
Post your poetry, any style.
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Post by saw » January 23rd, 2023, 11:36 am

sometimes the reality
is too damn real....

I dream of floating
like an Ali butterfly above the density of it all,
but don't care much about stinging
like a bee.....but I can hear James Galway's flute
and see the curious flight pattern of the bumblebee

I've turned off the news
discontinued the newspaper
altering my consciousness
in any way i can get a hold of
and there are many strategies
to confronting the bully

that practical one that shares a room
in my boarding house, he thinks
too much......he dwells on only concrete
and unmalleable states of metal
and is mostly all gloom,doom and has no room,
and he needs to be silenced

medications and inactivity
are bad ways to find enlightenment
and I'm not talking about abuse
but the subtle tricks to find nirvana
the roads less traveled
the trails through the unknown forests

paths that distract and deny too much focus
on, well........................reality
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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