Men think about sex every six seconds

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Men think about sex every six seconds

Post by bennie » February 3rd, 2005, 2:04 pm

Men think about sex every six seconds
Caution: Surface may be slippery
A car backfires pigeons scatter

Men think about sex every six seconds
There are saxaphones for sale in Cash Convertors
The blue Trongate clock says 9.35

Men think about sex every six seconds
A girl with a Pixie face gets off the bus
She had been playing with her hair for 20 minutes

Men think about sex every six seconds
George Square is a building site
The slippery slate pavement on Buchannan Street

Men think about sex every six seconds
A pretty but tired girl leans on a boy's back
He is unfolding a map and speaking German

Men think about sex every six seconds
Gordon Street has train passengers emptied all over it
Hope Street is made out of Nitrogen Dioxide

Men think about sex every six seconds
The girl that works in Nero's has warm eyes
I imagine the smell of her neck and smell my latte instead
well I write music review so I do:

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Post by stilltrucking » February 9th, 2005, 2:25 pm

Men think about sex every six seconds

I been reading about you got all these people who are trying to steal your face
Snake Eyes
Every time I think about that I think of Iron Hands the guy I ripped it off from.
a frustrated scholar am I beenie, when I say
Tented Pants
I just want to footnote, ya know give credit to intelectual property. Not trying to latch onto you.

I don't have a stop watch but I didn't really have any sexual thoughts so far.

We kneel besides her dieing cat. I say something that makes her smile, I sense a warming, as if she is shinning her light on me, hmm, maybe I should stay and see how friendly a mood she is in. But my student driver awaits. So many broken promises to him when he was a kid, I can't take a chance on letting him down again. I got to go. I get back later and the cat has got another life. I have dark thoughts of killing* it so she might get in that low down mood again (*my sick humor)
Men think about sex every seconds, how often to we think of death,
Bennie this one is too good for to jam, you fucking genuis or what ever you are, post it to creative writing board I say and I bet you will get a better class of replies,

this is athe jellyfish and slug board.

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Post by bennie » February 9th, 2005, 3:02 pm

Jelly fish and slugs work fine for me. I always prefer the underdog

and you can't get much more, under, dog, than a semi-animal made of rubber and ideas.

But I'll take your advise and stick this on the other board. So, if this is the jelly fish and slugs board I guess the other board is the eagle and crow board?

I'll shove it on the eagle and crow board then.
well I write music review so I do:

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Post by stilltrucking » February 9th, 2005, 4:09 pm

men think of sex every six seconds

my student driver works as a server

the strippers all grab at his crotch when he brings their food

being a waiter or waitress is like being a social whore

he don't like it, he wonders what would they do if he started grabbing at them

but what the fuck can you do when you live in a mans world

but I don't want a pickle

polymorphously perverse in motor cycle dreams, my whole body one erotic zone

but at my age that may be a death wish, my brother in his seventies has a Ninja and drives it 150 mph on the race tracks
but he takes care of himself.

I don't care what I am as long as there is beach involved in it

a man of war or a sea slug

a tree or an elephant

this time a man

next time a doorknob

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Post by jimboloco » February 13th, 2005, 8:44 pm

i thought this board was for the schmucks and fuckups

liked your poem bennie

i saw a contrast between the repeated refrain,

men is thinking about stuff other than sex 5/6ths of the time
like how you are surveying your surroundings

each one of those couplets
are like 2/3rds of a haiku

like the first one is pure
stands alone then
you got all these other couplets but latch onto them with this same line
and your couplets are really quite varied and sensible
just ta let ya know
some variations on th original line
tacked into the couplets
might explore the idea more,

i jest,
nice scenes, man evoking clear images
The girl that works in Nero's has warm eyes
I imagine the smell of her neck and smell my latte instead
gilded magic, mate.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by WIREMAN » January 9th, 2006, 8:19 pm

total immersion
how old am I?????
52 and it still rules
it still rules....every second.....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by mnaz » January 17th, 2006, 12:12 am

I haven't had it for awhile. I can't contribute. I can't comment.

Business as usual, in this strange stretch.

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Post by jimboloco » January 26th, 2006, 9:00 am

yesterday i floated
a dreaming woman
headache city
when i gave her the pill
antidepressant budoproprion
(buddha constellation halleluja)
she was embarassed
i said i took it too
she said it lowered her sex drive
i wanted to hold her right there
an wake her sweet ass up
she was lonesome and
i watched over her mystery pain
soothing and whispering hope
it's what i do for dough
my day job i
only bend wirez in wordz
an constructs in idle moments of
mischief between pieces of folly!
sweet beavers!
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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