Lethal Injection

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Ann Bingham
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Lethal Injection

Post by Ann Bingham » February 22nd, 2006, 1:04 pm

With the debate going on right now in the state of California; do you think lethal injection should be allowed?

It is my opinion that it should. Damn the cruel and unusual punishment ****.

A man has sat on death row now for 23 years for the torture, rape, and murder of a 17 year old girl. And when it comes right down to the wire the convicts lawyer brings up the cruel and unusual clause of our constitution. First of all why has no one thought of this in the past? And second what gives the convicted the right to be spared any cruelty? What was he thinking at the time he was beating the hell out of this poor girl? What was he thinking as he raped her? Did he think once about how cruel or unusual he was being to her? I think not.

Yes, I know, let God do the punishing. But were there not judges, in the Bible, appointed by God.

I do not think God would appreciate that we sit by and let murderers, and rapist get by in this life scott free. Gods judgement comes on judgement day, when he will ask Jesus shall I let him pass beyond the pearly gates, into a life everlasting. Only Jesus truly knows this mans heart. (Bashing my argument all to hell here.)

No I am not trying to be self righteous. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life. And I know one day I shall be judged for the sins I have committed in this life, and I pray Jesus will forgive me. But neither am I a murderer or rapist. Tho shalt not kill. But now I stray from my point.

Cruel or unusual? Perhaps so. But shouldn't he at least suffer the same as the one he caused to suffer? Or would that be considered vengeance?

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Post by Doreen Peri » February 22nd, 2006, 1:26 pm

Hey Deb (Ann ;) ) - To me, capital punishment is barbaric. I don't care what the crime was. Just my opinion. I think the death sentence should be outlawed. It's theater. Disgusting theater. There's an audience who sits there and watches a man be put to death. Ugh. Makes me ill just thinking about it. Sure, it's appalling to know that a man tortured and raped and murdered a 17-year-old girl and if it were my daughter, I'd definitely want to see justice. And then there are people who have murdered many people and some will say they deserve to die. But, in my opinion when society does the same to the person who committed the crime, society is justifying murder. It is OK to murder to punish someone for murdering? :( Life sentences make more sense. Just keep the sickos off the streets. That's justice. Make sure they can't do it again by never releasing them into society. And keep them separated from other inmates, too, so they can't murder anybody else while incarcerated.

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Post by Glorious Amok » February 22nd, 2006, 1:32 pm

well, i don't believe in god.

at least, not in the kind that judges. which leaves us as the only hope for rationality in the entire universe. and i hold rationality very dear.

so i think we'd better use good judgement.

that said, i flip on the question of capital punishment.
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Post by Ann Bingham » February 22nd, 2006, 1:34 pm

You make a valid point with theater. And I understand the disqust. I find myself asking myself if I could sit on a jury for a trial such as this. I find myself saying no. Not because I feel a person should die for the crime, but because I could not bring myself to find him guilty. I'd find a loop hole somewhere that would say not quilty "beyond a reasonable doubt". Which is why I think I'm bashing my argument all to hell.


by the way nice.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 23rd, 2006, 10:41 am

let God do the punishing
I do not think God would appreciate that
Gods judgement comes on judgement day
Man I tell you Ann it is everything I can do to keep from getting smart ass here (a smart ass is someone who can sit on an ice cream cone and tell you what flavor it is.)

Deleted irrelevant line here.

It seems to me that a lot of our problems with religion come from the fact that many people get the silly notion that God or Jesus or Mohamed needs us to defend them..

I pray Jesus will forgive me
I have ever tried to picture in your mind what Jesus looks like? Is he the skinny hippy hanging on the wall of Catholic churches? Or is he the mesomorph depicted in The Shroud of Turin?


A noun
1 mesomorph
a person with a well-developed muscular body
Category Tree: entity ╚object; physical object ╚living thing; animate thing ╚organism; being ╚person; individual; someone; somebody; mortal; human; soul ╚mesomorph

Have you ever seen those news reels of the Israeli army where they show the black soldiers.? I have had one dream about Jesus, he was a black man. In the dream he was just a cool dude that was very interesting to talk to.. It was only after I woke up that I had the thought it that the guy was Jesus. He spoke with an american mid western accent. Go figure.

As far as the death penalty goes it ain’t so bad if you are free white and twenty one.

But if you are black it ain’t such a good deal

The system is corrupt, too many innocent men have died.
Since 1977, Illinois has freed 13 innocent men from death row. ... Founded in 2000, the Illinois Death Penalty Education Project is a nonpartisan ...
http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/article ... d=1&did=50

DEBBIE: I live in Texas.

BILL: The Lone Star State.

DEBBIE: Yes indeed, we have tons of serial killers and love the death penalty here.
Last edited by stilltrucking on February 23rd, 2006, 2:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by bohonato » February 23rd, 2006, 11:59 am

The Death Penalty is not a deterrent.
To execute a prisoner costs more than life imprisonment.
81 nations support the complete abolishment of the death penalty.
And I agree with them.

No one has the right to take another's life. Not even the government.

