The New Decade Jam - starting Jan 2010

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
Steve Plonk
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Post by Steve Plonk » May 7th, 2010, 5:22 pm


“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Also, may all the children keep on riding their horses when they can.
You know, the world keeps on turning and the soul keeps on yearning for the light and the darkest hours are just before sunrise... "So let us do good and forget not, for with our sacrifices God is well pleased."

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Post by WIREMAN » May 8th, 2010, 5:55 am

jammin' across the fringe
a wired binge
your philosophy
or mine
then the wine and dine
we be high flyin'
and sticky
into the new decade
a jam parade!
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by what me worry? » May 8th, 2010, 8:47 pm

Tarbaby! :?
"So let us do good and forget not, for with our sacrifices God is well pleased."
Tarbaby! :?:
Tarbaby! :!:
[color=brown]I'm not a complete idiot! :roll: There's more than one way not to skin a cat :)[/color]

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Post by jimboloco » May 8th, 2010, 9:02 pm

And God said, once upon a time they will say again,
Girls ride horses too
somewhere in his celestial sanctuary, appalled at what men had done, for in the beginning, girls and women were respected and honored. indeed, from earliest times, homo sapiens had been greatful for life and had nurtured each other, when men were men because they let the women be women, before the curse of the sword.

the early pagans were earth friendly and matriarchal, or a shared gender equality, as the earth goddess was the center of the world view for tens of thousands of years. .......this endured the longest stretch of time, by far, as the technological development of humankind was slow. this was fortunate, because the tools they had were needed for survival and cooperation was the key to a better life. they always had a spiritual life and spiritual guides, or shamans, man and women equally, they were still existant 200 years ago and later in siberia and in the plains indians and in the indigenous peoples of south america, australasia, and africa. there are some still here today, as real as ever, unbridled shamen. they worshiped nature spirits and the ancestors.

iron and tin were two metals discovered seperately, tho at similar times along with the other more maleable metals, silver, copper, and gold. copper and tin made pewter, a less malleable more enduring and brilliant alloy used for utensils and mercy, a new alloy made by mixing heavy blunt iron with lightweight weak tin, voila! bronze
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Post by jimboloco » May 8th, 2010, 10:24 pm

iron was good for tips of tips of spears and arrows, hunting weapons.....they were not made for assault , but good for defense if necessary against some angry beast, more likely than another human being. travelers were more interested in trade than in plunder. this world view was found in river valley civilizations in east central africa europe now with visible landmarks in britain and ireland and other places, in the indus and ganges river plains in south central asia and in china ancient settlements of homo erectus, who were the same, in the spirit and loved, before the advent of homo erectus. they were human beings before us, and we are from them.

there was always a problem with male largesse, by dint of his physical stature. the earth centered visioning blessed them with a balance of forces, so that the female was honored as the giver of life and endowed with wisdom and strength as well as beauty and grace. men knew they were loved as boys, saw love for their sisters and saw love coming from both man and woman. they worshiped with their living and dying and the seasons, and the ceremonies to remember the source of their blessings, and so it was at its best, until the discovery of bronze.
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Post by jimboloco » May 8th, 2010, 10:42 pm

bronze made an expanded cabability for moulding molten metal, because it was more malleable than metal and lighter. it could be sharpened to a slicing blade, not possible before. iron shears were all therage in leather shops and clothiers, down by the old mill stream, but a big instrument the size of an oar would be impossible to lift with any swiftness. the stiletto, the knife, the dagger and the sword were born, almost out of a necessary compulsion to see what they would be like. thhe results were astounding. a long and strong slicing stabbing instrument that could be hoisted readily by a strong man transformed him. men became extensions of their swords, even as the swords were powerful extensions of themselves. there had never been anything before like the sword. and something happenned. men became more contentious, and some clans became tribes that grew and became enormous. the aryans of the steppes of asia went plundering on horseback in waves down into the indus river valley and into the ganges, wiping out the pre-aryan civilization out completely, save for the ruins., they were the indo-aryans who became the hindus, the last remaining major polythiesm. there same massive hordes or aryan mounted swiftly with viscious swordes and migrated west into europe and westward down the iberian peninsula across to north africa eastward along the fertile mediterranian coast. these new north africans were the vandals and the ones who followed them into europe were the goths. patriarchy and war became the norm and it spread throughout wherever the sword went.
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Post by jimboloco » May 8th, 2010, 10:55 pm

this had been going on for some time, only several thousand years, and male pagan polytheist religions became established. the culture they promulgated, that promulgated them, was violent, with terror and oppression the key to success. authority and priveledge became the order.

china was blessed with a curious geography, far to the east and protected from the north as well by a mountainous terrain in central and south west china, where these early siprit worshipers lived undistrubed and took refuge easily. they gave us the tao. it is the only major religion surviving from pre-patriarchial days, an enduring early pagan religion that evolved into a complementary ethos of spirit working through nature with us.....
when the bodhidharma came there they were welcomed as bretheren

there were attacks from the mongol hordes and from chinese imperialists, there was constant warfare, rising and falling, and somewhere along the way a tribe of people had a unitary vision of god as a strong good spirit. and they remembered this vision with a story.

it was a simple creation story, not like the ones they knew from before. this was new and it was special and they felt the spirit move with them as they prayed and recited the story again. in the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth, and so on. they were able to remember all the words, and they loved the feeling that they got. the story ended with the scene of the man and the woman standing in a garden underneath an apple tree. they are naked except for fig leafs that cover them. they are happy and content. the woman is handing a red apple to the man. they look at this with some hesitation. above them, a large snake coils about a branch, watching them.

