Sunday Stream (163) ~ Make Beliefs

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (163) ~ Make Beliefs

Post by mtmynd » May 11th, 2008, 10:26 am

Make Beliefs
When Time & Space Collide

Have you ever seen a conceptual picture of what the universe looks like from an area in space where there is nothing but empty space and there before you your eyes take in the glow of the entire known and unknown universe ? There on the outside edge you might see a very tiny arrow pointing to an even tinier area that the illustrator defines as our solar system. We are asked to see our planet Earth rotating around our Sun.

It makes one seem totally insignificant. But on the other hand there is something wonderful about imagining this enormous universe that transcends any and all matter functioning in a majestic clockwork fashion, ticking away, as it certainly must, with perfect purpose. Why else would it be?

On this level of perception one can visualize that within the universe there is no day and no night... only the perpetual light given off by the universe, building and destroying galaxies, black holes swallowing other constellations, unbelievably humongous clouds giving birth to new stars and suns that we will never be able to see. And by the time this light reaches our one tiny planet millions of light years away (the amount of time it takes for light to travel one year times the years), we, who envision such a scenario have long been parted from this plane of existence.

This one universal happening... this coalescence of matter creating, destroying, birthing, replicating, being swallowed by black holes is actually one. A one that cannot be anything but change... change and movement. The theoretical Big Bang that is moving further and further apart as it (we) are dispelled throughout the mysterious emptiness that surrounds all matter as if it were infinitely small and needy for survival from the unknown that gave it its existence.

here we are in our physical reality,
relying on this existence of all matter
to continue to matter,
no matter the consequence

our matter will never be destroyed
but assimilated into and by
the energy of infinite perpetuity
lovingly embraced by matter-less,
absolute, eternal consciousness
where time/space is but yet
another blip on the
monitor of eternity

No thing exists as does all thing... an interplay of duality in order to bring the light of awareness to the mysteries of Being where all answers are but particles for a never-ending feast of theories voraciously feeding from the trough of questions posed by the necessity of mind in a futile attempt to satisfy it's hunger for a knowledge that transcends it's capabilities... making beliefs.

Cecil B. Lee
11 May 2008

mAke bEliEvE


Mexican dolls in a Mexican store in Mexico one morning
Photo: Cecil B. Lee

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Post by Arcadia » May 11th, 2008, 10:40 am

colorful dolls, I liked them more than the rubber-plastic ones when I was a kid!!!!!!! :)

thanks for the stream, Cecil!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Post by mtmynd » May 11th, 2008, 8:59 pm

Gracias, amiga mia and happy you liked las munecas. :)

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Post by westcoast » May 11th, 2008, 9:24 pm


a boggled mind is my appropriate response. it surely is sum thing in perpetuity, even when it is nothing.

i like how you laid it all out there cecil.

thank you for another great read to thought.


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Post by mtmynd » May 11th, 2008, 11:27 pm

... and thank you! for your read, westie! glad you enjoyed the thought. :wink:

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Post by sooZen » May 11th, 2008, 11:28 pm constantly continue to amaze me! Sometimes I wonder, who is this guy that I supposedly 'know' and then I know, I have so much more to find out about you (and the universe.) :wink: 'Tis a mystery that continues to unfold. Thank you for streaming.
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Post by mtmynd » May 11th, 2008, 11:38 pm

(( psst!, Soo... i enjoy amazing you. gives me a pleasant tickle. thx! :) ))

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Post by Artguy » May 20th, 2008, 10:05 am

No beginning end ...form is formlessness....and on and on etc...etc....boom...

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Post by WIREMAN » May 20th, 2008, 7:24 pm

it's all beyond
trying to get to
we just have this
"NOW"......that is ours

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Post by mtmynd » May 25th, 2008, 6:27 pm

artguy... the boomman was there when the big bang began the begin. :wink:

wired... sneaking peaks beyond the now is very un-now, you know!

gracias... a week later... things just keep on keeping on.

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Post by SmileGRL » May 27th, 2008, 5:00 pm


awesome writ and pretty dolls

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Post by mtmynd » May 28th, 2008, 12:26 am

Thank you so much, smileGRL! Welcome to S8. It's great seeing you here... I like that! ;-)

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