Dear Diary

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Dear Diary

Post by Doreen Peri » June 26th, 2009, 1:12 am

Dear Diary
This is what I did today
after that I did this
then I did that
and then I thought
I might do this
but I decided to do
something else

As it turned out,
it wasn't a good decision
but tomorrow I'll write
again when I make another
choice and tell you all about it

Then again, on second thought,
I had a great time!
What a great decision
I made to do this instead
of that!

Thank you for listening.
This is a poem.
Your friend,
= Me

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Post by still.trucking » June 26th, 2009, 3:06 am

This is a GO

Today I road my motorcycle

It made me very happy

Thank you

for being you

I am talking to you

two am

and I am satieted with words

which gives me a beat feeling

as if I have drove a thousand miles

good night

see yo later.
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Post by judih » June 26th, 2009, 7:07 am

good morning, judih
how are you today? alive ? yeah, alive's good
i'm going to shut up now and listen to the birds

anything's possible

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 26th, 2009, 11:40 am

Dear Diary,
And so it's another day.
This morning I'm eating eggs.
Fried eggs.... over easy...
2 pieces of light oatmeal toast.

I'm going to weed the garden,
put down mulch, work on a book
if I have any luck.

Before breakfast, 7am, I was reading
about how to outsource your life....
hire someone to answer your emails,
schedule your appointments, do the gardening,
shopping and even play the role of a wife
in your stead. What a fabulous idea, yes!
Would free up your time to fulfill your
dreamlines, make plans to visit the islands
or better, live somewhere where it's always
great weather!

Dear Diary,
if I follow through with this advice,
next time I write I might be in Oahu
writing to you eating a coconut for
breakfast, laying on the sand, creating
a new Hawaiian fashion brand
in my brain, sketching them out
in my sketch book before the
afternoon rainstorm.

Dear Diary,
If all this works, I may have to hire
someone to write to you in the future.
I'll be too busy enjoying myself
to have time.

your friend.... Me

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 26th, 2009, 4:44 pm

Dear Diary,
You are my dearest friend.
It hasn't been a good day
and it hasn't even come to
an end. I pulled my back out,
can't bend over to tie my shoe
without pain shooting down my leg.
I got asthma or the croup or maybe
it's the plague. Started coughing so
hard, all the neighbors went inside.
When they came back out, they had
masks on their face. What can you do?
They've been watching the news.
Probably thought I had the swine flu.

Dear Diary,
Why did I wake up? The dreams last night
were going well. The morning started out fine
but then the day went to hell. Someone lied
to me, I'm afraid. It was easy to tell. And
I'm bent over like an old lady with a cane.
This is fricking insane.

Dear Diary,
Will tonight be better? How about tomorrow?
Do you know the answer to my query?
This day is no good and I'm tired and weary.
So I better close this letter now before I start
sounding like I complain too much. Write back,
OK? Tell me some good news or such
a funny joke, I'll laugh for a while.

Dear Diary,
Gonna pretend like today didn't happen.
Otherwise I might get hostile and rude.
Days like today can put a person in a bad mood.

Bye Diary,
Catch ya later, my friend.
Hope the sun goes down soon
so today will end.

Your friend,
= Me

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Post by WIREMAN » June 27th, 2009, 10:25 am

eatin' eggs
harmonica in my ear
baby screamin' 2 booth's away
wired all over the walls
mobile's hangin' from the ceiling
addicted to ~GO! 8)
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by still.trucking » June 27th, 2009, 11:02 am

Dear Diary

I never kept a diary before
just a log book
Where I kept track of time and distance
and random bits scribbled on truck stop cafe napkins

I am sitting here thinking about eggs and matzos again
as I near the end of my daily four hour morning fast

or maybe a lover's breakfast
two over easy.
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Post by Doreen Peri » June 27th, 2009, 11:51 am

Dear Diary,
The storm last night
blew the humidity away
and so it is a delightful day!
The sky is blue but I'm not
feeling that way at all.
I gotta skip in my step
and smile on my lips,
I'd kick up my heels but
I'm afraid I might fall
so I'll just enjoy the breeze
and summer sun...
Wish I was young but
it's OK. I'm feeling younger
than I was yesterday.

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 1:38 pm

Dear Diary,
Today is Sunday
which means
Monday is tomorrow
which is a sure sign
it's time to go to work
again. Week after week,
year after year, and your
life goes by so fast, pretty
soon your youth has passed
and all you've done is work
work work your life away.

Dear Diary,
I'd like to ask your help with this.
I was thinking of hiring a Virtual Assistant.
What do you think? I could outsource
all my work to the VA and spend my days
doing something more fun.

Dear Diary,
Please advise. You are wiser
than I. Would save a lot of strife
to outsource my life.

What do you think?

