observational angst

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observational angst

Post by judih » May 13th, 2006, 3:00 am

It's a bunch of things.

It's seeing the feminist movement mocked by the cheap sexuality exuded by modern celebrities.

it's reading the newspapers and hearing that fatah bombs israel to undermind hamas and that some israeli politicians want to aid palestinians and others want to open crossings and others are faced with real fear that doing so will put money in the hands of bombers and politicians instead of in the hands of families who want to eat.

it's reading about bush's latest rewrites of the law

it's reading about darfur and genocide and the recurring horror of past genocides and near-genocides.

it's wondering what the hell is going on and why isn't consciousness and respect more on the front burner than who's kissing whom and what idol is what.

it's observational angst and it weighs heavy on me.

no art, no links, just angst.

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Post by stilltrucking » May 13th, 2006, 3:40 am

"Die Angst"
A pain in her heart
cold comfort of consciousness

--it domesticated her wretchedness a little to have that label to pin on."
CP Snow
George Eliot in 1849, though it's treated as a foreign word enclosed in quotes: "'Die Angst' she says often brings on a pain at her heart."
It is three million dead in North Korea
Out of sight out of mind
Until the next sound byte

It is the Masada complex
Macabre games of tit for tat

"When we arm ourselves
We arm our enemies"

The enemy of my enemy
Is my friend

It is Christion Zionists
and Christian soldiers
and christian gunmen

It is for old men sending the young men to be martyrs
It is taking responsibility for suicide bombings

Is is messianic Jews, Muslims, and Hindus

But I will make it through the gotdam night
all right

cause I got one more pomegranate

I feel like it is raining all over the world


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Post by stilltrucking » May 14th, 2006, 7:14 pm

I saw Jane Fonda on Texas Magazine Magazine TV interview today. She is a christian feminist these days. No sexuality just christianity,

A rose is feminism by anyother name, I feel like a pro-feminist sometimes. That is what they call Plath, a pro-feminist.

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Post by Artguy » May 14th, 2006, 8:52 pm

feminism buddhism judaism communism....all the same f____ shit just wrapped differently to make a profit....get rid of all the isms and whats left???....nothingism ....it will never end so we just sit back watch it all and have a good laugh...watch Paris be a fool...et al et al....

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Post by Doreen Peri » May 14th, 2006, 9:08 pm

Yeah, it's a buncha things.

I know.

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Post by stilltrucking » May 14th, 2006, 9:17 pm

:oops: got dam slippery silicon words,

I meant proto-feminist,

a lot of isms Kurt, some are nothing important , other isms like feminism is important,

I mean it is important to me.
Nothing new under the sun they say, just women trying to find their way back to the garden.

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Post by judih » May 14th, 2006, 10:57 pm

humans are in the garden if we'd stop with the games of control and beguile.

Such a wonderful concept.
Don't have to hurt anyone else to simply be who we are.

Even a sadist could take a break and simply enjoy being alive.
That would be garden time.

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Post by stilltrucking » May 14th, 2006, 11:05 pm

be ing

I follow the Nirvana principle not freud,

"Freud does not pay attention to the fact that the destructive instinct aims at the destructive of the object, while sadism wants to keep it in order to control, humiliate or hurt it. Cf. disscusion of sadism in chapter 11The Anatomy of HumanDestructiveness, Erich Fromm
Pardon quote please.

It was a magical night, a walk down the main drag, first time I got out today excpect to take out the trash and water my tomaters and Zinnias. No morning glory this year. I see some neighbors that have fenced off little gardens in front of their cottages. If finances allow I may do that next year. Car died, another think added to the whole buncha stuff.

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