Labor Day

Essays & explorations by Steve Plonk

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Steve Plonk
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Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 6th, 2010, 3:21 pm

Happy Labor Day! Let's take this time to realize what the holiday is all about.
It's about giving a holiday to the workingmen and workingwomen who are the
back bone of this country.

See the old union song below, "Solidarity Forever"
in this link;

Here's another good one for Labor Day, see "Which Side Are You On" below: ... re=related

Enjoy, and remember the workers who died for a minimum wage. Kind folks and
gentle people, the time has come to "get the lead out" and vote Democratic so
we will not fall prey to the "ownership society". The "ownership society" is made up of coal and oil tycoons and technocrats who don't care a flip about anything or anybody but their "bottom line". We need to "think green" and get alternative sources for our energy and realize a new way of living.

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Re: Labor Day

Post by Arcadia » September 7th, 2010, 9:44 pm

hey steve!, gracias!! :) -for your labour´s day greetings and for the link for the beautiful songs- love both Seeger & Merchant!-. I´ll search for the complete song´s lyrics!! (surprising to see comments in greek to Natalie Merchant song in youtube!!). And Seeger´s voice remind me somehow Michael´s voice here!!
In Argentina Workers day is the first of may, originally also in relation with facts happened in your country.

by the way, did you use to post hummingbirds here is s-8? Just curious!! :wink:

Steve Plonk
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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 8th, 2010, 10:41 pm

Arcadia, glad you liked the "Labor Day" songs I picked. Thanks for your praise.
I get really emotional when I hear these songs and wanted to share them with others on Studio Eight. I also think these songs--links listed above--are educational and part of the joint history of working people throughout the world.

Yes, I posted the link on the song "Hummingbird" by Seals & Crofts on the newest Word Jam. I got it from "You Tube". It's a song which was a popular "end of summer" song in 1974. When you link to it, it should come up every time.
I also am very fond of hummingbirds and really do have a hummingbird feeder
in my backyard.

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Re: Labor Day

Post by still.trucking » September 9th, 2010, 8:56 am

soberduckhummingbird.jpg (37.19 KiB) Viewed 5170 times
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Steve Plonk
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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 10th, 2010, 1:21 pm

Still Trucking, thanks for adding Paul Robeson's "Joe Hill" to songs posted on
my thread/topic about Labor Day. Another historic song, by a great singer...
I remember when he sang "Old Man River". Gotta keep on fighting the good fight for the tradesmen and farm labor which are the "backbone of this country". God bless them. One of my many jobs as a youth was working in peach and apple sheds packing fruit... (One of my brothers was one of the folk responsible for seeing to it that chemical toilets were required to be provided at all indoors & outdoors work sites. He's a lawyer and filed class action suits which was won by the workers.)

Also, many thanks for the banners you posted containing photos of hummingbirds... Really beautiful pictures of one of my favorite birds...
I have five bird feeders in my yard of various kinds.

Steve Plonk
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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 3rd, 2011, 7:05 pm

It's Labor Day time of year again. Summer is winding down. It is time to
remember the working folks of this world who hold up the world. It's time
to get the Unions moving again in to getting folks back their rights. It's
time to repeal the laws in states who have outlawed "collective bargaining"
for teachers and other public workers.

Yes, it is TIME, brothers and sisters of the holy highways, to converge on DC or your state capitols, & let your lawmakers know that you are tired of their malarky. Yes, we are collectively tired of politicians talking out of both corners of their mouths & speaking with forked tongues to working people and the labor movement. Solidarity Forever! 8)

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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 1st, 2012, 5:04 pm

The republicans "Key Largo" Convention emulated the old movie by that name.
Tampa seemed like Key Largo, as in the film, in that it narrowly avoided disaster by Hurricane Issac. Narrow minds also prevailed... The hurricane eclipsed anything that the republicans had to say, by simply showing that the republican brand of deregulation would not protect us from natural or manmade disasters such as the "Great Recession" of 2007. Only equitable taxation of the richest Americans & taxing the corporations will help the government bolster
the infrastructures, such a s levies, locks, dams, & bridges, etc. There is no free lunch...

In fact, Romney wanted the auto industry to fail and let the market be as it may...Romney is against the working man & his running mate, Ryan, is even more adamant against "the unions". On the other hand, the Democrats have championed the causes of unions for many years...

Let's remember working people in our prayers & support the Democrats with our votes as they convene in their Charlotte, NC convention next week. Equal opportunity is available if we want it. Vote with the party which champions health care, a liveable wage, equal pay for equal work, family leave, & unemployment benefits...A party who also champions our veterans coming home from war, & clean air & water. SOLIDARITY FOREVER!

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Re: Labor Day

Post by tarbaby » September 2nd, 2012, 12:54 am

Happy Labor Day. what you say sounds true steve, but the gotdam democrats in congress could have done more to back Obama up. in my opin...

Listened to an interesting Bill Moyers interview with the guy who wrote The Party Is Over. ... l-parties/
“Where is that man who has forgotten words that I may have a word with him?”

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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 10th, 2012, 12:17 pm

All the more reason to elect more pro-labor Democrats to congress. Now that the automakers are making money again, it's time for labor to benefit. :)

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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » August 14th, 2013, 4:16 pm

In just a little more than two short weeks, we will, again be remember those who work hard for a living in these United States & across the World. Be advised that we, who are in solidarity with unions & working people will be watching any developments that would
help those who serve each & any of us. 8) :D Solidarity Forever!

Steve Plonk
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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » August 26th, 2013, 4:44 pm

Remember Labor Day, first Monday in September. :) 8)

Steve Plonk
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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 2nd, 2013, 4:26 pm

Here we are remembering Labor Day & hoping all of you do the same... :)

Steve Plonk
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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 1st, 2014, 11:33 am

Have a great Labor Day. Let's remember working folks all over the land! 8) :)
Solidarity Forever!

Steve Plonk
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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 1st, 2015, 10:31 am

Remember Labor Day, the first Monday in September, coming up the beginning of next week.
Be sure to keep in mind all folks who are working & fund all monies of those who are going
to retire, etc. Social Security should NEVER be floated on the stock market.

Remember that social security & medicare, etc. were hard won benefits for ALL of us.
Those folks who paid into their private pensions also deserve due consideration.
Another thing...
I don't think social security should ever be taxed. It's like being taxed twice.

The states should insure private pensions so that companies will not fail to live up to their end of contracts. Eventually, the federal government may have to insure pensions.
If social security were to continue to be taxed, I think it must go toward social security & pension insurance. :idea:

May all power reside in the working people in this country.
Why should CEOs make so much more than the rank & file workers and have "golden parachute" stock options? :roll: It just seems so grossly unfair. :x

Steve Plonk
Posts: 2483
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Re: Labor Day

Post by Steve Plonk » September 5th, 2016, 11:24 am

It's time to celebrate another Labor Day. Please remember that the Democratic Party
is the political party who has traditionally supported all working people.

Please go out and vote for Democrats up & down the ticket.

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