Picking a Tarot Card for the Day at Osho.com

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Picking a Tarot Card for the Day at Osho.com

Post by judih » December 25th, 2004, 3:34 pm

This is what i pulled for today. i like it and think it might be for all of us.


Life repeats itself mindlessly - unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel. That's why Buddhists call it the wheel of life and death, the wheel of time. It moves like a wheel: birth is followed by death, death is followed by birth; love is followed by hate, hate is followed by love; success is followed by failure, failure is followed by success.

Just see! If you can watch just for a few days, you will see a pattern emerging, a wheel pattern. One day, a fine morning, you are feeling so good and so happy, and another day you are so dull, so dead that you start thinking of committing suicide. And just the other day you were so full of life, so blissful that you were feeling thankful to God, that you were in a mood of deep gratefulness, and today there is great complaint and you don't see the point why one should go on living.... And it goes on and on, but you don't see the pattern. Once you see the pattern, you can get out of it.

Osho Take it Easy, Volume 1 Chapter 7

The symbol in this card is an enormous wheel representing time, fate, karma. Galaxies spin around this constantly moving circle, and the twelve signs of the zodiac appear on its circumference. Just inside the circumference are the eight trigrams of the I Ching, and even closer to the center are the four directions, each illuminated by the energy of lightning. The spinning triangle is at this moment pointed upward, toward the divine, and the Chinese symbol of yin and yang, male and female, creative and receptive, lies at the center.

It has often been said that the only unchanging thing in the world is change itself. Life is continuously changing, evolving, dying and being reborn. All opposites play a part in this vast circular pattern. If you cling to the edge of the wheel you can get dizzy! Move toward the center of the cyclone and relax, knowing that this too will pass.

Try it yourself:
http://www.osho.com/Main.cfm?Area=Magaz ... ge=English

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Post by judih » December 25th, 2004, 11:24 pm

It's a present from Soo!
i've been indulging for a few years and those cards have led me towards reflection many a day


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Post by Doreen Peri » December 25th, 2004, 11:34 pm

Here's the one I got

[img]http://www.osho.com/magazine/tarot/picC ... heFool.jpg[/img]

The Fool

A fool is one who goes on trusting; a fool is one who goes on trusting against all his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you. Then you will say that he is a fool, he does not learn. His trust is tremendous; his trust is so pure that nobody can corrupt it.

Be a fool in the Taoist sense, in the Zen sense. Don´t try to create a wall of knowledge around you. Whatsoever experience comes to you, let it happen, and then go on dropping it. Go on cleaning your mind continuously; go on dying to the past so you remain in the present, herenow, as if just born, just a babe.

In the beginning it is going to be very difficult. The world will start taking advantage of you...let them. They are poor fellows. Even if you are cheated and deceived and robbed, let it happen, because that which is really yours cannot be robbed from you, that which is really yours nobody can steal from you.

And each time you don´t allow situations to corrupt you, that opportunity will become an integration inside. Your soul will become more crystallized.

Osho Dang Dang Doko Dang Chapter 2


Moment to moment, and with every step, the Fool leaves the past behind. He carries nothing more than his purity, innocence and trust, symbolized by the white rose in his hand. The pattern on his waistcoat contains the colors of all four elements of the tarot, indicating that he is in harmony with all that surrounds him. His intuition is functioning at its peak. At this moment the Fool has the support of the universe to make this jump into the unknown. Adventures await him in the river of life.

The card indicates that if you trust your intuition right now, your feeling of the 'rightness' of things, you cannot go wrong. Your actions may appear 'foolish' to others, or even to yourself, if you try to analyze them with the rational mind. But the 'zero' place occupied by the Fool is the numberless number where trust and innocence are the guides, not skepticism and past experience.
Ya think they got me pegged? LOL! Well, maybe. But next time, I'll draw another one.

Thanks for the link.... happy lights for winter nights....

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Post by judih » December 26th, 2004, 1:10 am

we get what we get
fools we may be
as long as we do it the best we can

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 26th, 2004, 1:26 am

hi judih!

I think the Fool card is one of the most fortunate cards of all.

I would much rather be blindly trusting than any other way.

Any other way removes possibilities.

I might miss something right, otherwise.

I think we are all doing the best we can, for the most part.

The earth has very few slackers, if any.

It is our work and our joy to do the best we can, no matter the consequences or results and because of them.

My sister has a philosophy which says we are here for one purpose. To do it. We have no choice. No matter which cards are dealt, we have to do it. And we do. As well as we can.

I like the Fool card. It was a perfect deal for me tonight. What better time to be blindly trusting than during winter light holidays when we recognize the birth of each spirit as a gift to the rest?

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Post by sooZen » December 28th, 2004, 10:20 am


As you move above to the fourth center - that is the heart - your whole life becomes a sharing of love. The third center has created the abundance of love. By reaching to the third center in meditation, you have become so overflowing with love, with compassion, and you want to share. It happens at the fourth center, the heart.

