Where, Indeed?

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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Where, Indeed?

Post by Michael » August 10th, 2005, 1:45 pm

As you know, Cindy Sheehan lost her son, Casey, in April of 2004, just a few days after his arrival in Iraq.

Cindy is a strong woman. She has not taken the position that her son died in Iraq and, consequently, there’s nothing left for her to do but grieve in isolation.

No. Although Cindy indeed grieves for her son, she is working very hard, putting herself in harm’s way, psychologically and possibly physically, to see to it that no more Americans die in Iraq.

She is working to see that no more Americans die to protect America from weapons of mass destruction that never existed.

She is working to see that no more Americans die for Iraq’s not being in the least bit complicit in the tragedy of September 11, 2001 (most of you know who I think the real criminals are).

She is working to see that no more Americans die so that Iraq can become a “democracy” in the image of the US, an image most Iraqis, and certainly, the interim government wants no part of.

She has vowed to camp out as close to Bush’s Crawford, Texas “ranch” during the entire five weeks of his “vacation” until he personally speaks with her. She doesn’t want to speak with his assistants. She wants to speak to Bush. She wants Bush to explain to her what this “noble cause” is for which her son, Casey, died. She’s vowed to stay there until he meets with her or until she’s arrested.

For all that this bereaved mother has done and is still doing to help save the loved ones of even more Americans from the Bush death squad, she has received communications from patriotic, reverent Americans. You can learn what some of our “brave” patriots have written to Cindy by reading her essay, “Where Do I Live”?

Are these the citizens that you want representing you country? They’re not the citizens I want representing mine.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 10th, 2005, 2:07 pm

For my effort in trying to awaken America to the dirty tricks and fraud of our government and for trying to call attention to the fact that thousands of people are dying and in harm’s way in Iraq for the lies, I am often called a traitor, terrorist supporter, Jane Fonda, unpatriotic, etc. I am called names that contain words that good Christian supporters of George should not even know, let alone use. I am accused of not supporting the troops, and people tell me that Casey would be spinning in his grave on which I am alternately: spitting, pissing, or s*itting on.
Did you listen to the radio interview of jimbo's friend Claude the Buddhist monk? Don 't answer that going to put up here ASAP.

He is on a walk this summer from California to Texas; I wish he could stop in Crawford and give her a hug

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Post by stilltrucking » August 10th, 2005, 2:14 pm

Nagavagga - The Elephant

As an elephant in the battlefield withstands the arrows shot from a bow, even so will I endure abuse; verily most people are undisciplined

(note, it starts off at the end of democracy now)
jimboloco has a cameo call-in at the end, an hour long talk show about AnShin's evoulution from gunner on choppers to peacemaker monk, also gets into his family of origin, evolution of consciousness

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Post by Michael » August 11th, 2005, 1:56 am

stilltrucking, I’ve never heard the particular program before. I thank you for bringing it to my attention.

One can only admire someone’s “evolution from gunner on choppers to peacemaker monk”.

One can only admire anyone who supported war and had the courage to change his or her mind.

Representative Walter B. Jones of North Carolina showed immense courage in changing his mind about the war. He repents his backing what he now realizes were and still are lies and his heart is with those that his actions helped to put in harm’s way. Sensitive but braver than members of The Regime.

Jim asks a very poignant question about sensitivity. With the leader of our nation trying so hard to do a John Wayne impression, “bring ‘em on”, many “patriotic” Americans feel that sensitivity is, indeed, a weakness. Further, they feel that it’s unpatriotic.

Karl Rove’s now famous line that “liberals” wanted to offer Al Qaeda “counseling” after 9/11 feeds the psyche of far too many Americans.

In spite of all of the tough talk spouted by Bush, he doesn’t have the courage to meet with a woman whose son died fighting his war. He is the epitome of cowardice.

On the other hand, is it not toughness to say that I will wait here until either the coward occupying the White House speaks to me or until I’m arrested? I think Cindy blows Bush, Rove and all of the chicken hawks away and yet she is also sensitive. She’s sensitive to the harrowing nightmares of those who have loved ones fighting The Regime’s war.

A very apt question, Jim and in all a moving interview.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 11th, 2005, 9:23 am

jimboloco put it to me straight
you going to crawford?
I wrote back 4 hundred mile trip, my 95 mazda with 175,000 miles on it won't make it.
then he writes back
Wacko is not that far you going to wacko?
I write back wacko is 366 mile round trip

our problem is jimbo is looking at a map of Rhode Island. Like one fo those dispatchers that give you some impossibe to make run and you say " i don't thinks so" and they say "why not it is only five inches on the map"
jimbo :P if yu stumble on this one

Mike I don't know about you but all I can do is take my own stand, I would give my right arm just to get to crawford and give that "gold star" mother a hug, and send her flowers on mother's day

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Post by gypsyjoker » August 11th, 2005, 10:49 am

Where? Crawford Texas
It is vacation time. He earned, he deserves it.

Hey still
Be sure to wear your camouflage pants, walk right up there and ask for a ticket to Crawford Texas, just be sure to wear some flowers in your hair, or get a hair cut and a shave, maybe wear a shirt and tie, slap a yellow I support our troops decal on your fore head, just try to look normal.

Me I am going to take a bus, play Kerouac ride the bus. Stand in line to shake her hand.

Or maybe find one down at the Alamo Mission who is going that way in September
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Post by mnaz » August 14th, 2005, 3:02 pm

Fuck Karl Rove. In the wake of 9/11, many of us "liberals" thought that the US should indeed go after al Qaida and bin Laden, at least as necessary to diffuse the immediate threat. Many of us also thought it reasonable to beef up security here at home (without extremist, wholesale sacrifice of civil rights), as well as to rebuild and retool our intelligence-gathering capabilities to search more effectively abroad for terrorist activity which posed a direct threat.

But what did this lying band of DC thieves give us instead? They lost focus on bin Laden and deliberately cooked available intelligence in order to rope us into an invasion and open-ended occupation of a Muslim country which had nothing to do with 9/11.... a ongoing quagmire of a conflict, which the President now tries to sell in most of his flagging, buzz-word babbles by linking it to 9/11. So........more power to Cindy Sheehan. More power to all of us.

I suppose I would never make a good Buddhist. There is too much anger, just below the surface, at times.

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