
January 2005
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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » December 31st, 2004, 8:38 pm

I usually eschew new year's resolutions because they normally involve either doing something I don't want to do or not doing something that I enjoy.

This Christmas, doreen's son flew in from Seattle where he is haltingly trying to practice the revolutionary arts. He asked me not to smoke around him. I said, "Fine, when you see me light up you are free to leave the room." I pointed to the deck out back where the temperature is about 20 degrees and said, "That's the breathing section. In here is the smoking section." He thought I was joking, so I lit a cigarette.

I can remember and appreciate the arrogance of youth. I had a healthy dose of it myself. I felt like forcing my opinions on others. I would think nothing of getting into an argument about religion or politics. I took to the streets to protest a war that I knew was wrong. So, if doreen's son wants to wear a Yassur Arafat head dress and learn a few words of Arabic, that's fine with me, but I don't want him coming into my house and telling me how to manage my behavior.

When I go to someone else's house and they prefer that I not smoke there, I honor that desire and go smoke outside in the 20 degree weather. It's their house. It is an extension of their body. It deserves to be respected.

This year my resolution is to promote Body Sovereignty with all my energy.

What are your new year's resolutions?
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I have to agree with you!

Post by Sharon » December 31st, 2004, 11:46 pm

I have to agree with you 100% - if it is your home you damn well do whatever you want there, and if people don't like it - it is their choice to make a decision for their comfort.

I used to smoke and quit, and to be honest I can't stand the smell at all anymore, but I am not rude about it. So few smoke up here in Canada now, as there are far too many laws governing where and when you do it - plus cigs are over $80. a carton now with the government wanting you to quit.

I say, every person has a right to pick their own spade.

Have a wonderful New Year!
~* Carpe' Diem *~

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 31st, 2004, 11:56 pm

Sharon! great to see you here! *whew*... darn computers have a mind of their own, don't they? ;)

LR posted this same statement earlier in another thread on another forum here earlier -

and I disagreed with him bigtime, but hell, you know me... I'll do that from time to time... :mrgreen:

Happy New to You! [insert smoking bandit smiley here currently unavailable but later to be added maybe] - looking forward to reading one of your stand-up routines... and of course, your beautiful poetry.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 1st, 2005, 12:25 am

a man's castle
if I won the lotto I would have a non smoking wing for friends with health issures

it is 2005 by judih's clock
by time I post this it will be 2005 in virginia, me I won't make to 2005 cst, good night thank you all for what you have made here.

happy happy

I resolve to never delete another post unless it is dangling and no one has replied to it yet.

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 1st, 2005, 4:16 am

two thousand from when? from the time started to be
marked on the day that he maybe didn't exist or did;
meaningful symbol as all cymbals crash, the sound
an effective tool.

two thousand years ago today plus four from some
vantage point at the moment when more makes sense,
we hear the ressonant echo of here we are, stars in universal

one year more, one year more, god give us one year at least
to tease us with just one more christmas or another breeze
from between shutters, filtered in with scents,
cool air.

resurrection. rebirth. fresh mini
carnations, godsbreath, infinity explained by an
old man with a long beard and cane and a newborn,
diapered to cover up the bare

let us bury the year before and offer mirth
two thousand insistances plus four. what could
be more than that to offer? what else
would be fair?


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Post by WIREMAN » January 1st, 2005, 4:42 am

I resolve to leave it all behind and
swim merrily in the WAY!...................


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