I'm a little perturbed & disappointed - radio8 links

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Doreen Peri
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I'm a little perturbed & disappointed - radio8 links

Post by Doreen Peri » January 10th, 2010, 10:27 pm

Just found out some other company took over the storage spot for the Radio8 audio files.

Luckily all the files are still there!

BUT... since the name of the site has changed, all the links to the Radio8 shows & their individual audio files have now changed so none of the links on the Radio8 web page work any more.

This just means I have to change the links for every file posted. ... a few hours of work, probably.

I didn't get any notification at all from these people.

This is a wake-up call. This is what happens when you use a free service to host your files. You should always host your files on your paid hosting service.

This is why so many photos have also disappeared from the Studio Eight boards. Our Image-ination Jams look like a ghost town. Little x's where photos and artwork used to be... because some people moved their flicker accounts or disabled their accounts or whatever ....

Just waking up here and talking aloud to the community.

What needs to happen is ...

1) I need to get the web forum software updated so people can upload files right here so images don't disappear in the future for whatever reason


2) ... I need to get Radio8.org (a name I bought a while back) hosted and launched with audio streaming software so that Studio Eight is hosting all the audio files ourselves rather than using one of these free services.


3) in the meantime, I need to work on correcting the links to the new links for the audio files on Radio8



Ahhh... the Net! Never a dull moment. It's always something.
Last edited by Doreen Peri on January 11th, 2010, 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by judih » January 10th, 2010, 11:54 pm

what a drag.
online storage is always iffy.

i mean, it's like renting. you never know when the owner of the house will decide to sell and tear down the place.

Lucky you made the discovery - do you need help moving?

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 11th, 2010, 12:12 am

Thanks, Judih... I don't know how we could split up the work so I'll just thank you for the offer and if I think of a way to split it up, I'll let you know. Otherwise, I'll just take care of it

It's not like people are beating down the door asking when the next show is or anything.

I've had a couple of FB friends ask me a couple of times during the last 6 months, but none of the artists are asking and that's only 2 people who really even seem to care about it. LOL!!!

I haven't checked in a while to see how often the Radio8 page even gets hit. But I doubt it's very often so I'm not going to stress about this... .

Anyway, here's the new link to where the files are being stored. http://www.humyo.com/
Same log-in as before.
All the links need to link to that site, not to the heart-drive site which doesn't even exist any more. As I said, luckily, the files are still there... but they're now residing on the humyo site! I logged in and saw them.

I have to change all the links to the audio files on this page

I'll get to it.

Thanks again...

I have to figure out another solution than using a free storage spot.. it just won't work.

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