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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » October 6th, 2006, 9:53 pm

Sorry, Deb. I do remember you mentioning the quote function not working in a preview mode in the pm you quoted.

Sorry I didn't address it. I assumed it was something with your browser and it was working OK after that since you never brought it up again.

I never would have thought anybody would mess with your settings in your profile. It just doesn't make any sense that anybody would want to do that. For what purpose?

I can't think of one purpose for it. Those are user settings.

You didn't say that your profile had been changed and you didn't do it. I never heard that until now.

I really can't imagine any of our admins doing that. There are only 4 of us and I'm pretty sure we're all smart enough to know there's no purpose to messing with a member's user profile settings.

The profile settings are for the members. Not for us.

The reason we can access them is for this purpose.... Let's say you can't get in. You can't remember your password. I can go in there and change it for you. I can't access your old password, but I can reset a new one for you. That's the ONLY time I've ever accessed anybody's profiles. There's no other reason to access them in my opinion.

I really think that you probably accidentally hit the settings and changed them yourself.

If, in fact, one of our admins changed your profile, I'll find out.

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Post by Axanderdeath » October 6th, 2006, 10:23 pm

if it makes any difference I am sorry to mousy1. but I have every right to say what ever I want to back to people that say stuff about my writing--mousy1 knows what my witing is about and read it to get pissed off--maybe it sparked some creative juice--maybe mousy one is off writing an amazing novel or book of poetry or maybe she is just too busy to post on this site--I do care about spelling and it is important to spell correctly and all that--I am not argueing that---what ever--mousey if you read this I am sorry to you--I hope you do not think I am a hack and I do not care about what I am doing and that I get credit for the wrong reasons--I do not get that much--mousey your a good and interwesting writer--I should read more on here--and my ego is soring to dangerouse levels alot of the time-

doreen I wil get that poem for you right now--it is that on that --I will ind it
thus spoke G.A.P.

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this one

Post by Axanderdeath » October 6th, 2006, 10:30 pm


It seems that
love is never
love is never

That love
is nowhere
a dream that was never achievable
but once comprehensible
but not now
and never again...

Burns in the chest
rings in the ears
voices of defeat
visions of them
having ever pleasurable sex
with satin sheets
and sweat smile lips sweet swept with ecstasy...

and the reject sulk in their homes
and sulk in vain
with the rain falling
and it's all gone....


to repeat the cries of the hurt
to recall the pain
to eat the dirt
to be there two minutes too late
to never have chance
to forever be lone lonesome
to be a sad breakfast muncher
to be funny fodder of happy
to be and that is all
to be, to be, to be.


turn out the lights
forget about

kim kim kim

obsessions of lone lonesome loser
lock eyes with nothing
lock heart away in
deserted street of dead world

cry for the dead human
humane to the planet
the last standing
broken heart soul...


He stood up
looked around
fell and fell
and fell


Hurt to look
at the eye
of the girl
at the barn
her clothing ripped and torn
her brain split open
when the fog rolled in
I cried with cows
and they fart
and that!
that is existence


Mean meaning never knowing
still it shakes in my soul
never able to touch it
or hold it
or explain it
it lurks along my chest with unease
and I try to scream it away
with no avail
the trial blazing
yearner I am
with little knowhow
but large penis
guiding the sad
masturbated synthetic love
reel to reel of


cry for me cry for me cry for me
wet grass on my back
green plush red and pink
beckons the earth worm
I melt in to the ground and curl up
to the underground world
find a nice warm worm spot to decompose and decompress
pent up feelings.


and the gray days grace
on old drunk eyes
forgiving smiles
of old friends
in moments

book store wandering
in awe of intellect
and envy of boor
bored to death
in easy to understand
philosophy for dummies.

She left a rose on the dresser
she left a note in the drawer and
she took my heart to the cleaners
and took the color of my life out
with bleach

one comfort of creation
procrastination of

What you up to?

What you up to?

No one is there
their all nowhere
nothing to me...

the end
thus spoke G.A.P.

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Post by Doreen Peri » October 6th, 2006, 10:36 pm

Goeff.. thanks for your public statement to mousey1.. that was very nice of you.

Is that poem a submission for the book?

If so, could you please email it to the book email address?

Here it is

You can send up to 8 submissions. Please send them all to that email address. I need all the submissions in one place.

Thank you!

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Post by judih » October 6th, 2006, 11:44 pm

My main admin function here is to delete bots. I've never had to enter anyone's private profile area other to look to see if a new member is a bot or not.

I have never turned off BB codes for deb's profile or anyone else's. Nor would i want to. I received that message from deb but truthfully didn't know what to make of it because of two things. First, it seemed like a tech question and an area over which i've got no expertise and second, deb was in the process of disconnecting from me and made it clear that she wasn't up for conversations between us. That was my impression.

