Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Essays & explorations by Steve Plonk

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Steve Plonk
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Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » March 30th, 2010, 3:52 pm

How should we deal with the Mad Tea Party folks? Well, for one thing
we know it's not "Wonderland". But, if we want to extend the metaphor,
we could say that Sarah Palin is the "Queen of Hearts". Did you hear her quote that folks should "lock and reload"? Doesn't that incite violence?
Isn't that an unAmerican type statement that a klanswoman would make?
What's up with bricks through windows, cutting gas lines, and spitting on
people? Is that the way folks should conduct themselves during a congressional vote?

Where are the paddy wagons to round these Mad Tea Partiers up? I think that the Washington DC police showed quite a bit of restraint.
The situation, a few days ago, looked like a near riot to me. I imagine that the President is signing the companion bill to the Health legislation that passed around ten days ago. It seems that most of the country wanted the legislation. I think that DC needs a curfew and then the police could round up those who violate it. Charges could be vandalism, and /or malicious mischief. What say you?
Last edited by Steve Plonk on April 2nd, 2010, 4:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Steve Plonk » March 30th, 2010, 4:02 pm

Moreover, I really think that DC needs a curfew, because
there are menacing individuals who gather and do not have a permit
to be out intimidating representatives. That goes for both sides of
any issue. Intimidating representatives, their families, et al, should
be a federal crime. I think this is a law whose time has come. I'm talking
about verbal or physical assault or property damage. Ordinary local laws don't have enough "bite" to them. A daughter of a one of our Tennessee representatives had her car hijacked recently. Fortunately, she was lucky
and was unharmed. This law should also apply to family members.
We are not in Iraq or somewhere in the Middle East.

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Excerpt from the A. P.

Post by Steve Plonk » April 2nd, 2010, 4:51 pm

Excerpt from the A. P.

Today, March 31, 2010, President Obama signed the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 into law. He called it, as well as last week's health care reform package, "two major victories in one week that will improve the lives of people for generations to come... We mark an important milestone on the road to health insurance reform and higher education reform. But more broadly, this day affirms our ability to overcome the challenges of our politics and meet the challenges of our time.”

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Post by stilltrucking » April 2nd, 2010, 7:09 pm

Doones been helping me deal with them.



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Post by stilltrucking » April 2nd, 2010, 7:26 pm

Not just DC
Devlin Barrett and Eileen Sullivan

AP WASHINGTON (April 2) -- A federal intelligence note is warning police that an anti-government group's call to remove dozens of sitting governors may encourage others to act out violently.

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Post by Steve Plonk » April 3rd, 2010, 3:17 pm

Reply to still truckin:
Thanks for the "Doonesbury"
cartoon posting. Moreover, the additional info really adds to the
discussion and it's right down my alley. On the whole, the dangerous
rhetoric may encourage others to act out. I hope that the
Teabaggers are able to laugh at themselves.

I agree that we all need to lighten up.
I was able to see the humor in some our own party's foibles.
The above is the first step toward changing attitudes ... We are all human,
and realizing our humanity is the first step toward seeing solutions
to common problems. :idea:

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » September 28th, 2010, 11:44 am

As I said on August 13, 2010, on "Lean Left", I believe the " tea party is a collection of self-absorbed reactionaries, rubes, & retards.
They belong on the back page of MAD magazine." :P

Still, 'tea partiers' are a part of humanity, but not a group of folks which relate
to me in any way. Like LBJ once said: "Don't spit in the soup, we all gotta eat". The tea party seems to be spitting in the soup...
Tea party folks remind me of the "Know Nothings" party in the 19th century. The tea party seems to be full of xenophobic, homophobic, selfish folks who don't want to pay their fair share of taxes. There's no such thing as a free lunch unless, one goes about stealing cheese from mousetraps. You get what you pay for. I feel the tea party characters are misguided and foolish for the most part. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but what plans do the above folks have to improve things, besides borrowing and cutting social programs? We need to share what
little bounty that we have. That includes paying our fair share of taxes.

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » September 30th, 2010, 5:01 pm

Tell me about it. Raise my taxes so workers can fix these roads, keep police and
fire dept. ambulances fully funded and send my grandnieces to nice public schools, tech schools, land grant colleges! Thank God for thinking satirical folks like yourselves. We all need to get together & go vote & make sure the T party loses. All the T party does is react. That is why they're called reactionaries.
Not narry a good idea among them.

Hey, I remember way back when... The republican administration imprisoned
7,500 to 12,000 demonstrators in DC stadium in 1971. However, shortly after that incident: the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, The Endangered Species Act, were passed and the Vietnam War started winding down. It still took two years... Nixon was investigated for Watergate (1973), resigned (1974), and the rest is history.

Obama has more guts than any two other presidents combined. The health legislation was needed to be passed since 1974 at least. He also signed the
equal pay for equal work law as soon as he got in office and reformed the banking system. I can think of other positive legislation passed over the republicans who just said NO. The T Party is just the same old hash, rehashed, with plenty of elephant dung. We need to hold on to power to encourage the Democrat's policies to work and for the economy to get back on track. This herein "Great Recession" is the worst economic downturn since the "Great Depression".
Which party got us out of the Depression? The Democrats...

