The Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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The Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Post by Lightning Rod » January 5th, 2006, 4:12 pm



The Willing Suspension of Disbelief
for release 01-05-05
Washington D.C.

The secret to survival in today's world is being able to tell the difference between science and science-fiction. It's not as easy as it once was to tell reality from the special effects.

The first time that I saw the movie Shrek, I was amazed by the realism of the animation for about the first five minutes, then I totally bought into the illusion. The subtle and nuanced motion of the characters from their body movements to their facial expressions to the way the light caught their hair, made it completely believable. But there were no characters or bodies or faces or light or hair. It was all illusion. The only things that were real were the voices.

What I am illustrating here is the fact that as illusions become more and more sophisticated, it becomes easier and easier to accept them as truth. Several examples come to mind. The War on Terror. Tax 'reform.' Consider the elaborate staging of the president's little music video which shows him landing on the aircraft carrier in his macho flight suit and declaring victory in Iraq under a banner saying Mission Accomplished. That was about fifty thousand casualties ago. Or how about WMD? Now there was a willing suspension of disbelief. BushCo ignored all empirical evidence and plunged into war anyway.

Just last night I was watching the evening news. By now I expect the evening news to be peppered with advertisements for snake-oil drugs that are invented to cure diseases which were likewise invented. But on last night's news there was an ad trying to sell me a drug to cure 'restless leg syndrome.' Oh, I might suspend my disbelief to the point where I accept that there is a purple pill to relieve my heartburn or a blue one to give me a hard-on, but RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME? C'mon.

Sometimes I think that you can sell anything to the compliant American consumer. I'm not talking just about SUV's and endless gasoline and geegaws from China sold in the Wal-Mart or the notion of Intelligent Design. You can make the one sucker who is born every minute believe that Ashley Simpson has talent, or that Jenny Craig will make them slim or that the Ab Cruncher or the tooth whitener will have the girls lining up outside their door, or that there is a pill to cure any ailment from which they are convinced they are suffering. It's the willing suspension of disbelief.

The War on Terror is much like the Restless Leg Syndrome. It is a disease that was invented in order to sell the cure. In the panic after 9/11 BushCo sold us the red, white and blue pill. It's hard to tell science-fiction from science-fact.

Here is another example of junk science. The Dept. of Defense is funding a project to develop a stealth lie detector. This is supposedly a device that could be aimed at people at random and by means of laser beam technology and would be able to sniff out their evil intentions. It would seem that the last thing that the boys at BushCo would want is a lie detector that can be focused on an unwitting subject, say Scott McLellan or Gdub himself.

The polygraph is pure voodoo and the idea that we could focus a laser on an unsuspecting subject and determine if they are up to no good is double voodoo. It has always struck me as ironic that the machine purporting to determine the truth is itself a lie. The lie detector was invented by a science-fiction writer. Real scientific tests have shown that lie detectors are almost as accurate as flipping a coin. Let me look someone in the eye and I can tell you more accurately if they are telling the truth than a machine can.

Once, The Poet's Eye saw Sir Lawrence Olivier on Tonight Show. He was talking to Johnny Carson about the time he saw Harry Houdini performing at the London Palladium. Olivier said that Houdini was a terrible illusionist but such a great showman that he made you believe in the illusion. He described the famous trick where Houdini would make an elephant disappear. They would lead the elephant out and then two guys would roll the big box onto the stage. Houdini would put the elephant in the box and do his magic gestures and then show the audience that the box was empty. After that twenty guys would roll the 'empty' box off the stage. The audience was amazed. It was a willing suspension of disbelief.

" was agreed, that my endeavours should be directed to persons and characters supernatural, or at least romantic, yet so as to transfer from our inward nature a human interest and a semblance of truth sufficient to procure for these shadows of imagination that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith."
--Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Dave The Dov
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Post by Dave The Dov » January 5th, 2006, 4:38 pm

Unlike our glorious leader now a days. Harry Houdini who is from my home state of Wisconsin. Wowed the audience with his tricks for entertainment. That Son Of A Bush on the other hand he thinks he can just pulls the wool over every bodies eyes and thinks it will wow them in the end.
Honda Mobilio
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Post by stilltrucking » January 5th, 2006, 8:02 pm

After that twenty guys would roll the 'empty' box off the stage. The audience was amazed. It was a willing suspension of disbelief.

I been wondering about a willing suspension of belief. TV show the other night about prez rayguns. He believed in movies, star wars and SDI were real to him, he talked about them like they existed in this best of all...worlds

Spooky, what can be done with smoke and mirrors.

In the 1920's and thirties all they had was sound, and silent movies (Birth of A Nation) my the first example of celluloid history. Now we got the whole nine yards. Yeah I saw it on the evening news it must be real.

What ever happened to the Absurdist Party?
Where is Pat Paulson when we need him?

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Jenni Mansfield Peal
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Post by Jenni Mansfield Peal » January 6th, 2006, 7:18 pm

Oh, that poetic moment, that dear prevailing fiction. The smell of it brings us the comfort of our mother's armpit. How willing I am to suspend disbelief that she will put me down and kick me.
Photos by Tom Peal

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Post by mnaz » January 6th, 2006, 11:59 pm

Re: the "War on Terror"....
The need for some types of "actions against terror" (some degree of elevated security here at home, or even perhaps abroad) is not entirely an illusion, given 9/11. Not necessarily.

