I met Bob Dylan

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Doreen Peri
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I met Bob Dylan

Post by Doreen Peri » March 14th, 2024, 9:10 pm

I met Bob Dylan in a dream last night.
He was 50ish. I was young, 30s perhaps.
It was the greatest dream I’ve had in ever so long,
his songs filling my heart, and the fact that nobody
could tear us apart, all the smiles, the laughter
and miles of road we traveled together totally
blew me away!

Today when I woke up, all
I wanted to do was to go back to sleep to
continue our continuing, where he would sing
to me and I would touch his deep red button-down
shirt. I never had a dream about a rock star before,
especially one that was more or less the best lyricist
ever and I will forever remember this night when
we had been friends and dare I say, future lovers perhaps

Dreams are such a crap shoot. You never know what
your mind will feed you. Sometimes a great fantasy
like this, sometimes bliss, other times nightmarish
twisted plots that leave you in a sweat between the
sheets shaking with fear

This had a super real feel to it. I loved it until
one of his band mates brought out an 8-ball of coke
and I couldn’t wait to escape because
I can’t be around that shit

But then I woke up and wanted to be back there again,
because Bob was a trip, loads of fun and I wasn’t
done yet touching his shirt

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Re: I met Bob Dylan

Post by winddance » March 15th, 2024, 11:19 am

I have the advantage/disadvantage of very vivid dreams. can relate to wanting to continue the really good ones. tell Bob hi next time you see him.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach 10,000 stars how not to dance.
e e cummings

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Re: I met Bob Dylan

Post by sasha » March 15th, 2024, 12:40 pm

I used to, and logged many of them in a dream journal. It showed thematic similarities cropping up again and again: finding my way back from somewhere... buildings housing an unseen evil essence... suites of rooms filled with my childhood memorabilia... losing my vision or hearing... wild excursions, a few (all too few) even lucid. Only one involving a celebrity: on this very day in 1998, according to the journal, I bumped into guitarist John McLaughlin in a package store buying cases of wine that local yahoos were pelting with beer bottles. The dream morphed into a hunt for my parked car, with a serendipitous fording of a river and cutting through a neighborhood school after hours......

Sadly, if I remember any dreams at all now, they all seem to be about work or family get-togethers. BO-RING... And the details fade away by the time I reach the bathroom.
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: I met Bob Dylan

Post by Doreen Peri » March 18th, 2024, 4:47 pm

winddance — I go through phases of vivid dreaming and not dreaming at all (or not remembering them). I’m a big Dylan fan but I’ve never dreamed of him or any other star before. It was sort of odd! I will definitely give him your regards should I ever encounter him again in a dream 😉

Sasha —I used to keep a dream journal too. For several years! It really helped me recall them to take notes as soon as I woke up, immediately… at least jot down as many of the images I could remember. As time passed with this practice, my dreams became more vivid and interwoven storylines emerged. After the notes, I’d write them up in essay form. It was a kind of therapy for me. To me the images were like poetic imagery, metaphoric , and also very personal in regards to their glimpses into my psyche. Maybe I should revive that journal. This is one of the only times I wrote the dream in poetic form — employing tools like cadence and rhythm, echoed sounds, etc. I’m really very interested in working to get back the gift of words I worked so hard to develop for so many years. Just typing that goal is inspiring to me. I want to inspire myself and get back to work. Thx for reading and commenting

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Re: I met Bob Dylan

Post by saw » March 19th, 2024, 11:19 am

Good one Doreen
Dreams fascinate me
the night after you wrote this
I fell into a dream so deep I can still see the vivid colors

I was driving somewhere
and the road was bogged down
with crashes and construction
and since I've always just veered into areas unknown to me
I hooked a right
the road ahead descended
down down down i went
and at the bottom was this teal blue lake
where the water was unbound and allowed
to rise up the street as far as it wanted
there were houses on both sides
it was a thriving neighborhood
and I could not understand why i didnt know about his lake
I parked my car and entered a screened in pavilion
people were swimming and throwing beachballs
outside, when I saw a person that looked knowledgeable
I asked him... was this a private club
and he said it is, but you can join for 20 cents
I said wow, twenty cents a month is unbelievable
And he he replied....no that's for a lifetime

pretty wild huh ?
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: I met Bob Dylan

Post by Doreen Peri » March 19th, 2024, 2:50 pm

What an awesome dream, Steve!!! You escaped from traffic jam hell by a savvy right turn and ended up in vacation heaven, not up in the sky, but at the bottom of the beautiful lake! And admission was so inexpensive! I love this dream! Thanks for sharing it.

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