And while any one who is on death row is convicted of violating anothers right to life, we become no better by condoning legal murder.

'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy' Matthew 5:7

'You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' ...But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.' Matthew 5:38,39

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Post by firsty » February 23rd, 2006, 12:06 pm

yesindeedly. the death penalty should be abolished. it is immoral, and nationstatesgovernments should have no role in lifedeath except to stand for the protection of the life of its citizenry in general.

death will come to all with nature's cruel random chaos. the state owns no one, even the badPerson. i own me. you own you. revenge is a fantasy and a fallacy and no deterrent for rage.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by Ann Bingham » February 23rd, 2006, 1:00 pm

:? Truck, go head be an ass. Kind of what I'm looking for. A lot of us were discussing this subject at work the night before I posted this. Those at work said let the guy fry. Now I posted this thinking I'd get a debate on both sides. Turns out I was wrong. The majority say it is inhumane

What is the difference between the people I work with and poets, and artists?

I tend to live in the old testament, I suppose, bohonato. Thanks for the reminder of who Jesus was.

Now I know not what Jesus looked like, but I don't think he was a hippy. And so I have strayed from the point of the original post.

Is it cruel and unusual punishment? The doctors are saying yes. Why? Because now they are finding the first drug, drug is not putting the convicted asleep and because the second drug paralyzes them they are unable to let it be know that the third and lethal drug is causing excruciating pain.

Now part of me is saying let him suffer for what he has done. Another is wanting to show compassion.

Truck? If I had such an intimate relationship I do not think I would be as confused as I am. Nor do I think I am any better then anyone else simply because I am female. At times I can't stand being a female simply because I feel I am weak. (Think I opened another kettle of beans with that statement.) It's just how I feel though.

I don't think Jesus is needed for defending, but for saving. Everyone wants to be forgiven, not everyone needs to be defended.

I am tempted to say you forgot male (how the hell do you use that quote thing?) And yes my boyfriend has brought the number of freed innocent to my attention.

O.k. did I cover everything.

love lots

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Post by firsty » February 23rd, 2006, 1:07 pm

causing suffering can be viewed as just. having compassion is inarguably just.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 23rd, 2006, 3:08 pm

Truck? If I had such an intimate relationship I do not think I would be as confused as I am. Nor do I think I am any better then anyone else simply because I am female. At times I can't stand being a female simply because I feel I am weak. (Think I opened another kettle of beans with that statement.) It's just how I feel though.
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I deleted the line about the women and spiritual powers, that was dumb. Gender has nothing to do with it you are right. I

I am sorry to edit after you replied. I will try to put the line back.

We had a similar discussion a while back on the execution of Stan "Tookie" Williams

http://www.studioeight.tv/phpbb/viewtop ... ght=#36796

I see it all with in me Ann, saint sinner, savior devil, good evil, hitler christ everything good and evil in human beings I see it all with in me. I am naked to my self. Is that what enlightenment is? I dont know..

keep the faith in your confusion sister.


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Post by Ann Bingham » February 23rd, 2006, 4:45 pm

Gee, Truck I'm disappointed.. Thought for sure you'd say more but, oh well. Don't get much intellectual stimulation, guess that's why my brain is tuning to mush. Thanks for the lesson. I should write it down for further reference until I've done it a few times.

love lots

I do not think anything you type is irrelevant.

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Post by Doreen Peri » February 23rd, 2006, 4:57 pm

What is the difference between the people I work with and poets, and artists?
I donno, Debann...

I've been trying to figure it out for years. The only answer I've come up with is that most artistically inclined people seem to be more sensitive to life.... more effected by what's going on around them. I could be wrong but from my observation, those who are into the arts have to be that way in order to create the arts they create.

Then again, those who aren't artistically inclined may have a problem with this conclusion I've come to.

But if it is the case that I'm right, then it would follow suit that artistically inclined people would be sensitive to the fact that murder is murder and when we lower ourselves to the level of murderers by killing those who commit murder, then we become them. "We have met the enemy and they is us." - Pogo

I think bohonoto and firsty both stated my opinion about the death penalty better than I could have stated it.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 23rd, 2006, 7:25 pm

But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.' Matthew 5:38,39
"As for experince who has time enough for that?"

Have you ever turned your other cheek? Has anyone ever struck you?

Just curious.

I have turned my other cheek, but it had nothing to do with Jesus.

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Post by Artguy » February 23rd, 2006, 7:32 pm

Theatre...sure take it all the way....make it like American idol...it's all disgusting...but then one has to consider the ratings and the profits of the advertisers....capitalism....capital punishment...why has'nt anyone put the 2 together....

War is on CNN why not punishment....let's make George W the first to go... :twisted:

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Post by Ann Bingham » February 23rd, 2006, 9:19 pm


kind of like tapping into some deep dark depression, DP. Yes perhaps artist look at life a bit differently. But could also be the way a person is raised, or more the effects of childhood. Or even further they are born with a gift. Who know?

I write to let in
I write to let out
I write and thus
I know I exist.

I see the beauty
I draw the beauty
And thus
Beauty remains.

love lots

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