Resurrection, Now (my new book of poems) *just released*

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Resurrection, Now (my new book of poems) *just released*

Post by Cenacle » May 17th, 2007, 5:28 pm

Scriptor Press's RaiBooks project has been dormant for
three years & the new entry in its series has been half-made since at
least 2002 when I lived in Portland, Oregon (I even has a copy
of what the book in rough draft form looked like back then).

It is my pleasure to tell that my book of late ‘90s poems, Resurrection, Now,
is finally finished.

It is the sixth book in the RaiBooks series & I vow no such gap of
time shall pass between volumes again!

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Post by judih » May 25th, 2007, 6:09 am

This is a great array of Ray-work.
i love the flow and the beat of this volume.
The artwork, too, is perfect in its touch and accent, and that final portrait is superbly cool. A large man captured in a moment of pensive solace - the world large around but nothing compared to the thoughts that encompass it.

Thought of printing it out on off-white paper.

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Post by Cenacle » May 25th, 2007, 6:22 pm

The story of that photo is a kind of fun wife Kassi shares with me a strange liking for alleys...which Seattle has many of, some which run on for blocks on end, it seems...

Back in January, we'd gone to see David Lynch's great new movie "Inland Empire" and exited the movie theatre into an alley that was perfect, full of grafitti and dumpsters and boarded up windows and so on. We took lots of pictures. The one on my book KD took at my request, but as there were people coming, and she got spooked, she just snapped it and off we it was just a moment's hurried snap, and what luck.

Sometimes cameras hand you a gift. I couldn't think of a more accurate picture of me than caught sitting on a garrishly bright couch in an alley...

we were still inside "Inland Empire" as all of this was going on! What a trip! :wink:

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