Sound files - experiment

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Sound files - experiment

Post by judih » December 24th, 2008, 1:55 am

i'm trying to save some spoken stuff over at


frustration takes many forms
it sits in the stomach till it blasts out in a scream
CDs fly
shoes untie in the middle of a rampage

telephones answer in electronic drones
nobody homes when somebody's needed
time runs out when a little more would suffice

a pile of obstacles lie in one's path
frustration takes on weight of wrath

calm cool
sounds like a fool
when life is so obviously urgent

too many balls juggled
too many falls
too much , too loud, too impotent

frustration cloys
air passages clog
impossible choices
again come the voices

you should, you could've
you need, you didn't
you, you, the voices nag
the voices, the chorus of voices

like a claustrophobic cubby hole
joy withers, the walls close in

Sound file here. Tell me if you need a password.
Last edited by judih on December 24th, 2008, 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by judih » December 24th, 2008, 2:19 am

From Notes on How to Go On
(written for a friend and featured in Cenacle 67)
Text below, sound files on drop

Notes on How to Go On

one breath
one small step
a little dusting
a polish, a broom
a sudden cookie sheet
magimix to get me through this minute
a chocolate bar to compose into chips
one stir
one mix
one short flick of a switch
i cry
i sing to the whir of the batter
i am
i do
this i can continue
i am a giver of joy
i pledge this joy to you
every happy face
will be yours in cookie mode
you will live in every crunch of every delicious mouthful
of every mouth that crunches
this i can do
this i can do
my love i give to you
i will always give

sound link for the above :


the way out is the way in
turn, turn, turn
an upside -down solution
to an unsolvable question
inside out, mother fo
yeah, i said it, ya muther fa
no, i don't mean maybe
it's this way, and out the back door
no lord, no sweet lord, no mantra chanting lord
they went thataway,
the gods and goddesses of yesterday
put on some bling
some kitsch
some instanteous dish
some miso in a macrobiotic point of view
and off they went
how do i know?
i just go


when tragedy strikes
mind whirls, constant humming
waves askew, sound too much treble
overtones jar
i'm reeling for a friend
real friend, real sad
she's grieving
and i say how to go on
i know snow falls
and i'm wishing i could feel it
snow falls, life goes on
simple cycles go on
pushing for an om moment
to go on


torch in cave wall
i see the writing left by others
hold focus, you can survive this
it all will pass
one minute at a time
we all did it
you can do it
listen to us sing
we did it
you can too


my battery's on full
battery may be smaller
my intentions are on high
expectations may be amorphic
body's ticking forward
tipping over
all's accounted for
what's a tooth, or a hair pigment?
it's all good
it's all i got!
going on


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Post by Artguy » December 24th, 2008, 3:16 pm

Ya, need to wash off a years worth of frustration too...been trying to get my ragged self downstairs to sit and wash it all away...bein xmas eve lazy..

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Post by WIREMAN » August 15th, 2009, 9:35 am

been dealing with a whole lotta dealin' with
doin' like joni and laughin' it all the way
what else can ya do???
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by sooZen » August 17th, 2009, 11:34 am

dearest judih,

Alas and alack, missing in Action Poetry
trying to make some amen d s
a touch, a smile abet afar
i reach out and feel the wave(s)
so you exsist still, a releaf
fall has fallen or is making a drop
i am ripening like a pomegranate
and spilling seeds at your sacred feet

if only i could wash away your fears
we could shower the world with undones
or coulddos,
kudos kiddo!

let me take a hike for the trail is wind swept
with your words and most likely, deeds
how are the children?
how is the family?
how now brownish lady?

i will try to slake my thirsty soul
at your fount for i have missed the drink
of your warm embrace

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Post by judih » September 4th, 2009, 9:42 pm

oh to wash away fears
cleanse the worry that comes with living amongst anxiety
a little mantra, a little breath - shiny and ready
then, splat, down pours a burst of foolery with a boom
it's not easy to stay pure virgin wool
sometimes the mud splashes and life goes on

i thank you for your visit to the oasis of hope
you linger and the pond glimmers all the more
sooZen, for better or worse we share the planet
the least we can do is do everything we can

and life goes on

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Post by sooZen » September 6th, 2009, 7:50 am

yes! i proclaim
you are here Now
I am so much the better
for you, for me, for us
let's make our bed
the world...

shake out the sheets
laundry the dirty looks
mend the war torn
our cottage industry

clean up those dusty corners
of our tear stained eyes
see what can be
these woman who toil
to make up the world
and bed down in peace

