Sunday Stream (160) ~ being betwixt and between because

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

Moderator: mtmynd

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Post by mtmynd » April 29th, 2008, 2:48 pm

gypsy : "Sometimes, when I have a moment, the duality fades, the line between within and without blurs."

i appreciate those moments very much. 'now' is most powerful, powerful enough to vaporize duality. 8)

yab : "I like this side of you."

cool. it's the dark side of my moon...

yab : "I really fuckin like that piece of art to(o)."

i think it has something for you, too, yab. it's a vibe thing. i feel it. :)

thanks for the replies. i'm content.

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Post by YABYUM » April 29th, 2008, 3:12 pm

I always have issues with using to and too. I do know the difference, i swear. i have spent time with Ellipsis. Lots of time. When you spend time with that chick, you are forced to learn proper EVERYTHING in your writing.
To this day she and I will spend 5 hours talking about and breaking down one single stanza. She would never let me hear the end of it if she found that post.

Posts: 7752
Joined: August 15th, 2004, 8:54 pm
Location: El Paso

Post by mtmynd » April 29th, 2008, 3:22 pm

:lol: :lol: after writing for so (too) damn long, and having this firefox spell checker checking every letter i write, "i yest kan't hep myself, mannn!" Ellipsis and i would have a great go 'round. hah! Soo can be a stickler for spelling, too (!).

Sorry i made you feel that, Ron... really.

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