It is about that time again

Nov 2004
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It is about that time again

Post by stilltrucking » September 23rd, 2006, 6:29 pm

Innovator Devises Way Around Electoral College ... ref=slogin

Image ... chines.htm

I guess they have not fixed all the flaws cause March has come and gone.

This is what happened in the wake of last weeks elections in Maryland.
MARYLAND MELTDOWN: Republican Governor Calls for Paper Ballots in November!
A week after the primary election was plagued by human error and technical glitches, Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) called yesterday for the state to scrap its $106 million electronic voting apparatus and revert to a paper ballot system for the November election.

"When in doubt, go paper, go low-tech," he said.

Ehrlich said that, if necessary, he would call a special session of the Maryland General Assembly to change the law to allow paper ballots.

The Republican Governor's call comes after hearings today to investigate Maryland's primary election meltdown on September 12th. ... 21/1545209

I heard a sound byte on NPR about how the Diebold machines can be hacked with a virus that can turn an election around. Apparently there is no security.

On the bright side you won't have to worry about voting in the next election:
A Diebold machine will vote for you.

How does that poem by Brautigan go:
"Watched over by machines of loving grace"?

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Post by stilltrucking » October 27th, 2006, 5:07 pm

Bush, Cheney, and Rove so confident that republicans will maintain control of congress. I can't help wondering what they know.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 8th, 2006, 10:21 am

Happy days are here again?

Control of senate down to races in two states Virginia and Montana

But there is a trouble tabulating the vote in Montana.

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Post by tinkerjack » November 10th, 2006, 11:33 am

Okay so Happy Days Are Here Again.

I feel like the Colts have come back to Baltimore
Allen that jew bastard has gone down in flames.

Just that makes me so happy.

And my homegirl has become the third most powerful person in the USA. Me and old Tommy smilling down on her.

the troops, minimum wage, lower student loan interest rates

a two year window of opportunity

then the nightmare resumes?

McCain talking about sending in more troops,

what the hell do I know.

We had to destroy Iraq before we could save it, make it safe for haliburton.
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Post by Michael » November 25th, 2006, 1:11 pm

Jack, I’ve heard about the “end run” around The Electoral College. It is a legal play in football and it will be legal if states begin to work with one another.

Since the story first surfaced, I believe that California has gotten on board.

I don’t trust any of ‘em, Democrats or Republicans. However, within that context, I find Schwarzenegger a bit confusing. I guess he’s a real opportunist, that’s all.

He’s a “Republican lite” much of the time. I do believe that, if given the “ultimate power”, i.e., head of the executive branch of the federal government, ignorer of the legislative branch and stuffer of the judicial branch, like Bush, Schwarzenegger’s true colors will show and I believe they’ll run within this same Regime.

Of course, he has to get The Constitution changed in order to do that. I actually support two very dangerous constitutional changes. I support abolishing the twenty-second amendment and abolishing the “has to be born in the US to become president” amendment.

They’re dangerous because, just as The Regime’s “strengthening” of the executive branch will be passed on to future presidents, the changes I support could be used by a Regime such as the present Regime.

It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, that I support the abolishment of the stupid Electoral College.

Good links, Jack.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 28th, 2006, 4:25 am

I think the Electoral College has outlived its intended purpose. It is a dangerous anachronism.

I don’t understand why there is so much resistance to a paper trail for those voting machines. Interesting conversation about it here ... 20/1329204

I hope the tide is turning Michael. But sometimes I feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football. The eternal optimist, will Lucy pull the ball away again? Will the democrats conduct business as usual, the same old dog and pony show? At least there will be some congressional oversight; that has been non-existent for the past six years.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 1st, 2006, 9:48 am

Security Of Electronic Voting Is Condemned
Paper Systems Should Be Included, Agency Says
By Cameron W. Barr
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 1, 2006; Page A01

Paperless electronic voting machines used throughout the Washington region and much of the country "cannot be made secure," according to draft recommendations issued this week by a federal agency that advises the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

The assessment by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, one of the government's premier research centers, is the most sweeping condemnation of such voting systems by a federal agency ... 01637.html

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Post by stilltrucking » December 5th, 2006, 10:21 am

Federal Panel Rebuffs Guidelines That Insist on a Paper Trail

By Cameron W. Barr
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 5, 2006; Page B06

A federal advisory group rejected a measure yesterday that would have discouraged states from using electronic voting systems that lack an independent means of verifying their results, according to a spokeswoman for the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

NIST spokeswoman Jan Kosko said the proposal was introduced by Ronald Rivest, a computer science professor at MIT who heads a subcommittee on transparency and security.

Rivest told committee members that software errors in paperless machines could go undetected, leading to a situation in which "an election result is wrong and you have no evidence to show that it's wrong."

Committee member Brit Williams, a computer scientist who has conducted certification evaluations of Georgia's paperless electronic voting system, opposed the measure. "You are talking about basically a reinstallation of the entire voting system hardware," he said. ... 01290.html

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 5th, 2006, 12:47 pm

May I suggest that if you want to talk about anything other than the 2004 election, you post it somewhere else?

This forum has been archived and was for the purpose of discussing the 2004 election as it was happening.

When you post anything that has to do current events, even if they have to do with elections, the posts could be missed because you are posting to an archived forum with a title which refers to the 2004 elections.

Try the Culture forum or General Discussions.

Thanks, jack!

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Post by stilltrucking » December 6th, 2006, 4:09 pm

Ok, I wonder if michael would mind if I moved it to his board?

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 7th, 2006, 12:53 pm

I'm sure he wouldn't mind. If he does? Well, then I'll move it to Culture for you... but I doubt he'd mind. These are topics he's probably love to discuss with you. Post away!

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Post by stilltrucking » August 8th, 2008, 9:23 am

It is about that time again
What's new?

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Post by Doreen Peri » August 8th, 2008, 10:14 am

Clay called me the other day and said he wanted to create a new board to talk about the 2008 election.

He'll be creating it soon.

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Post by XPress » March 5th, 2009, 7:17 pm

Was it ever created?

I couldn't find it, but then again, would it really have been any different?

There are only two options in politics, there is the party that offers you more of the same, and there is the party that offers you less of the same, which is more of the same, but just less of it.

If you vote for the party that offers you less of the same, upon being elected and faced with the reality of the machine, they modify their position to give you more of the same, and if you vote for the party offering you more of the same, because they've invariably run out of steam, they actually end up offering you less of the same, which is more of the same, but just less of it.

The only real positive change that has come about in the last 60 years has been brought about by people who have opted out of this system, and those who did facilitate change, and then later joined, or re-joined the sytem, invariably spent the remainder of their careers underming all they did whilst outside of the system, which can lead us to only one conclusion, and that is that it is the system that is wrong.

The system that exists is one, where a vote for anyone, is a vote for more, or less, the same, whether it be more of the same, or less of the same, which is more of the same, just less of it.

The only way to change the status quo is to opt out of it, because voting, is just going through the motions, and if all were offering is just more of the same, how can we ever expect anything else in return?

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Post by Nazz » June 18th, 2009, 12:27 pm

Wash. DC needs to be gutted. A complete down-to-the-studs-and-rafters remake. It's gone.

Obama will bring us universal health care?
Yeah, rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiigggghhhhttttt!.....


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