That's why even in the ordinary world people think love comes out of the heart. For them it is just hearsay, they have heard it; they don't know it because they have never reached to their heart. But the meditator finally reaches to the heart. As he has reached to the center of his being - the third center - suddenly an explosion of love and compassion and joy and blissfulness and benediction has arisen in him with such a force that it hits his heart and opens the heart. The heart is just in the middle of all your seven centers - three centers below, three centers above. You have come exactly to the middle.

Osho The Search: Talks on the Ten Bulls of Zen Chapter2

The Queen of Fire is so rich, so much a queen, that she can afford to give. It doesn't even occur to her to take inventories or to put something aside for later. She dispenses her treasures without limits, welcoming all and sundry to partake of the abundance, fertility and light that surrounds her.

When you draw this card, it suggests that you too are in a situation where you have an opportunity to share your love, your joy and your laughter. And in sharing, you find that you feel even more full.

There is no need to go anywhere or to make any special effort. You find that you can enjoy sensuality without possessiveness or attachment, can give birth to a child or to a new project with an equal sense of creativity fulfilled.

Everything around you seems to be "coming together" now. Enjoy it, ground yourself in it, and let the abundance in you and around you overflow
Osho, the Zen mystic, old fool and wise man has been a teacher for me for many, many years. His words always cause me to reflect upon not only my situation but the world at large and how all is connected. Today I picked this card, a card of abundance and sharing. The greatest of tragedies in one's life can become the time of the greatest compassion. This is true for the world in which we dwell and to focus on the worst instead of focusing one's energy on giving and the opportunity to share is wasted energy that serves no purpose other than pity and a negative vibe. This is the moment of sharing...
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Post by knip » December 28th, 2004, 10:44 am

what am i missing by believing this is all gobbledy-gook?

not being insulting here...feels like i am missing something though...and was wondering what that was

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Post by sooZen » December 28th, 2004, 11:07 am

Hi Knip, you are not missing anything unless you think you are...

No one should convince you of what it is you should believe unless you experience that on a personal level. To remain sceptical, and to question all will serve you well. When you start to question others beliefs or knowledge remember that all experience is different and unique to each individual. Or you can look at it as just fun and games...and take it with a light heart and a smile.


edited for spelling
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Post by knip » December 28th, 2004, 12:40 pm

yeah, you are mirroring what i was thinking after i typed that...i used to pooh-pooh others' beliefs if they didn't mirror mine, which basically meant if they believed in anything at all they were stupid...once i realized that my believing almost completely in science and considering the bible and other religious texts to be simply works of fiction required my own leap of faith, to a certain extent...then i started understanding the personal nature of beliefs and that all require faith at some level...

was merely searching for some info...i don't know much about the cards at all

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Post by sooZen » December 28th, 2004, 1:22 pm

Here is a link with some history of the Tarot cards if you care to find out more:


Just as we can reason and know things on a conscious level, there is also our unconscious and intuitive side and neither should be ignored or dismissed for both sides of ourselves are necessary to insure our preservation. Scientists still know so very little about the capacities of our brains and what we are capable of knowing on more than one level. We may know things on an unconcious level and the cards are a way of bringing those things we know to the surface, consciously. Of course, if one doesn't believe this is possible, one closes their mind to infinite possibilities. Remain sceptical. of course and yet, remaining open to the mysteries of life may lead one to a form of enlightenment beyond the conscious self. It is not important to me what anyone else 'believes' for we all must reach our own enlightenment or understanding as individuals, on our path, our own pace.

You are wise to understand that pooh-poohing something before knowing anything about it is foolish but so is believing something just because someone else does. The cards may never mean anything to you other than a curiosity. Nothing wrong with that!

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Post by stilltrucking » December 28th, 2004, 3:58 pm


We are miserable because we are too much in the self. What does it mean when I say we are too much in the self? And what exactly happens when we are too much in the self? Either you can be in existence or you can be in the self--both are not possible together. To be in the self means to be apart, to be separate. To be in the self means to become an island. To be in the self means to draw a boundary line around you. To be in the self means to make a distinction between 'this I am' and 'that I am not'. The definition, the boundary, between "I" and "not I" is what the self is--the self isolates. And it makes you frozen--you are no longer flowing. If you are flowing the self cannot exist. Hence people have become almost like ice-cubes. They don't have any warmth, they don't have any love--love is warmth and they are afraid of love. If warmth comes to them they will start melting and the boundaries will disappear. In love the boundaries disappear; in joy also the boundaries disappear, because joy is not cold.

