Sticks and Stones and Nappy Headed Hos

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Sticks and Stones and Nappy Headed Hos

Post by Lightning Rod » April 13th, 2007, 12:39 pm


Sticks and Stones and Nappy Headed Hos

for release 04-13-07
Washington DC
by Lightning Rod

I'm glad Kurt Vonnegut is dead. Oh, I'll miss him and his irrepressible humor and delightful imagination. But that's just me feeling sorry for myself. I'm glad that Kurt didn't live to see the massive crack in the liberty bell represented by the current Don Imus nappy-headed ho dust-up and also glad that Kurt has an opportunity to spin in his grave so soon after his interment. What would Kilgore Trout have to say about the Imus affair? He would say, "leave the poor man alone, he's a comedian ferchrissakes. Get over it. He's not an officeholder or a policy maker or a moral leader, this wasn't a makaka moment. Imus is just a guy who makes wisecracks on the radio. Let him make a living."

But now, thanks to Rev Al and Rev Jesse 'Hymietown' Jackson, we don't just have an 'N' word, we have a whole 'N' phrase. "Thou shalt not say 'nappy headed hos."

Here's the deal. You can say 'nappy headed ho' if you are talking about Don Imus saying it. But you can't actually say it to a real nappy headed ho. Especially if his name is Al Sharpton.

I admit to being curious about the whole topic. For instance, the question occurs to me: Which part of nappy headed hos is getting people so upset? Is it the nappy headed part or the ho part? Are we to the point where making fun of someone's hairdo is grounds for excommunication? I can understand it when people are upset when they are accused of being prostitutes, even when referring to most of us the accusation is well founded.

The ritual outrage has gone on for several days now. We have seen the requisite wailing and gnashing and yanking of nappy hair. I'm having trouble remembering who it was that Rutgers lost the game to. The whole team and coach were on Oprah yesterday being asked if they felt like that their moment of glory was spoiled by this controversy. Gimmie a break. Rutgers LOST the game. They weren't entitled to a moment of glory. But I'm sure that they are quite happy with their fifteen minutes of fame.

So, Don Imus and his buds are sitting around watching a Bball game. I could picture this happening in my house on a Saturday afternoon. Guys are sitting around watching the black girls with the tattoos cut it up on the court and after tossing a few beers, one of them says, "now ain't those a bunch of nappy headed hos?" This was not a comment made in any serious spirit or context. This didn't come from the mouth of the president or a preacher or an officeholder. This came from the mouth of a comedian who was going for a laugh.

Kurt would have laughed about all the T shirts and teddy bears and coffee cups emblazoned with the phrase, Nappy Headed Ho. I don't particularly feel sorry for Don Imus in this escapade. In just a few seconds of running off at the mouth he galvanized the country and established a franchise. He should patent the brand name--Nappy Headed Hos. I can just see it now stitched on the butt pockets of blue jeans. Britany Spears and Halle Berry could do the commercials with their shaved heads. Here's the slogan: Put Imus on your Anus. He could have a bigger career in fashion than he did in radio.

No joke is a great joke without a sad part. The sad part of the Nappy Headed Ho joke is that we seem to be taking it so seriously. Has our nation really abandoned its sense of humor to this extent? Should we have all our mouths washed out with the soap of political correctness? Next we will have to build concentration camps for kindergarteners who are caught calling names on the playground.

After all the ruckus and the outrage and the self-righteous moral indignation fades away, my prediction is that Imus will be the only one walking away with his dignity in this matter. He has behaved like a gentleman. He apologized profusely and directly and, I believe, sincerely for his little linguistic faux pas. But we live in Salem, folks, so Take Him to the Stocks.

Sticks and Stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me.
--old wives tale
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by stilltrucking » April 13th, 2007, 2:04 pm

"Oh my white brother"
Last edited by stilltrucking on April 14th, 2007, 11:18 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by mtmynd » April 13th, 2007, 2:21 pm

Interesting that Rutgers and team forgave DI and his remarks. But that somehow doesn't make the I-man's life any easier.

So true the country has lost it's sense of humor. This devout seriousness will continue to kill us, if not in body, certainly in spirit.

Good one, elRod.

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Nappy headed joke

Post by Ric » April 13th, 2007, 2:23 pm

The punch line is Christianity...again. :shock:
Hoka Hey

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Post by stilltrucking » April 13th, 2007, 3:36 pm

the punch line is the god almighty dollar again.

"How much does it cost, I'll buy it"

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Post by iblieve » April 17th, 2007, 2:27 pm

Here's the deal. You can say 'nappy headed ho' if you are talking about Don Imus saying it. But you can't actually say it to a real nappy headed ho. Especially if his name is Al Sharpton.

You got that right, Sharpton and Jackson are nappy headed dollar chasing whores, nothing they did was for the Rutgers team it was for the jackson Sharpton tean or bank account. I knew before this happened Rutgers got beat by Tennesse a powerhouse in women's absket ball, I also knew that Rutgers beat the #1 team in the country at the time LSU to get the chance to play Tenn. I think they accomplished a lot, a black goliath chopping down the powerhouses from the south, but hey we overlook that.

I was never a fan of Imus, he is a character assassinator, but fuck who isn't anymore. Jackson and Sharpton are more of a racist than Imus, they do it every day and still live in the 60's, we have moved on as a country and they should too, as one balck journalist said, "Who appointed them the leaders of the black community, I didn't know we had an election." So yeah, its a shame but life in America is shameful.

A poem I wrote when this mess first started.

IMUS Tell You
It's that dark secret whispered in exalted halls behind fortified walls of privileged conspiracy,
(in both black and white halls of shameful tolerance.)
It lurks in the hearts of the common man looking for someone to blame,
(for his poverty and loss of hope in the American dream
stolen in those same exalted halls by privileged conspiracy.)
If you listen carefully, ears to the walls you can hear it followed by knowing giggles and haughty laughter.

They tell you this is a new age of understanding and enlightenment.
The only thing that has really changed is that is was forced underground
but its roots are stronger than ever, its tendrils longer
(entwined around the social structure infiltrating the insidious institutions of man with its evil intent.)

Imus tell you the truth of the matter in unadulterated words
He meant it, every fucking word disguised as humorous banter.
It slipped out to prick the minds of everyone and its effects are tremendous.
The powerful black coalitions stepped to the forefront condemning the statements under the bright camera lights.
(A side note; these same people watch BET where whites, Latinos and Asian people are regularly the but of the jokes.

When we start looking at it not from a black or white perspective but from a human perspective then it might change
please don’t hold your breath, it will not change anytime soon.
Don Imus showed the rotting disease in his heart
well hidden by his good deeds, which he mentions repeatedly.
I won’t watch or listen to his shows, truthfully I never did,
(his brand of character assignation cloaked as humor never appealed to me)
But then again I don’t watch BET Comedy shows either, both are offensive to me.
Racism is racism and I don’t give a fuck what color your skin is , it's wrong.

So yes they are calling for Don Imus to be fired, who cares
(fire the mother fucker and hire a young black female to crack the racial jokes and character assassinate for profit,
its still the same fucking disease.
Will it cure the problem
fuck no!!!!
The cure will take much more than these lazy-ass parents are willing to give.
It will take diligence and perseverance to teach their children a new mentality,
to teach them humanity instead of racism
but hey, parents are busy and lazy so it aint happening.
Imus tell you
it isn’t going to get better until YOU
purge the hatred from Your heart,
blame Imus if you will
I blame MYSELF and YOU.
DARC Poet's Society.

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