The Poet's Eye 
                    commentary by Lightning Rod

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Terrorists Planning Summer Attack?

WASHINGTON (May 25) -- US officials have obtained new intelligence deemed highly credible indicating al-Qaida or other terrorists are in the United States and preparing to launch a major attack this summer, The Associated Press has learned.

The intelligence does not include a time, place or method of attack but is among the most disturbing received by the government since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to a senior federal counter-terrorism official who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity Tuesday.


I know this sounds like a parody that Lightning Rod would write, but it's not. It's the lead story on AOL. (Time-Warner, CNN)

What do they think? That we are living in a spy novel? Then we see Ashcroft and Mueller standing in front of the photos of brown skinned suspects doing their John Walsh America's Most Wanted act.

If you will examine the content of the above paragraphs you can see that there is no real information. It is somebody who won't say who he is, telling you something he doesn't know shit from shinola about. He doesn't know when or where or how and he doesn't want to attach his name even to these vague statements. Is there something fishy here?

There is absolutely no information in these paragraphs, only Message. And the message is: Get Scared. They figure a scared voter will vote for the incumbent. As if anything this administration is doing is going to protect you if some nut ties a six-pack of dynamite sticks to his midriff and walks into a shopping mall or if a couple of teenagers go crazy with angst and shoot up their high school or if some misled country boy flips out on Christian fundamentalist racism and parks a Ryder truck full of fertilizer in front of a courthouse.

Again and again we have seen these fits of hyper-vigilance inspired by our new Department of Homeland Insecurity. Five times in the last year and a half they have dramatized this political irritation by raising the alert color from yellow to orange and grounding aircraft. Where is the alert level on national health insurance? The Poet's Eye sees red. The two hundred billion dollars we have squandered on the Iraq and Afghan Wars so far would have gone a long way toward endowing a national health insurance system.

It's a systematic sales job. What are they selling? They are selling you on the idea that there are 'evildoers' out there just waiting to do you in. And only the government can protect you and all it costs is total control over your life and your will and your information and your finances. What a deal. But does it come with insurance?

So, even though they have jacked up the alert level time after time, we have seen no terrorist attacks since the big kahoona on 9/11. Why? It's certainly not because they make you take the change out of your pockets at airports.

The definition of terrorism is: violence directed against innocents in order to make a political (or religious) statement. There is precious little political statement that can be made by blowing up a shopping mall in Duluth, which is where this poet plans to be during the Olympics.

The definition of war has relaxed in recent times. We have not seen a real war declared since WWII. Since then the only wars declared have been in the hyperbole of political speech. We have had Wars on Crime, Wars on Poverty, Wars on Drugs, and now a War on Terror. All of these wars are political fabrications, metaphors. Not one crime has been eradicated,poverty persists, not one drug has been killed or even wounded and terror happens every night in the dreams of little boys and little girls. These wars are perfect wars because they will never end.

The Poet's Eye sees that our resources would be better spent if we declared war on a more tangible enemy than "terror." (Or is it 'terra?')

How about starvation or AIDS? Maybe we should declare war on the uninsured.

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