In any case, switching off BB codes is not something I do or have done.

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Post by stilltrucking » October 7th, 2006, 8:38 am

Dear Herr Professor M
Just a mindless ramble on your reply to Doreen, it's all turtles from here on down.

I sometimes wondered if mousey1 was a scientologist. Being “clear” was so important to her. I miss her terribly. Her voice so womanly, I hope she changes her mind. Nothing personal but after twenty seven years of solitude a body gets lonesome for the sound of a woman's voice.
I have such a stupid body. That reminds me of a Rumi poem called Body Intelligence.

To that peckerhead she is probably some old lady. To me she was beautiful. The peckerhead is maybe one of the biggest ageists I have known. But the joke is on him.

I liked your reply a lot.* If I had been in your freshman/sophomore English class in 1959 I would have driven you to despair. You may have actually come down the isle and choked me. English was so boring to me. At that time my interest was only for the sciences. Now I wish I had been a better student of English. But I had no interest in writing at that time. Only reading. Who the hell who needs more English classes I used to think. Hell I already knew how to write. Now it seems too late to learn.

To all English majors here my profound apology for my pitiful punctuation and other crimes against the language.

I liked it a lot*

One of those phrases that sticks in my mind. Put there by someone I met over thirty years ago. A gentle soul who took one bad trip and never got back. He was a med student and a brilliant artist. The last time I met him he told me about aliens who were trying to make him change his chromosomes. He said that if he did not do it the aliens would make him kill himself. I suppose it was something sexual cause he painted pictures of his wife as a she-devil. I cried for him when I learned of his death. But now I know I was crying for myself.

I said I liked it a lot refering to some art of his and he said, "Yes but my lot is bigger than yours."

I wish I had been more helpful to him but I was on the run from my own bad trip. I call it spider love and I have been trying to write about that night and its consequences for thirty-two years. I wonder if there is still a market for drug-crazed hallucinations?

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Post by whimsicaldeb » October 7th, 2006, 11:40 am

doreen peri wrote:You didn't say that your profile had been changed and you didn't do it. I never heard that until now.
At that time in July, like you, I didn't know the BB codes were part of my own profile and that's where and how they could get (got) changed.

I'd always see these...
BBCode is ON
Smilies are ON
Disable HTML in this post
Disable BBCode in this post
Disable Smilies in this post
Notify me when a reply is posted
from the bottom of each reply box (underneath the smilies) and assumed that was where and how they got changed. I remember that at that time, when I saw that my BBCode is OFF I kept trying to turn it back on by clicking on the highlighted BBCode but all that's there is how to use BB codes, not where and how you can turn them on or off.

At that point, I was totally frustrated and angry, so I left.
doreen peri wrote:I really think that you probably accidentally hit the settings and changed them yourself.
I did not turn off my own BB codes, Doreen.

I didn’t see/know they could be turned on or off in my profile until September, and that was because I was at another PHP style board. Plus, after seeing how they are turned on and off from the profile, I don’t think they anyone could accidentally turn them on or off. So …
doreen peri wrote:If, in fact, one of our admins changed your profile, I'll find out.
Thank you.

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Post by Doreen Peri » October 7th, 2006, 12:05 pm

Thank you, judih. I knew you wouldn't have done that. What would be the purpose of it? There is none.


I'm convinced that if you did not inadvertantly change the settings in your own profile, then something screwed up in the software which changed the settings. OR... it is also possible that when you notified me to tell me the quote code wasn't working, I accessed your profile to take a look and goofed and changed the settings the wrong way trying to fix it.

Those are the only 2 things that could have happened. I have asked judih and I have asked Clay if they touched your profile and both said no. I haven't asked firsty yet but I will. As with judih, the only admin duties he ever does is to zap bots because that's all I've asked for.

It was probably me who goofed rather than a software glitch. That's my guess since every time I try to fix something, I screw it up.

Guess what happened last night?

You're not going to believe this.

I banned myself. No shit. I banned my own IP #. I couldn't get in. I was in the admin panel seeing a list of IP#s as accessing ALL the forums and this happens all the time. I know they're bots. So, I was banning IP#s right and left. To check to make sure they were bots, I was copying the IP# first, then doing a google search on it and when I saw page after page referencing this IP as a bot, I knew for sure it was a bot so I'd go to the admin panel and ban it. At one point, to make sure I wasn't banning real people, I copied my own IP# and did a google search and was satisfied because NO pages came up referencing me. Then I went on to the next IP# I saw which was clearly spidering our site. I thought I had copied the # and went to paste it in the ban section. But NO!!! I hadn't copied it using my keyboard shortcut. It was MY IP# which was still copied from when I did a search for it on google. And when I hit paste into the ban section... BLAM.. I was gone! I couldn't get into my own site.