I am so very happy and glad to read you my dear friend and to know you are here with me! Shalom.
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Post by jimboloco » September 6th, 2009, 4:39 pm

like a claustrophobic cubby hole
joy withers, the walls close in

i was thinking about life in a kibbutz
like, confined space with close community
and how living in any farmland would be
quietude and courage to meet boredom
with transcendent insights and epiphanies
but then in came an intruder
a storm, a fire, a morose mood
a morter, russian roulette with rockets,
nothing new really no new insights
no new satoris no new news

listen to spirit
let the comforter in
magnify your soul
let self go
the ground of being
is holding you up

i'm coming back now
another renewal
only now
i go visit old friends
suddenly a new community opens up
art, tai chi, zendo, family
and grace at work

i realise i can rate my pain
my depression
i hang them on fish scales
side by side

my depression is light,
plus 1 to 2 out of ten
my baseline is 3 to 4

my pain is light 1 to 0 my baseline

i watch my moods
when i go past 4 to five i know now
the power of now
i feel the shift
gotta do something
write, read, chi kung,
draw, meditate, and pray

i ask for my comforter
i feel a presence
here is spirit
inside and around
a cloak of love
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by judih » September 6th, 2009, 10:48 pm

the earth is a beautiful place
(why are people idiots?)
animals work it out
(why do humans grab, greed and tunnel vision themselves into utterly stupid action)
we don't need much
less than we think
yet we crave, we succumb, we forget
(we need to learn from nature)

i need to remember

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Post by stilltrucking » September 8th, 2009, 6:29 am

How did I get to be so old and still remain a greedy child?
As long as all the hells are not emptied
I vow not to become a Buddha
Only when all sentient beings are saved
Will I attain Bodhi
I Vow Not to Become a Buddha

When I was young Eugene V. Debs was my hero. I had no desire to rise from the masses, I only wished to rise with them. Now I sing a different tune.

"Cut me loose, let me fly
after all these years I am still alive"
song lyric by the jittterbug, (aka The Spinoza of Baltimore.)

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Post by sooZen » September 8th, 2009, 7:55 am

"Why are people idiots?"
pondering the question
for Yes, the human ape can be an idiot
no doubt
and yet,
the capacities for creating
mind boggling
we just need to get it right
the capacities for destructing
mind boggling

this orb, a playpen it seems
we human apes so very young
compared to cheetahs or chimps
we throw sand in our playmates faces
or push them down and out
or just kill them at whim

the parable of the garden
wisdom gone amok
it is there? is wisdom available?
enlightenment is reachable
to that are open to it
nature knows for it is
as it is
a teacher always

Nature is not kind or benign or static
Nature changes constantly
Nature is savage and beautiful
Nature is human or animal or plant or rock or Universe
Nature runs through all
Nature rules
Nature speaks
Nature listens

Listen? Listen! Listen...
Freedom's just another word...

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Post by stilltrucking » September 8th, 2009, 12:35 pm

SooZen wrote:
we just need to get it right
the capacities for destructing
mind boggling

this orb, a playpen it seems
we human apes so very young

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Post by judih » September 9th, 2009, 11:03 pm

so, i'm minding my own business and a contact speaks to a contact and along comes an e-mail asking me to write some lyrics to a trance/house (i don't know the term) track.

So i think to myself. who, what, which voice?
this house/trance track is mindless bass with a few synthesized chords tossed in for relief.
is this a viable soundtrack for life.
how much meaning is held within.

what kind of lyrics would the e-mail writer want from me.
can i do mindless words with a few uplifts thrown in for relief.

and i say to myself: is this not my life? isn't it all this very thing.
mindless pursuits with touches of consciousness thrown in for relief?

and so i write something.
i'll share it if the the e-mail writer rejects it.
meanwhile, i thank you jim, sooZ and still, for sharing your lives and thoughts.

it's what it is.
if i choose to be frustrated it's my own doing.
it's not as if frustration's going to show me the way out.

and lord knows, the way in is pretty much the same landscape.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 10th, 2009, 1:29 am

I was just thinking
what has all this to do with experimental sound files
Meanwhile I have not been able to listen to the CD you so kindly sent me.

Bless you judih
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Post by judih » September 10th, 2009, 6:01 am

hi still,
one's business unfortunately can encompass quite a lot of other business. it's a real skill knowing how to clear away excess business and get down to the simplest task.

so, you haven't been able to listen to the CD. i wonder why?
the computer doesn't read it? the disc player doesn't read it?

i know my parents were listening in their car CD, so it worked for them.
in any case, i'm sorry.
what are you missing? just my voice reading. no effects. you could fake it and call it a day.

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