But BushKo's so-called "Global War On Terror" is utter nonsense, especially the Iraq blunder. It is an attempt at perpetual fear-based deception and manipulation to further a runaway corporate/imperial agenda. It angers me to hear people still defending the Iraq war in terms of its security benefits. The President brought the whole 'security' angle out of retirement in his last speech a couple weeks ago. His speechwriters hoped we'd forgotten about the 9/11 Commission and Duelfler Reports, no doubt.

You don't fight Islamic terrorism by invading Muslim countries which pose no real threat, then endlessly trying to 'suppress' guerrilla-type resistance with a conventional occupying army. Ask the Soviets. That creates more terrorists than it eliminates.

I suppose if one is of the neo-con persuasion, one could argue that this imperial agenda is critical and will serve the U.S. and friends well, in future years.... i.e... secure energy resources and strategic real estate preemptively and get a 'leg up' on the other energy-hungry industrialized nations. OK fine. Tout that pathetic philosophy if you must, but don't tell me this "War on Terror" is making me any more 'secure'. Bullshit.

That's my two cents worth.

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Post by mtmynd » January 7th, 2006, 12:53 pm

mnaz - that may be only two cents worth, but it's enough to bank on.

9-11 struck such fear in America and will be forever remembered. Ever thought if that happened on May 2? Would 5-2 have the same heavy impact as 9-11...? I think not. Something very powerful in bringing those two numbers together - nine and eleven. Its very sound is powerful... unforgetable... like our emergency phone number, the two numbers in and of themselves have an energy that nobody can forget. All Bush has to do is say those two words, 9-11, and it instills a fear (and revenge for some) in people's minds. The date of choice could have been very well planned: 9-11... we can't forget that sound once we hear it.

L'Rod - I saw the Siegfried & Roy show in Las Vegas many years ago and they did the 'disappearing elephant' act.. and act that brought on that suspension of disbelief you speak of. Sure, it is a trick, but what made it a great trick and a suspension of disbelief was that 'I' could not do it... the audience could not do this trick. We could learn this trick, we could practice this act, and we could polish it to the extent that we could fool others into believing that the elephant actually disappeared - how else could it be!

A suspension of disbelief was performed upon America and indeed the world, when the Twin Towers (and a little less so with the Pentagon) were struck that day in September. Not only 'WHY could they do such a thing" but "HOW could they do such a thing?" These two symbols, not of Democracy, but two symbols of capitalism were reduced to rubble within hours... vanished from the skyline of New York City. Not only destroyed, mind you, but disappeared! We could not believe it... and still cannot believe it. We converted from awe to revenge... we wanted to kill those that were responsible. But those that were actually responsible were those that hijacked the plane and killed themselves... gone without a trace like those innocents that lost their own lives - disappeared into the remains of destruction. No magic but an unbelievable act.

Not to be tricked, our government was hell-bent on doing something for being tricked. We are witnessing our own revenge at this act perpetrated upon us... and Bush is tricking us into something much larger than 9/11. The Ides of March are approaching...

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Post by stilltrucking » January 7th, 2006, 9:12 pm

You don't fight Islamic terrorism by invading Muslim countries which pose no real threat, then endlessly trying to 'suppress' guerrilla-type resistance with a conventional occupying army. Ask the Soviets. That creates more terrorists than it eliminates.

I suppose if one is of the neo-con persuasion, one could argue that this imperial agenda is critical and will serve the U.S. and friends well, in future years.... i.e... secure energy resources and strategic real estate preemptively and get a 'leg up' on the other energy-hungry industrialized nations. OK fine. Tout that pathetic philosophy if you must, but don't tell me this "War on Terror" is making me any more 'secure'. Bullshit
. i

n a nut shell ten four not only an empire but a holy roman empire, hell we got or going to got five catholics on the supreme court.

I spent two weeks under house arrest with two preachers, we talked a lot of politics. They trying to convince me that the Bible infallable. Maybe I made my point about the falability of man's reason and the good christian slave holders of the nineteenth century
What really got me about the Apache preacher on the Jesus road was that he conceded the neo-con incompetence, but he could not deal with the corruption, after all are we not honorable men?

Clay ithink my batting average is down to about .250 with this one.

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Post by Zlatko Waterman » October 3rd, 2006, 10:35 am

Terrific work, LR. Great writing chops and stinging wit .

Here is a fairly thorough examination of the word "quagmire" ( a metaphor Houdini might understand) and its mis-application to Iraq:


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Post by Zlatko Waterman » October 3rd, 2006, 10:41 am

The "stealth lie dector" might make it possible for THE GREAT DECIDER
( or DECIDER Jr., as I like to call him) to join the pantheon of unwitting self-incriminators featuring Richard Nixon, THE PRESIDENT WHO BUGGED HIMSELF.

That surely would win the MARK FOLEY ANTI-WEB PREDATOR AWARD.

Talk about science fiction . . .

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