A Declaration of Interdependence

by Barry
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A Declaration of Interdependence

Post by Barry » September 30th, 2009, 10:59 am

A Declaration of Interdependence

In solo, November 17, 1997. The anonymous declaration of one human citizen of Earth.

Civilization on our planet has reached a level of interconnectedness unprecedented in our history. People can now communicate nearly instantaneously from any point on the globe to any other point on the globe. This must have a dramatic effect on the course of human events. Two hundred and twenty-one years ago it took three weeks for news to travel from a nation's capitol to its frontier. Now it takes mere seconds. Now it becomes possible for a People to think of themselves as One. Now it becomes possible for certain inalienable Rights of Nature to be assumed by One People---all people.

At times such as this, a People recognizing their Oneness should state the obvious commonalities they share.---

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all humans are born equal, that they are endowed at birth with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.---

That whenever a People find themselves living collectively, certain Needs shall arise, that among these Needs are the necessity for a sanitary environment, the necessity for persons to feel secure both inside and outside their homes, as well as in their persons, and other Needs not here specified.---

That to provide for these Needs, as well as to secure the aforementioned Rights, certain power-structures, known as Governments, are brought into being by a People, that both the Government and the governed are composed of the People, and that the Government derives all of it's powers directly from the governed, the People, that the Government is directly answerable to the People, and that any problems within the Government must reside within, be addressed to and be rectified by the governed, the People, that because of this, the People have the Right, as well as the Responsibility, to alter or abolish existing Forms of Government and/or institute new Forms of Government whenever they, the People, feel that Government has ceased to adequately and benevolently provide for the Needs and secure the Rights of the People.---

That armed insurrection toward this end, in the current cultural and technological context, is an untenable position.---

That the safest, sanest and most promising method of altering our existing Forms of Government is by making an alteration to the governed, by altering ourselves, the People.---

That a change in the Forms of Government is the inevitable result of a change in the governed.---

That it is the province solely of the governed to determine if and when a change in Form of Government is required or justified, and if that change should take the form of an alteration or abolishment.---

That alteration or abolishment of existing Forms of Government is a matter of extreme seriousness and should never be considered lightly, that such an endeavor must always proceed with great cost to the People and, therefore, must be reckoned only when all other avenues of redress have been closed, as it can be seen that humanity is predisposed to suffer under strife, fear and tyranny rather than upset the order to which they have become accustomed in order to right perceived wrongs within that order.---

That a time must come when a People say, "Enough! It no longer balances. The suffering under the tyranny of the order now outweighs the benefit provided by the order," and humanity sees that a little suffering of one kind may be worthwhile in the interest of ending a greater suffering, that a little disorder now and then may really be a good thing.---

We believe this time to be in it's inception.---

We believe that by altering how we think of ourselves we can bring about the inevitable alteration of our many Forms of Government, cause them to converge into one Form of Government that is composed of and representative to all the People of this planet, and that justly derives it's powers from all the People, and equally justly provides for the Common Good of all the People of this planet, as Forms of Government exist to do.---

We could now make a lengthy list of all the abuses ever to have been heaped on a People by a Form of Government, but we believe it falls to the individual to make his or her own observations and measurements as to the gravity and scope of such abuses.---

We, therefore, mutually pledge to think of ourselves, henceforth, as Free Human Beings, citizens of Earth, third planet from Sol, our sun, first and foremost, before any other geographically defined citizenship, free human citizens primarily aligned physically, psychologically and spiritually with the planetary body as a whole, only secondarily bound to any observance of lesser political bonds, boundaries or identifications. That we, as individual citizens of Earth exist in Free and Independent States and are free to act as such, and are free to assume all the Rights of Free and Independent States, while understanding that, by virtue of the present technological level to which human culture has risen, collectively humanity exists in a profound state of Interdependence not enjoyed by so large a Body of People at any time previous in our history.---

That none can now survive where all are not included.---

That our current level of technological sophistication dictates that all must consider all else in any contemplation of action, that all People of the planet are now brought together as One by the Global Communication Network that has been brought into being on this planet.---

That we are now all come together as One People as has never before been possible on Earth.---

That this places all in an unprecedented State of Interdependence.---

That we can now think of ourselves as One.---

One People.---

One World.---

One Planet.---


And we, therefore, mutually pledge to support the Spirit of this Declaration within our Lives and with our Fortunes and our sacred Honor...


Steve Plonk
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Post by Steve Plonk » April 13th, 2010, 5:52 pm

It should seem by reading your treatise, that you are a modern day agrarian, in the tradition of "think globally, act locally"...Have you ever read
anything by Wendell Berry, Robert Penn Warren or Edward Abbey? I am
just finishing up a collection of essays by Wendell Berry called CITIZENSHIP PAPERS. If you haven't read it, I would highly recommend it. Keep on chooglin'!

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Post by Barry » April 13th, 2010, 8:09 pm

Thanks, Steve. I appreciate the tips and will check those guys out.


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