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Post by Arcadia » June 28th, 2009, 3:59 pm

a golpe de estado? again? really? :shock:

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Post by Arcadia » June 29th, 2009, 10:40 pm

interesting consensus in the declarations in all the continent against the golpe de estado (I wonder if it´s really the point now but I don´t want to be cinic, sure it´s somehow yet the point...). Some articles in today´s newspaper, I didn´t read it yet

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 06-29.html

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Post by mtmynd » June 29th, 2009, 11:44 pm

golpe de estado = coup d'etat

TEGUCIGALPA, June 29 (Reuters) - Honduras has shut down television and radio stations since an army coup over the weekend, in a media blackout than has drawn condemnation from an international press freedom group.

TEGUCIGALPA, 29 de junio (Reuters) - Honduras ha cerrado de televisión y emisoras de radio desde un golpe militar durante el fin de semana, los medios de comunicación en un apagón que se ha basado la condena de un grupo internacional de la libertad de prensa.

Shortly after the Honduran military seized President Manuel Zelaya and flew him to Costa Rica on Sunday, soldiers stormed a popular radio station and cut off local broadcasts of international television networks CNN en Espanol and Venezuelan-based Telesur, which is sponsored by leftist governments in South America.

Poco después de los militares hondureños incautaron Presidente Manuel Zelaya y le voló a Costa Rica el domingo, los soldados irrumpieron en una popular estación de radio local y cortar las emisiones de las cadenas de televisión CNN en Español y venezolana Telesur-basado, que es patrocinado por los gobiernos de izquierda en el Sur América.

A pro-Zelaya channel also was shut down.

A favor de Zelaya canal también se cerró.

The few television and radio stations still operating on Monday played tropical music or aired soap operas and cooking shows.

Las pocas estaciones de televisión y radio sigue funcionando el lunes desempeñado música tropical o aire telenovelas y muestra de cocina.

They made little reference to the demonstrations or international condemnation of the coup even as hundreds of protesters rallied at the presidential palace in the capital to demand Zelaya's return and an end to the blackout.

Se hizo poca referencia a las manifestaciones o de la condena internacional del golpe, incluso cientos de manifestantes se congregaron en el palacio presidencial en la capital para exigir el regreso de Zelaya y el fin de la censura.

"The spurious government is violating our right to information, blocking the signals of channels like CNN," Juan Varaona, a protest leader at a barricade, said as burning tires sent plumes of black smoke into the sky.

"El gobierno espurio está violando nuestro derecho a la información, el bloqueo de las señales de canales como CNN," Juan Varaona, líder de una protesta en una barricada, como dice la quema de neumáticos envió penachos de humo negro al cielo.

CNN en Espanol is the Spanish-language channel of the US-based 24-hour news network CNN.

CNN en Español es el canal en español de los Estados Unidos y las 24 horas, red de noticias CNN.

Others blasted the two main Honduran newspapers and said they were still online because they supported the coup.

Atacó a los otros dos principales periódicos de Honduras y dijo que se encuentra conectado, ya que apoyó el golpe de Estado.

"El Heraldo and El Tribuno are two papers that were part of the coup plot, them and some television channels controlled by the opposition," said 27-year-old Erin Matute, a government health worker.

"El Heraldo y El Tribuno son dos documentos que formaban parte de la trama golpista, y algunos canales de televisión controladas por la oposición", dijo de 27 años de edad Erin Matute, un trabajador de salud del gobierno.

"This morning, they were the only ones with signals, the others were shut down," Matute said at a barricade on a side street in the capital.

"Esta mañana, eran las únicas con las señales, los otros fueron cerradas", dijo Matute en una barricada en una calle de la capital.

El Heraldo's website ran one headline saying "Semblance of normality across Honduras."

La página web de El Heraldo corrió un titular que dice "apariencia de normalidad a través de Honduras".

Some Hondurans used Internet social networking site Twitter to urge on demonstrators and spread news about the protests.

Algunos hondureños utilizados sitio de Internet de redes sociales Twitter para instar a los manifestantes y la difusión de noticias sobre las protestas.

"Down with the coup! Brothers of Honduras break the information blackout and watch the repression on Telesur on the Internet," one message said.

"Abajo con el golpe! Hermanos de Honduras romper la censura y la represión de ver Telesur en Internet", dice un mensaje.

Some protesters burned and smashed El Heraldo newspaper stands and others used them as barricades to block streets around the presidential palace.

Algunos manifestantes quemaron y rompieron El Heraldo quioscos y otros utilizados como barricadas para bloquear las calles alrededor del palacio presidencial.



Paris-based press freedom group Reporters Without Borders criticized the media shutdown.

Con sede en París, grupo de la libertad de prensa Reporteros Sin Fronteras criticó a los medios de comunicación de cierre.

"The suspension or closure of local and international broadcast media indicates that the coup leaders want to hide what is happening," the group said in a statement.

"La suspensión o cierre de locales y medios de radiodifusión internacional indica que el golpe de los líderes quieren ocultar lo que está sucediendo," dijo el grupo en un comunicado.

"The Organization of American States and the international community must insist that this news blackout is lifted."

