hey jimmy!

This is Constantine's artlog. He posted his poems in his own artlog forum for several years. He named the forum "Constantinople" and described it as "A byzantine journey through life's labyrinth."
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hey jimmy!

Post by constantine » June 20th, 2008, 12:09 pm

don't know what the hell will happen
all i know is that it will happen
and when it finally does happen
i won't know what will happen next
that would frustrate a lesser man
but the latest version of me
tends to thrive on he unpredictable
he likes to teeter on the edge
and spit into the great abyss
it's like a surprise party
with a revolving door
that leads to another surprise party
that isn't the real surprise party
but one to allay your suspicions
so they can pull another one out of their sleeve
like an endless skein of crayola bandanas
it's like living in a novelty shop
you open a can of mixed nuts
fully expecting one of those
springy snake thing deals
to sproing in your face
only it's mixed nuts instead
but you really wanted a springy snake thing
so you console yourself with that old
religious mumbo jumbo voodoo shit
that you should be thankful
it wasn't a real snake
i mean like what the fuck man
it's a novelty shop for chrissake
i've got to watch myself or i'll repent
and what if i do repent
what'll that get me
eternity? great
that's just what i fucking need
if you liked me on earth
you'll love me in eternity
i'll wear it like a glove
like one of those mittens
your mommy made you wear
she used to make me wear leggings
that was a drag even in kindergarten
i don't care how cold it is in eternity
i'll never wear leggings again mom
do you hear me mom
yeah you!
no more mittens
fuck the leggings
and hold the mayo
no, i don't want fish sticks
i don't care if it's gorton's
fuck gorton and the squid he rode in on
ink sac motherfucker
jet-propelled spooky ass cephalopodic bastard
that's what you are
and you know it
damn right you know it
now you're changing colors
i guess that means you're pissed off
well join the club
you cuttlefish wannabe
this ain't the junior prom
hey jimmy
is this the junior prom
squidboy thinks it's the junior prom
wanna dance squidboy
oh that's right, you can't dance
or maybe you can and won't
yeah, that's it
you're pretty slick for a cephalopod
i'm beginning to like you mister squid
you've got class
for a nervy ass squid you're alright
drinks on me
your money's no good here
try the wine
too good to drink with me?
ya lousy bum
hey jimmy...

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Post by gypsyjoker » June 21st, 2008, 4:18 am

if you liked me on earth
you'll love me in eternity

I don't know what it is about this poem
that speaks to me
But don't let me encourage you
it is probably a terrible poem
and I am too ignorant to realize it
So I love the got dam thing

That bit about eternity reminds me of a book I have never read something about the five people you will meet in heaven. Somebody had a post on studio eight about it. Asking who would you like to spend eternity with? Some of the answers gave me the squirms. Hunter S Thompson? Man eternity seems like a long time. I think HST might wear on me after the first couple billion years. But I am a solitary soul, not too many people I could imagine myself there with.

anyway this is the second time I have lavished praise on this one,

I enjoyed reading it.
very much
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Post by constantine » June 23rd, 2008, 2:30 pm

i liked the poem for its lack of linearness. just a string of seperate angles interelated by word or thought association - sort of like how we think. i enjoy reading your writing - your replies are poems in themselves and good ones at that.

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