If it wasn't for my AOL dial up connection being available to me, I'd still not be able to get in! I tried getting in on Clay's computer but couldn't because we are on a network and therefore have the same IP. So, I dialed up on AOL which assigned me a new IP# and got in and unbanned myself.

See what a ditz I am? I banned myself from my own forum! hahaha
:shock: jeeezzzzzzzz

So, this is my best guess.... it was either a software glitch which reset your settings (unlikely tho) or it was ME who went in there to try to figure out why your quote code wasn't working and I pushed the wrong goddamn button 'cause I'm an idiot.

Gonna go post a b&w photo to the jam. Hope to see you there.

dp the techie dummy who's so stupid she banned herself

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Post by stilltrucking » October 7th, 2006, 12:09 pm

Hey Geoff Parsons google this:

I been talking about you here but I have been using the honorary title of Peckerhead to refer to you. I called you the biggest badest ageist I have met on the internet. But I don't blame you when I look around at the world we old farts are leaving you.

Mousey1 may have left for other reasons than just you. They say human behavior is over determined.

keep on writing.

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Post by stilltrucking » October 7th, 2006, 12:17 pm

I banned myself. No shit. I banned my own IP #. I couldn't get in.
Can a dynamic IP address be banned?

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Post by Doreen Peri » October 7th, 2006, 12:22 pm

Here's how much I know about that, 'truckin.

What the hell is a dynamic IP#?


Seriously. I have no clue.

I am so over my head being a so-called "webmaster," er webmistress? ha!

At least I'm honest. Nothing is secure here except our host. I'm terribly insecure. Believe me.

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Post by stilltrucking » October 7th, 2006, 12:27 pm

Where is firsty?
When we need him
I have not seen him since I woofed at him last week.

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Post by Doreen Peri » October 7th, 2006, 12:37 pm

That's your answer? "where's firsty?"

You asked me about a dynamic IP# and I said I didn't know what it was and asked you what it was and you answer by asking me where's firsty?

OK well lemme guess.

Do you mean an IP# that generates anew for, for instance, AOL users who dial up and every time they dial up they get a new IP#?

If you mean that.... if that's what you mean by "dynamic" (and I'm just guessing), then the answer is no. You can only ban one IP# at a time, not a series of IP#s which *could* be assigned because you have no idea what they might be.

Anyway... I banned my own cable connection IP# which meant I couldn't get in using either my computer or Clay's computer since our computers are networked together. So, I dialed up instead using AOL which assigned me a different IP# and was able to get in and unban my cable connection IP#.

I'm a ditz, yes, but I figured out how to fix it.

In doing so, though (and you're not going to believe this)... I reversed several years of work by inadvertantly UNbanning ALL the IP#s I had previously banned from bots and peresozo's mutiple names which means they may all come back. Who knows. I couldn't seem to select just ONE number... mine... so I selected them all and now we have NO IP#s banned.

..... Note to Deb.... Does it now make more sense that it was probably me who fucked up your settings?

Another note.... remember when I deleted hester by mistake? She's rarely been back since then. She contacted me and told me she couldn't log in and I tried to "fix" it and ended up deleting her registration by mistake so now none of her posts are searchable. They're still there (thank god), but they're not searchable.

..... idiot, I am...

To all our new members, if all this doesn't make you feel too secure posting here, I don't blame you. Back up your work, please. Save copies of your writing.

Nothing is permanent and the Studio Eight "webmistress" is a ditz.

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Post by stilltrucking » October 7th, 2006, 12:46 pm

There are two kinds of IP addresses
Static and Dynamic
Dynamic changes I think every time you get on the internet. Static always stays the same. My DSL is dyanmic.

Where is firsty was a question not an answer.

I thought he could explain it better..

Could you ban me?

It would be a kindness.

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Post by whimsicaldeb » October 7th, 2006, 12:53 pm

doreen peri wrote:..... Note to Deb.... Does it now make more sense that it was probably me who fucked up your settings?
Wow, well... yes it does, and it makes sense as well. I really didn't think it could have been done accidentally - but I can see now, I'm wrong. And I'm so glad!

Thank you.

However Doreen ~ you're not and never have been, an idiot.

Busy - stretched, doing many things at once thus not able to give any one thing your undivided attention for any length of time. Silly, playful, joyful, full of insight, wisdom, fun and hurried.. but never, in any way, an idiot.
Last edited by whimsicaldeb on October 7th, 2006, 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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