Dubya and Co. are like a bunch of "Hoobert Heever wannabes" --who f'd up the economy in the late twenties of the last century. I'm so glad that Dubya is gone. We don't need some of those old failed policies to be rehashed and crammed down our throats... No thanks, I'm sticking with the Unions...
The rich need to pay their fair share of taxes. I wouldn't mind us getting a property tax increase and sewer fee increase if we'd get what we need to pay for: here locally in TN. Nationally, our infrastructure is hurting and we need more bridges, sewers, natural gas pipelines, water lines, school buildings, etc, etc. So, ride in on the fire trucks, jump off, and vote DEMOCRATIC.

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » September 30th, 2010, 6:09 pm

:lol: I hail from the Chattanooga, Tennessee metro area. Thanks for posting. :)

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » October 1st, 2010, 4:14 pm

Neologistic, sounds feasible... Perhaps, we may meet for coffee, etc., when the weather is a little cooler and I have more free time. Nice of you to suggest it...

Right now, I'm covered up with possible repair work, etc, and have to be available for transportation for a relative. In the meantime, we might "chew the fat" and get to know each other better "on line". Next time, see my "Chat Spot" topic, in this same standing column to post messages. Thanks.

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » November 13th, 2010, 3:18 pm

Come, partners, let's reason together" --LBJ

It is time that we, as the voting public, stopped "impeaching" everything and everybody we don't like and start working to solve the daily grind of problems facing the USA. Universal health care is an idea whose time is here.
Too bad the republicans and "tea partiers" are too selfish to spread the health
around. Just take the bugaboo of "abortion" off the federal monies and that
would save the plan, like it was done by Obama's executive orders.

Taxes are going to eventually needed to be raised on some cross section
of the monied public. It is time we actually ran on a platform of raising taxes.
You get what you pay for. If public taxes aren't raised, the infrastructure,
the military, public welfare, and so on will suffer. I think we should start by
raising luxury taxes, gasoline taxes, liquor taxes, and tobacco taxes. All
counties in the country should raise a "wheel tax" and have a "school tax".
The "wheel taxes" should be graduated depending on the type auto or truck
that one uses. Property taxes should be graduated such that those with
more expensive property will pay higher taxes than those with less expensive property. I don't know if graduated property taxes have ever been tried.

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » March 1st, 2011, 6:25 pm

We've seen what happens in a couple of months when the tea party
tries to pass its agenda. Say yes to Unions, say no to the tea party fanatics.
Vote more Democrats back in, in 2012. Now is a good time to start agitating for
these tea party types to become "one term wonders". Hope Democrats are able to take back the House of Representatives in 2012. We will be seen and we will be heard. Re-elect OBAMA! Ziggyboogiedoo! :D

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » April 25th, 2011, 11:58 am

The world will little note nor long remember, 'cause this ain't the frlckin' "Gettysburg Address". Apologies to Honest Abe. Hey, it's the 150th Anniversary of the War Between the States this month. What about that!? Now, that was when the mess really hit the fan...I think our country is almost as badly polarized as it was then and we recently elected a black president...Let's not stand idly by as the reactionary republican party/T-party guts our social & environmental programs, gets us deeper into that Brushfire War in Libya and stonewalls Congress with "idiotic flat-earth ideas" and philosophies. (Folks, don't even get me started on the Tennessee Legislature...)

What is this I hear of Donald Trump "going over" to
the "lunatic birthers" and their ilk? I thought Trump had more sense. I'll never watch his TV show again...(Hey, come to think of it, I never really did...) Hey, old "Honest Abe" would turn over in his grave, if he didn't have all that cement on him. The republicans/T-party is a bunch of posers and deceivers. We, Democrats, at least, try to make honest, frank decisions. (Besides, I don't
have a webcam for photo opportunities. If I did, I'd give the Tea Party, et al,
a big on-screen "bird".)
...Also posted on General Discussion under my thread "I just made the "700 club"'

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2011, 1:21 pm

I must have missed the PBS Newshour last night and I forgot to listen to NPR this morning

What does the Tea Party have to do with the war on Lybia?

I thought that was all Obama's doing?

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Re: Dealing With the Mad Tea Party

Post by Steve Plonk » April 25th, 2011, 6:31 pm

Sen. McCain, old guard republican, was seen talking with Libyan opposition leaders the other day and was quoted as saying we need to arm them. I think
that it is France, Italy, & Britain's turn this time. Besides we don't know who "they" are. McCain was assured "they" weren't Al-Quaida...I think we need
to defer this to the rest of NATO--find out who they represent and if they'll protect western oil interests, etc., and THEN give them arms. I am just for humanitarian aid and NO boots on the ground. Europe already has advisors on the ground. We've (USA) already given the Libyans "drone" air strike power and that is more than I think we should have. Those "drones" are needed in Afghanistan. We also used our U.S. naval planes for air strikes a month ago...

There are Tea Party hawks in Congress and elsewhere who want us to send in
advisors and other special ops people on the ground. I am against it... We have
all we can handle getting out of Iraq and trying to contain the Taliban in Afghanistan...Libya is closer to home, but still will put extra drain on the war treasury. Let the Europeans do it this time. I remember the French in Algeria
back in the late fifties and early sixties. We tried to help them a little, without much success. Libya is probably ten times drier than Iraq. It has oceans of sand which can bog down flying helicopters and tanks...


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