Osho Zen: The Path of Paradox, Volume 1 Chapter 5


In our society, men in particular have been taught not to cry, to put a brave face on things when they get hurt and not show that they are in pain. But women can fall into this trap too, and all of us at one time or another might feel that the only way to survive is to close off our feelings and emotions so we can't be hurt again. If our pain is particularly deep, we might even try to hide it from ourselves. This can make us frozen, rigid, because deep down we know that one small break in the ice will free the hurt to start circulating through us again. The rainbow-colored tears on this person's face hold the key to breaking out of this 'ice-olation'. The tears, and only the tears, have the power to melt the ice. It's okay to cry, and there is no reason to feel ashamed of your tears. Crying helps us to let go of pain, allows us to be gentle with ourselves, and finally helps us to heal.

I been thinking about your post the feelings of suicide, as I went through my posts deleting one after another while thinking of Sylvia Plath's character in The Bell Jar sitting on top of that tall building in New York, the thought crossed my mind what is next? Suicide? I did not think so, more like a healing, a shedding of skin, I only wished I was isolated, in truth I live among a sea of people, and my phone rings constantly, and there are family obligations, a man my age should not have to deal with those, where is my cave, where is my monk's cell.
What a question. But full marks for trying. You can write any time people will leave you alone and not interrupt you. Or rather you can if you will be ruthless enough about it. But the best writing is certainly when you are in love. If it is all the same to you I would rather not expound on that.
http://www.parisreview.com/viewintervie ... rmMID/4825

Knip I don't know to much about it myself, but I have a lot of confidence in these women. So I try to keep an open mind

in accordance with my no deletion policy I have to leave this one but dam I feel stupid
Last edited by stilltrucking on December 28th, 2004, 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 28th, 2004, 11:41 pm

Osho.com anything to do with the enlightened group that settled in antelope oregon and started trying to murder peple.

I wonder as I wander
But I don't want no truck with those people.


http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia. ... neesh.html

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Post by sooZen » December 29th, 2004, 2:38 pm

still trucking, I did say earlier that besides being a wise man, Osho was an old fool. I am well aware of his history, tales and other stories about him. One thing I keep in mind is his words, and I paraphrase, "do not follow me, master yourself..." Blind allegiance to anything or anyone is foolish. Even an old fool or the least among us can inspire with wisdom. My Down's son Nate has more horse sense than many 'educated' folks I know. Also, even the most enlightened may fall prey to deceit or being used by others, for after all, they are human.

I read Osho's words without judgement for nowhere does he ask me to follow in his footsteps but to find my own path. I can take it or leave it without fanaticism. I think cults happen because many want someone else to make choices for them, tell them the way, show them the 'truth' but no one can do that for us individually unless we allow ourselves to be deceived. I am not going to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" for there are many nuggets of wisdom to be found in the old fool's words. Besides, I have learned long ago that pedestals are just another place to fall off of...

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Post by stilltrucking » December 29th, 2004, 5:42 pm

Osho is dead, or so I have heard.
I have no problem with him
I just don't want no truck with osho.com
I regret picking a card
I regret making the post
If I could I would take it back
but if i keep deleting posts, then I may create proplems for DP, so that is about it. I don't think it was Osho who wanted to spray salmonella germs on that salad bar in that restaurant in Oregon.
But all those happy go lucky kids in red
well I don't trust them,

happy new year

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Post by Glorious Amok » January 23rd, 2005, 6:35 pm

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v30/V ... ration.bmp

The conflict is in man. Unless it is resolved there, it cannot be resolved anywhere else. The politics is within you; it is between the two parts of the mind. A very small bridge exists. If that bridge is broken through some accident, through some physiological defect or something else, the person becomes split, the person becomes two persons and the phenomenon of schizophrenia or split personality happens.

If the bridge is broken - and the bridge is very fragile - then you become two, you behave like two persons. In the morning you are very loving, very beautiful; in the evening you are very angry, absolutely different. You don't remember your morning...how can you remember? Another mind was functioning - and the person becomes two persons. If this bridge is strengthened so much that the two minds disappear as two and become one, then integration, then crystallization, arises.

What George Gurdjieff used to call the crystallization of being is nothing but these two minds becoming one, the meeting of the male and the female within, the meeting of yin and yang, the meeting of the left and right, the meeting of logic and illogic, the meeting of Plato and Aristotle.

Osho Ancient Music in the Pines Chapter 1

The image of integration is the unio mystica, the fusion of opposites. This is a time of communication between the previously experienced dualities of life. Rather than night opposing day, dark suppressing light, they work together to create a unified whole, turning endlessly one into the other, each containing in its deepest core the seed of the opposite.

The eagle and the swan are both beings of flight and majesty. The eagle is the embodiment of power and aloneness. The swan is the embodiment of space and purity, gently floating and diving, upon and within the element of the emotions, entirely content and complete within her perfection and beauty.

We are the union of eagle and swan: male and female, fire and water, life and death. The card of integration is the symbol of self-creation, new life, and mystical union; otherwise known as alchemy.
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