vietnam veterans hat and a bunch gold braid on it playing pool and crying about how mean his company was to him. they would not send him money to get a motel room. I was thinking this guy might be a Vietnam era vet, but he never went overseas, probably got no closer to the front then Ft Dix NJ
I gave him thirty-five dollars to get a room because I felt sorry for him.

I sleeper teamed with combat veterans from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, never heard any of them cry about how tough it was, seemed like they even got downright cheerful when things went wrong. Like it was nothing,
a bad day trucking was a good day fishing for those guys. They could laugh off all the outrages slings and arrows that came down the road.
Achilles In Vietnam
"What We Haven't Learned About War We Have Repeated: Warriors As Victims"
The goals of this book are largely successfully met, and the book could usefully be read by behavioral scientists, historians, Iliad scholars and the public at large.

If it was a snake, it woulda bit us: "Homer's Iliad ... is about soldiers in war." (xiii) Classicists are not, of course, ignorant of that fact, but we have tended to gloss over it, foreign as war is to most of us, and thereby to find ourselves puzzled by certain ethical aspects of the poem which are the direct result of warfare. We are accustomed, after all, to think of Homer as "fiction," to assume that social realities in the Iliad are refracted through the lens of oral tradition and bear only a tenuous connection, like the Trojan War itself, to historical events and actual people.
this could stand a lot of editing
my apologies to anyone trying to read it
I will fix it later, sorry

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Re: Corona Jam

Post by saw » February 13th, 2021, 9:41 am

corona jams along
mutating and trying to live
it blows my mind
that something I cannot see
may kill me if I'm unlucky
and this microscopic entity
is as fierce a warrior as Hercules
my my, what a concept
and let us not forget Achilles
it seemed implausible a bare heel
would be his downfall
and so we are vigilant, well
some of us,,,,,some morons still
refuse to wear a mask and distance
because their freedoms are being assaulted
and it makes me think hard about natural selection
and maybe it's the gods way of thinning out the crowd
hard to say what the grand plan is
so let us jam a little here and there
write our stories and poems
play our guitars and flutes
hike into the forests of love
dance around with squirrels and fox
forget about the yo yo's
forget about the haters
put a positive spin on the ball
jamma lamma ding dong
ringa linga ping pong
bring out your silly bing bong
take him for a stroll
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Re: Corona Jam

Post by stilltrucking » February 16th, 2021, 10:09 pm

it is the only game in town 8)

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Re: Corona Jam

Post by saw » February 18th, 2021, 7:10 pm

jammin in my jammies
you don't have to dress at all really
I mean maybe that's the way for your words
to feel free, the naked ape
tapping the keys, bringing in a couple of keys
hey where is arlo when you need him
surely not at alice's restaurant
probably jammin down in the bayou somewhere
surely not in texas, cause they aint got no power
and how 'bout that fuck up ted cruz in cancun
screw all those rednecks he said
I'm gonna take a vacation, and no one is mourning
rush.....the vilest of creatures with the biggest
microphone....and those big expensive cigars
coudnt save him, cause when it all comes down
you gotta go back to mother earth
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Re: Corona Jam

Post by saw » February 20th, 2021, 8:21 am

hard to keep the jams alive
at times it feels like ham radio
maybe I will pick up someone in Uzbekistan
maybe the zombie apocalypse is here
and I wasn't paying enough attention
maybe everyone is old and tired
and taxed
nothing stays the same
I look back at old threads
and there were scads of contributors
where did they go
did I scare them away
is poetry jamming too bourgeois
for the struggling masses
who are literally foraging for food and water
not in some third world country
but Texas
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Re: Corona Jam

Post by judih » February 20th, 2021, 9:42 am

static from the east
crash fall laughter
imaginary friends

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Re: Corona Jam

Post by stilltrucking » February 21st, 2021, 4:03 pm

imaginary numbers
binary coded
hexadecimal friends
Silicon others I have loved
romantic entanglements in cyberspace
tech no babble :lol:

Life is tough and it is even tougher if you are stupid or live in texas.
rolling blackout no water blues

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Re: Corona Jam

Post by saw » February 21st, 2021, 9:13 pm

asked how he was doing
he said life sux then you die
a bit grim don't ya think
can you prove me wrong
well no
then let me believe
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Re: Corona Jam

Post by sonofthesun » February 26th, 2021, 3:21 am

Life is magic
Funny how we get so lost
Within the humdrum
It boggles the mind
I love you as I love myself
Really no difference
Your number equals mine
Let us smile
On the eternal golden dawn
It shines upon and withinn
No matter, matter
There is no empty space

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Re: Corona Jam

Post by saw » February 27th, 2021, 10:05 am

foggy disturbance
it's a game of wits
can you keep them
so may hucksters
along the road
selling snake oil and beads
we need to get good
at sorting it all out
time and experience
is your friend
mental notes filed away
is a duck always a duck
how about a wolf with spectacles
keep your focus
know your heart
speak your truth
jam with alacrity
happy to say
my kids turned out great
despite my errant paths at times
but I'm a hiker
a seeker with a good sense of direction
never jammed too far
from the way back
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Re: Corona Jam

Post by gypsyjoker » March 3rd, 2021, 6:18 pm

and it makes me think hard about natural selection
I don't know what to think of Darwin anymore
His work has been pillaged by peckerheads that have used it to justify the The Heart of Darkness
makes me think about cutting my hair
if all the hippies cut off their hair
I don't care

about a master plan anymore it is one of the blessing of longevity
Children are curious and i have a tender spot for the young

But i am old. If curiosity kills cats i would be a dead duck by now,
but sometimes i still wonder why trump is so sacred of rootin tootin :?
got a first dose of dolly parton's vaccine yesterday :D
Here we all be a year later still jamming this
jam has the staying power of the pyramids. :|
I will be grateful when we be done with it 8)
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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