Let's combine our notes – Smooth transitions

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Doreen Peri
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Let's combine our notes – Smooth transitions

Post by Doreen Peri » April 14th, 2007, 10:19 pm

Where are my notes?
I have notes about
smooth transitions,
resistances to virus strains,
losses, gains, denials aside,
wide open inclusively documented
passions, asterisks to references
and deferences, courteously

Where are my notes?
I have resisted putting them
down to the sound of a drumbeat
rhythm, though I have been soothed
by each kabumkabumkabum beat,
sweet the dance of what next,
sweet the text blessed by itself
on each and every leaf,
sweet the tease of an objective
phrase, the taste of amaze on
my lips when I purse
them as my pen
pretends to tie up
loose ends which lead
me to the next stanza.

Where are my notes?

Smooth transitions are intuitive,
phased. How can I access a
phrase to transcend now, to get
to how a bridge can be made?

Does it take stones piled to eye-level?
Beveled glass views to another span?
I've studied the structure of one moment
to the next more times than I can count
and I have taken notes denoting a journey,
configuring the traverse, the arrival.

They are my madala. Lost.

Find them with me? Please?
Combine your notes with mine?

Where are our notes to ambition,
to the submission of a next era?
Let us create a gala event
in search of them!

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Post by stilltrucking » April 14th, 2007, 10:33 pm

smooooottthhh in a groove transitions
charlie chaplin and the kid
to the lost tango in paris
smooth transitions
24 frames per second
my hands are faster than the eye
and my world unfolds for me
like an old black and white movie

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Susan Marie
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Post by Susan Marie » April 14th, 2007, 10:59 pm

spiraling spiraling
end of edge to turn to task
the fruit to flask
of Lilith

on my knees I steady and


reel to reel a turn to skeleton key
to memories of the "me" i used ta be
and find that time stands still
precious wake of late
limbs frozen
angel in repose
stolen grace
as birds feed from my face
and hands

i stand
a monument to death
a requiems dirty death tress

in black and white
notes tossed to the breeze
in homage

to me

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 14th, 2007, 11:00 pm

i lost my tango on
the other side of a waltz slide,
pretended to do a slide to a sixteenth note,
wrote down the choreography to the film
of myself watching myself in a theater
filming myself becoming again
like i became the day
ballet became
my heart vocabulary
but since then, i discovered
a french dip and believe me,
i have made note of the

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 14th, 2007, 11:06 pm

Lilith reminded me this morning
that Eve had been sleeping with my man.

It didn't bother me much since
one of us must do it and since she
is the first lady and he is her Adam,

well I hope she is bowing to him
mouthing all the proper adorations
while he comes
to her the way he wants.

I have long lost Eden to the various
bugs and butterflies. My stomach turns
when my eyes cannot focus correctly.
They have hung him to the tree
of knowledge and I will not admit
I know a thing about it because
of the persecution which could follow.

But Lilith? Lilith turns each real to another
unreal and deals with the serpent's head
much better than I.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 14th, 2007, 11:09 pm

Lilith would not tote the line
The legend goes
Eve bit for the worm

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Post by Susan Marie » April 14th, 2007, 11:15 pm

i want to play
the Rosslyn Motet

ressurect the devils cord
the augmented fourth

place it upon
the tip of my tongue
palate to please
curl it
as perfect vowels
and question marks

twin bodies curled
as smoke rings

lost to the sky
a twisted whistle to wind

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 14th, 2007, 11:24 pm

How to make a transition.

Curl the whirled world into
an amusing position.
Captivate the state
of an impossible expedition.
State the innate yet imperfect
traditions and oppositions.
Review the various disallowed

Once all the above has been deciphered,
consider the preconceived conditions
of a lifer.

Walk steadily. Be sure.
Study the above steps once more
to determine how to best revolt.

Then bolt.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 14th, 2007, 11:31 pm

ah me
I have no notes to compare
but I know this
it is the only revolution that matters

it is all a body can do
to be a comfort to the other
bodies entwined

vague memories.

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Post by Susan Marie » April 14th, 2007, 11:33 pm

an impossible expedition
my life


one cannot make sense of this plane
and stay sane
in this motherfuckin' mess
a math test
of the utmost decree

numbers flying as aeroplanes
in Einsteins mind

Newton did attempt to find
a solution as to why
words fall
on deaf ears
to float
as spheres
traipsing stars


searching for answers
to a universe

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Post by stilltrucking » April 14th, 2007, 11:39 pm

staying sane
a full time occupation
these days
we are all so well informed
of the coming implosion

and I sit here blowing bubbles
that silently pop into words

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 14th, 2007, 11:49 pm

When I give two dollars to the dude
at McDonalds, rude as it may be to ask
(since giving me my burger is his
primary task), I must ask anyway
and so I say, "Got the beef, kiddo.
You sure this is right?"

And he answers, "Ditto. I'll say it again.
You gave me a twenty, I gave you a burger
and a ten and eight ones. We're done."

And I say, "Yeah, but what about the
quarters, dimes and pennies?
They're aren't any!
I know there was tax!"

And he says, "Lady, relax!
Go to your shrink if you wanna
make change!

I just flip patties.
I ain't yer sugar daddy!"

:shock: :lol:

night all.. cya tomorrow.. thank you

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Post by Susan Marie » April 14th, 2007, 11:51 pm

that reminded me
of Billy Colllins
holding in palm
one angel
dancing on the head of a pin

as that bubble pops
a child stops

where is the sight
the night does not speak
as it once had
dreams no longer fruitful
now frighten
and the NeverLand gone
as the clock




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Post by stilltrucking » April 15th, 2007, 12:04 am

Nothing to do with this mabye
reminded of a Billy Collins poem about cross the river styxx
if he had known he had to write about he wished he had taken better notes
that is a pretty mangled paraphrase from geezer memory.

It'sa jay oh bee
you never know
when a talent scout will come in and make you a star
it takes a lot of dreams to flip those burgers

She changed me alright
she shorted me fifty bucks on a cash transaction
a pretty little woman cashier at the fuel desk
was it lilith
she flashed me such a pretty smile I hardly bothered to count my change
she tried to do it to me again about a month later.
but I was immune to her smile.
in Oskosh Wisconsin by gosh :shock:

sorry doreen im jammed out
a million typos in this one
and I think I lost the thread here.

feel like a little kid having too much fun
I always make one post too many but
you are one funny person
is that your story
or did I read it wrong
funny stuf
I hope it really happened

good night

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Susan Marie
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Post by Susan Marie » April 15th, 2007, 12:27 am

nite guys that was awesome, i love doing that!

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