the Free Market Monster

What in the world is going on?
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Post by Arcadia » April 4th, 2009, 7:47 pm

Disturbing article arcadia,

well, sorry... :shock: I guess capitalism is and continue being a hell of a monster... but maybe it´s not easy at all to became a semi-rural peaceaful comuna only at a snap of fingers ... :roll: :lol:

We live in such interesting times here.

good to hear that & thanks for reading! :wink: :)

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Post by stilltrucking » April 5th, 2009, 1:55 pm

I have read that when the Chinese want to wish some one bad luck they say "May you live in interesting times"

There is another Gellman, a Nobel prize winner but I don't that is the same guy. What interested me was his quote about the roman saying if you want peace prepare for war.

And I am thinking
"Onward Christian Soldiers" a hymn from the north american civil war, the war that killed more yankees and rebels than all our other wars combined.

Yeah rome was bad enough as a pagan empire. we on the other hand are a christian empire.

War means nothing to me anymore, just another god in the pantheon. I am a pacifist, mostly. At least I try to be.

War, another monster.
I don't know if it is exclusive to capitalism though:? ... o_more.htm

Sometimes when I have drank too much coffee, and drank too much weed and stayed up having fun too long if that is possible I lay down and I can hear the blood throbbing in my ear against the pillow and I just start to ease on down to sleep, or maybe I have already crossed the thresh hold into unconsciousness the monsters come, they look like Buddhist demons sometimes, not a bad lot once you get to know them, I smile and dream on.

I been lucky to have been spared war, I mean my draft board decided I had enough bad memories I suppose.

Now I am too old,
so what has it got to do with me?
If I was a parent I would probably feel different.
Ain’t going to study war no more

ChristZ I heard a preacher on sunday tv today say that the day you become a christian is the day you are drafted.

Arcadia wrote:
but maybe it´s not easy at all to became a semi-rural peaceaful comuna only at a snap of fingers ...
sounds like a plan
I am snapping my fingers for you amiga,

Watched a travell show about Argentina the other day, the highest mountain in the western hemisphere is in Argentina

your goucho pal in texas
I wish :wink:

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Post by stilltrucking » April 5th, 2009, 4:53 pm

Everybody knows the problem in Afghanistan is corruption. No military solution to that I don't think. Or at least none needed

I like Obama, he has done some good things on the home front, getting the ideology out of government agencies that are supposed to be looking out for the health and welfare of our bodies not our souls.

So he got to fight his wars.
Maybe I am fatalistic, maybe I am an Aztec about that.

Sorry for the ramble, I know nothing, nothing but opinions.

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Post by Arcadia » April 5th, 2009, 8:47 pm

it´s interesting in a non-bad-luck way to have oldtexancybergauchogrouchopals like you, s-t! (you know it!) :lol: gracias!!!!!!!! :D

and yeah, maybe the chinese maldición is already upon us!!!!!!! :shock: :lol: :the name of my home´s nearer supermarket is "the chinese wall" , my country made the first steps to adquire a dubious loan or something like that to China last week in order to pay previous debts and we are surrounded by soja fields..!!!!!!!!! wow.....!!!!!!!! :roll: :wink:

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Post by hester_prynne » April 8th, 2009, 10:17 pm

More like Free monster market....chomp chomp chomp...quick! now hide behind the innocent and you'll get away with it.
"Why grandmother, what big teeth you have!"
And you thought Red Riding Hood wasn't based on a real event? I say it's been current for a long time......
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Post by e_dog » June 20th, 2009, 5:55 pm

Remember tha Mar-ket?

ECONomick re-cess-ion.

Time fr to START recess.

kiddies plays at skools.
I don't think 'Therefore, I am.' Therefore, I am.

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