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 2:30 pm

Dear Diary,
I got bit by a mosquito
right under my eye.
It's swollen so much,
I might start to cry.
If it swells any more,
I won't be able to see.
Why do mosquitos
have it out for me?

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 3:01 pm

Dear Diary,
I'm holding ice on my eye.
Looks like someone slugged me.
Sighhh.... but really a dumb bug
bugged me!

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Post by Doreen Peri » July 3rd, 2009, 10:06 am

Dear Diary,
What happened to all the Dear Diary entries?
Many have disappeared. Dear Diary, were they
written in invisible ink? What do you think?
Where did they go? Can we erase the past
by removing the pages from our Diary?
You would know if anyone would know!

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Post by Doreen Peri » July 3rd, 2009, 10:08 am

Dear Diary,
I woke up today to discover
I didn't have to work for another
three days. I guess that means
I get to work on all the stuff
that doesn't pay.

Dear Diary,
Thank you for listening
to all the things I always have
to say. You're truly my best friend
in the world, you know.

Dear Diary,
I mean it so I said it and
so it is so.

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Post by still.trucking » July 4th, 2009, 7:16 am

Dear Diary
Did I hurt you
when I ripped those pages from you.

These deepest darkest hidden first thoughts

still trucking et al wrote:
Dear Diary
My apartment stinks of cabbage
But the soup was delicious
I would open the windows
but it is over a hundred degrees again today

I been thinking again
When I should probably be drinking again.

I drove a thousand virtual miles on the internet last night

Such a sweet beat feat
to give your all
to do your best

makes life worthwhile for me

good night
from me to you
from me the typist
to me the reader.

I am pain free for the first time in weeks
Maybe I will not need a walker after all.

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gypsyjoker Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:20 am

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Dear Diary

Day four of my new life

Up at four am to get ready for work,
In my second hour of my daily five hour morning fast
on my mind
Cup of coffee with splenda and milk to take the edge off
a help full hint picked up from a jam at thistles and marigolds between judih and keithhamilton.

I have to do something about my tomato plants today...I have killed more plants than agent orange.

well good bye for now
At least when I am typing I am not stuffing my face.

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jackofnightmares Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:21 am

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Location: Still trucking's sock drawer
Dear fucking diary

I used to keep a log book for twenty years and a million miles or more. We used to call them comic books because of the funny lines we would draw in them. Showing sleeper time we never got, and logging five hours of back breaking work on freight dock as 15 minutes on duty not driving.

I worked with with one sleeper team driver, a veteran, they were all veterans, he was a B-17 pilot during world war two. When I would crawl into the sleeper he would say, "Sleep Fast" A good pilot is always either flying or sleeping.

I heard uncle sam used to give the pilots speed to keep them awake to get a few more missions out of them. But they had more blowouts and hard landings. No free brunch.

Well I am into my second hour of my morning fast.
I am trying to lose fifty pounds. I would like to leave a mean lean corpse when I die.

I think about death constantly, but I have not wanted to kill anyone in over twenty years. I am so fucking normal in my fast declining years.

I don't think about suicide anymore at all, except for the occasional cigarette.

No doubt I will leave an evil chindi behind me

Chased the gypsy wind all my life
I would not change a thing
except for silent woman's abortion
I would hang on to my hat next time.

Nietzsche and his eternal return
still not much inkling
but I think it is coming
my life is perfect
wives and children are not for all

shit we are up to our ass in people anyway

I got a
good scare
in a wheel chair

I don't want to leave this much meat behind me when I die.

Trying to lighten up.

Get my affairs in order

I can't truck or fuck

nothing left but this

I am typing my way to L.A.

dear reader
dear typist
go shit in your hat

I been watching my shit
trying to get it together
man that cabbage soup is explosive.

"Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect" Mae West.

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still.trucking Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:47 pm

Joined: 09 May 2009

Posts: 464
Dear Diary:

Up at three AM for my gig at The Rosewater Foundation. I had steamed shrimp for breakfast.
Wearing by new jeans they was hanging loose
"In a dark time the eye begins to see"
"Every warrior hopes a good death will find him."
I feel such a tender feeling for this body
a precious gift
I have neglected
Allen Ginsberg wrote a poem about not caring what happens to his body
when he dies.

Oh well, who am I to gainsay a famous poet.
I would like to lighten up while I still have control of this big sad ape.
While I can still move

What would Woody Allen look like if he was a mesomorph?


Big sad ape
so happy to be alive
as I wait around to die</url>

the only thing I had going was procrastination
I am glad I waited this long
going to wait some more
if not
going to leave a big hunk of dead meat.

hot hot day" jeweleye"
rode to the country
thought about wearing a helmet
but I needed to feel that gypsy wind in my hair.

Uncle Seymour Washington My Diet Guru

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"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Post by Doreen Peri » July 4th, 2009, 12:43 pm

thank you jack! ... great photo of you in the 70s ... you look familiar... i may have known you in college park?

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