this scene tells the whole story of the fall from grace. it had already happened long ago when man was tempted by the bronze sword, and became a beast. this was the fall from grace of men. the women warned them and told them the evil they knew, power, would be upon them, and yet men took this power and lived by it. they lost their connection with community, intergenerational loving, and trade. life became competitive, and sacrifice became rampant. all this embedded in the scene of the tree of live, the temptation toward self and power and the curse of the sword, which comes down upon them at once, after the taste of the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of power over life and death of other men.

this story was told again and agin and it was followed by the story of cain and able, and the first fratricide. of course, fratricide had been going on for several thousand years. this one tribe, the hanif tribe in southern mesopotamia, told this story and remembered the source of the three of life and they knew about the other tribes, and they knew that they were different.
Last edited by jimboloco on May 8th, 2010, 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » May 8th, 2010, 11:01 pm

I would give my left nut
if I could make this rhyme
a little
just a beat
a little poetry

And some say it is all a woman's fault because she invented agriculture
the so called Neolithic Revolution And folks settled down
then came the civilization and city states
priests and temples and the female goddess
the Hebrew children called her the abomination on the mountain top
was banished so then came
a fine and patriarchal god
sin and guilt
and people started wearing fig leafs
and the fashion industry was born.

The so called Venus of Willendorf before the Neolithic revolution


Here she is after the revolution

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Post by jimboloco » May 8th, 2010, 11:25 pm

lovely indeed those fertile crescents
all it takes is a little bit of silk :)
so the story was born.

the snake is still waiting, god's eye, not the devil. the holy covenant of good has had to work thru us stealthily, the strange and mysterious ways of the breath of life,
who only knows what is best afterall.
when we know that elija came to remind us of moses' teachings and presented 70 israeli elders a shared visionary experience of Yahweh, and rained down fire annd brimstone, he was reminding a stubborn chosen people that they were role models for all people. then jesus came, teaching these things anew and confronting the corruption. 600 years later, muhammad is here commenting on the olden teachings, clarifying misunderstood meanings, condemning the power and authority the christians were seeking, and addressing the problems of his contemporary arabian society in consideration of these prior teachings and resoundingly affirming them.

we are still trying to put down our sword and return to a more blessed way. that is why we needed male holy men, because men are the problem, mates.
the conversion away from patriarchy is going to happen within the framework of these major religions as the inter-faith commonality and concern turn toward rapture and thanksgiving. Who say you can't go home 'gain? have a slice of my pi... :wink: 2010cj.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by what me worry? » May 8th, 2010, 11:39 pm

Pizarro confronting the Peruvians with his priests holding up large golden fishes does not encourage fear. Large gold crosses are better. They go well with swords. The Romans were the crucifiers, and the cross was their banner of war. God is angry, men. The angel Gabrial told me so. We know better, but I get worried and then I remember my faith. The fertility goddess is in us all, and the fisher of men walks along with his friends. I am his friend, too.
[color=brown]I'm not a complete idiot! :roll: There's more than one way not to skin a cat :)[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » May 9th, 2010, 12:33 am

we are awash in a sea of gender bender chemicals
I see a future where we will be better men
and we won't have to shave.

I say got dam the Romans
lets dance
and jam the night away

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Post by tarbaby » May 9th, 2010, 8:46 am


"Is that all there is
if that's all there is my friend
then lets keep dancing"

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One of the words I would like to forget about is "God"
I wanted to believe
I was a stone cold atheist
And then I blew my brain on Nietzsche and LSD
And I was a believer.
But my faith has evolved
and now I am blank
I have thunked all my thoughts about god
I don't fuck around with god anymore
"Man must realize his limitations"
It is too much for my peanut sized brain.
Gimme that old time religion
it was good enough for John Hagee it is good enough for me.
Yes it is not God's fault anymore
Hitler was fulfilling god's will
Yes I let Pastor Hagee do my heavy theological thinking for me.

sorry amigo
I do not mean t o insult your faith
But maybe Jesus is God
or maybe his mother is God
I know what is at stake
eternal damnation

Well I think about those men who translated God's word into English from the Latin. They were boiled in oil and never murmured a sound did not cry out. My faith is weak but it is all I got. I do believe that only my dying will tell.

I wish I could be a Catholic or even a Hindu
It is comforting to know there is hope for the dead
In the meantime
Lets just keep on keeping the jam alive
2010 is going to be a good year
I can feel it in my bones
A good year for fear
"Fear Strikes Out"
I hardly remember that movie
but I like the title
"Lions and tigers and bears
oh my"

Sometimes fear is all I got going.
“Where is that man who has forgotten words that I may have a word with him?”

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Post by WIREMAN » May 9th, 2010, 9:35 am

back to jam-shaka-lak
to the finger snap
1st thought new decade union
words brewin'
if it's sticky it be jam!
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

Steve Plonk
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Post by Steve Plonk » May 9th, 2010, 10:45 am

Bibimbap a lugey boogie boogie bam clang!
The world keeps on spinning,
Instead of losing we are winning,
How well we play the game,
Keep them dice on the table and let her roll!
We are part of the spin and we all got soul.
Keep on riding that hoss, boss.

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Post by SadLuckDame » May 9th, 2010, 11:27 am

It was naught but Hell
till Jesus came
and he's fond of broken
women and children
men, too
and I let him lift me up
cause I had nothing left
to go forward on.
I couldn't participate
with what I'd had going
just my mistakes and mis-steps
but Jesus was good to me regardless.
He said, "I'm God finding out who you are."
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
~Lewis Carroll

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