"La Organización de Estados Americanos y la comunidad internacional debe insistir en que esta noticia apagón se levanta".

The coup -- triggered by a dispute over Zelaya's push to extend presidential terms -- is the biggest political crisis to hit Central America in years.

El golpe - provocado por una disputa sobre la Zelaya Pulsar para ampliar los términos presidenciales - es la mayor crisis política que haya asolado a Centroamérica en años.

It followed a week of tension when Zelaya, an ally of Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chavez, angered the Honduran Congress, Supreme Court and army by pushing for a public vote to gauge support for changing the constitution to let presidents seek re-election beyond a single four-year term. ,

Tras una semana de tensión, cuando Zelaya, un aliado del presidente socialista de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, enfureció a los hondureños el Congreso, la Corte Suprema y el ejército para presionar por un voto público para medir el apoyo para cambiar la constitución para permitir que los presidentes buscan la reelección más allá de un único mandato de cuatro años.

Before he could hold the poll on Sunday, the Honduran military seized Zelaya and flew him to Costa Rica in Central America's first successful army coup since the Cold War era of dictatorships and war in the region.

Antes de que pudiera celebrar la votación el domingo, los militares hondureños incautaron Zelaya y le voló a Costa Rica en América Central el primer golpe militar exitoso desde la Guerra Fría de las dictaduras y la guerra en la región.

The Supreme Court, which last week overruled Zelaya's attempt to fire the armed forces chief, said it had told the army to remove the president.

El Tribunal Supremo, que anuló la semana pasada Zelaya en su intento de despedir al jefe de las fuerzas armadas, dijo que había dicho el ejército para eliminar al presidente.

(Reporting by Mica Rosenberg and Gustavo Palencia in Tegucigalpa and Armando Tovar in Mexico City; Writing by Robin Emmott)

(Presentación de informes por Mica Rosenberg y Gustavo Palencia en Tegucigalpa y Armando Tovar en Ciudad de México; Escrito por Robin Emmott)
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Post by Arcadia » June 30th, 2009, 1:00 pm

gracias, Cecil!!

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Post by mtmynd » June 30th, 2009, 1:35 pm

de nada, amiga mia! ;)
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Post by Arcadia » July 3rd, 2009, 2:35 pm

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Post by Arcadia » July 7th, 2009, 11:45 am

I´m learning a lot of Honduras and Haití history these days (really not planned!)

No idea what to hope for the people of Honduras.... democracy?, common sense?, legality?, dialogue?, luck?, solidarity?, liberty?, clarity?, justice? (I´ll think more options later)

more articles:

Las derechas

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-04.html

Ahora le transladan el conflicto a Obama

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 07-07.html

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Post by still.trucking » July 7th, 2009, 11:59 am

I don't know what to hope for the people of Honduras either. I don't know their history. A lot of central american governments are based on the USA constitution. As I understand the situation the supreme court ordered the military to take over the country. That could never happen here, not according to our constitution. I am interested in what Obama has to say. Going to check it out.
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Post by still.trucking » July 7th, 2009, 12:24 pm

I read the article in a google translation which was a little surreal but even so they really did not say anything about Obama. Which made me wonder.

I found this bit on Reuters
But Washington has been reluctant to slap sanctions on Honduras and cut off U.S. aid. Instead it is cautiously looking for a negotiated and peaceful resolution to a crisis that looks like a win-win situation for the United States’ main adversary in the hemisphere, Venezuela’s leftist leader Hugo Chavez.

Zelaya, a wealthy rancher who turned left in office and signed on to Chavez’s growing anti-U.S. coalition, is hardly the best poster boy for democracy. His moves to follow Chavez’s example and extend presidential term limits in Honduras sparked the political crisis in which the Honduran Supreme Court, with the backing of Congress, ordered the army to oust the president.

After years of U.S. neglect of Latin America during the Bush administration, Obama is trying to improve relations with the region and cannot afford to be on the wrong side of a crisis that many Latin Americans see as a flashback to a dark era of military dictatorships supported by the United States in the 1960s and 1970s.

http://blogs.reuters.com/frontrow/2009/ ... n-america/
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Post by Arcadia » July 8th, 2009, 11:01 am

I read the article in a google translation which was a little surreal ... :lol:

thanks for exchange newspapers, s-t! :wink: . More today articles:

Un cambio de roles

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 07-08.html

La doctrina Obama

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 07-08.html


http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 07-08.html

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Post by Arcadia » July 11th, 2009, 7:49 pm

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Post by Arcadia » July 14th, 2009, 7:31 pm

Lo que Obama puede hacer

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 07-14.html

Zelaya pone plazos a los golpistas hondureños

(I didn´t knew Costa Rica didn´t have an army! :shock: ... well, it must have been good news!!!! :roll: :lol: )

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 07-14.html

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Post by Arcadia » July 17th, 2009, 9:57 am

(mmm... it´s about Colombia, forget it!)

http://www.lacapital.com.ar/contenidos/ ... _0037.html

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Post by Arcadia » July 23rd, 2009, 1:41 pm

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Post by Arcadia » July 30th, 2009, 4:47 pm

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