Sunday Stream (S8-300) - Choice

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (S8-300) - Choice

Post by mtmynd » January 3rd, 2021, 2:41 pm


Once we make a choice, choice is gone. We go forward with the choice until we're faced with another choice. Forks in the road, we stand at the crossroads awaiting an answer from our mind so we may move on.

We blame ourselves if we make a decision that troubles us, as if we should have picked the perfect path. How do we know that the other path was so perfect? We haven't been there... we only know that it existed and we chose not to go 'that' way. We run into some difficulty on the chosen path and we blame ourselves for the difficulty. But it is this very difficulty that we learn from... we continue to grow, spiraling upward.

"Aspire to spiral where return is but a resemblance, for all is truly new"

The circle is the two dimensional representation of completion, but we are three dimensional creatures. Our physicality is measured by height, width, depth. The circle has only width - the length of diameter. And Life has movement, and thru this movement we only seemingly return, but we actually spiral outwards/upwards, never really returning to the same spot. Change prevents sameness . Sameness only exists in the mind - recollections burned into memory that never change... always the same. Even a circle is non-moving... stagnant in its representation.

The zen enzo is not only an incomplete circle, but a far greater symbol of the spiral in a two dimensional space... a reminder that the last drawn part is where the rise lifts from the paper, and the circularity continues. It's a matter of perception.

If we look at only the flower, the leaves and stem are no longer visible. If we choose to look at the whole plant, we no longer see the garden. If we choose to look at the garden, we no longer see the flower. Perception is based on our choice of seeing. If we choose to see the world, we see things differently... we arise higher and further from the microcosmic and rise into the macrocosmic. Choice of perception... and change. We choose accordingly. We choose because we must move on. Our bodies and our minds do not remain stagnant... it is our choices that make us feel stagnant.

If we choose not to 'go with the flow' we inhibit our gift from unfolding. We hamper our individuality from blossoming. We cloak our Self from being realized. And this dam that we build goes against our flow. We become rigid and stiff. We do not allow our nature to run freely, to have that freedom running thru our veins brings conflict of ease to our being - we assume dis-ease. And then we fear! That fear will subside with acceptance, but the acceptance has to be of the inner... beyond the mind.

It is beyond the mind

where our Self resides

that freedom calls in silence

to liberate Truth from Reality

so consciousness can cleanse

the ego from the circle

of rebirth

Cecil B. Lee
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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-300) - Choice

Post by mnaz » February 27th, 2021, 3:28 pm

Thanks for this. Timely for me, at a "crossroads," as I negotiate a number of choices and transitions...

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-300) - Choice

Post by mtmynd » March 18th, 2021, 8:55 am

mnaz wrote:
February 27th, 2021, 3:28 pm
Thanks for this. Timely for me, at a "crossroads," as I negotiate a number of choices and transitions...
...and thanks to you, amigo, for your comment. Yes, it's been awhile but that is how infrequently I visit my own posts.

I trust all is going accordingly in your life...? We're due to a chat fest in some upcoming day, eh? :wink:
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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-300) - Choice

Post by mnaz » March 19th, 2021, 7:41 pm

Yes we are. One of my "big choices and transitions" is the new truck I just bought, which has sparked a bit of remorse. Jesus, 13.5 miles per gallon? Seriously? I drove the old truck for 20 years! I miss it already.

Ok, I admit, it's kind of laughable that I should suddenly turn into this "crusader" who's suddenly concerned about gas mileage and efficiency--- I shouldn't have bought the damn Toyota 4x4 in the first place if that's the case. And it's not like I've been any kind of environmental activist in my lifetime, so who am I trying to fool?

(Still though: The design direction that Toyota and Nissan pickups took, starting about 16 years ago--- bigger, heavier, more gas guzzlin' --- still pisses me off. I don't want to drive a damn tank out on those trails; I want something nimble...)

Oh well. I guess I'll keep this truck for awhile. For now at least. The used truck market is crazy right now. Prices are insane.

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8-300) - Choice

Post by Cenacle » September 18th, 2021, 9:24 am

I do not believe in simply going with the flow. I am part of the flow; it is not external to me. On me to learn better to steer, to find both the humility and courage to do so. Not saying this is easy, but sometimes it is. And sometimes it is not. The flow ever flows. But I choose how to swim it.

I do not believe in negating or cleansing or liberating my soul, as though life is a punishment I must lift up from or escape from. I believe life is a gift, and it is my choice how to appreciate this gift, how to enact it.

Not saying I am right and you are wrong. That would be foolish. Just offering my take on your thoughts. Thank you for them :)

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