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Post by stilltrucking » December 23rd, 2009, 11:48 am

thanks Cecil
I went back and edited it with Firefox.
Thank you for that tip about using Firefox.

Thank you Doreen.
He does not owe me anything
This is a community.

Dam straight

I stumbled on this bit about community in a review of Steinbecks Novel Cannery Row.
I thought you might like it.
Throughout the final chapters, the theme of community counterbalances an equal emphasis on the tragic and the elegiac. Even as Mack and company finally throw a successful party for Doc, the guest of honor keeps coming back to the haunting ancient poem, "Black Marigolds." In a universe that can be ruthlessly impersonal, taking away as much as it gives, it is the spirit of poetry, Steinbeck seems to be saying, that helps us share and even repair loss, linking us to one another in our tears as well as our laughter. ... 014200068X
Italics mine

Steve Plonk
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Post by Steve Plonk » December 23rd, 2009, 11:51 am

I've been on Litkicks since they "trashed" the boards. They still have a wonderful literary discussion and their Action Poetry is the max.

I liked that some of the "old litkicks crowd" has come here almost immediately. But I missed the bus. So that metaphor is right back at me.
You're either on the bus or off the bus. I took a slow train. At any rate,
I'm so glad that my protagonists and antagonists are all on this ride together. Litkicks is still Litkicks, just different. Oh, Asher did say he was trying to restore the old archives. This is good, because plenty of
good fun and thought went into them. Plenty of folks, like me, stayed with them at Litkicks. Now we are branching out to Studio Eight.

I really like this site because people are people I knew, have known, and still know and just met...This is really cool. It's like a coffee house living room as of yore. Thanks again for posting on my howdys. I never expected the world's collectives to beat a path to my door. Perhaps they really have...

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Post by mnaz » January 4th, 2010, 4:24 pm

well, I hung around LK (sporadically) all the way to early '09, but I think maybe I got on Levi's bad side, when, after a beer or three, I posted a poem called "This Place is Dead," or something like that. Never saw light of day. It was actually semi-clever I thought, not necessarily to be taken as skewering LK specifically, but erosion of the "beat spirit" in general in this ever-more-corporatized, aging capitalistic society.

I've criticized Levi's shutting down of every single live, real-time interactive board. Couldn't he have left at least one? I mean, do you remember those incredible poetry strings? I don't know. To me, that's not "action poetry," or the beat spirit. I stand by these criticisms, but of course it's his place. And it has inspired me over the years, so I make my peace. Probably should send Levi an e-mail.

Good to see you around, Steve.

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Post by Steve Plonk » January 16th, 2010, 8:05 pm

I heard the sound & crash of thunder,
But I still haven't lost the wonder...

When the clouds part asunder,
Sunshine come instead,
Warms your body & your head...

Still watch for the tight connection
Pointing in the right direction
As the breeze's at my back...

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Post by tinkerjack » January 17th, 2010, 5:53 am

I mean, do you remember those incredible poetry strings?
Yes I remember. Steve tells me that Brooklyn is working real hard to restore the archives.

IT sure would be nice to visit them once and a while to refresh my memory.

WHAT i can not figure out is why the archives need to be restored? He had them all archived and posted a link to them. Then all of a sudden they were gone. Did a server crash and wipe them out? Or did he not wish to spend the money to maintain the archive. Just curious. Do you think those archives could be monetized?

Brooklyn wrote:
But I am trying to solve a specific problem, which is that all the good poems and stories posted to LitKicks tended to have a very short shelf-life there. Like one day, at best. How many times did you go back to an old page of Action Poetry and re-enjoy it? I found that people were reading the first page of each board, and once a piece of writing fell off the page it was pretty much forgotten. ... ight=money
I belonged on litkicks "like a pearl onion belongs on a banana split." I never criticized Brooklyn for shutting the place down. Never once have I criticized him for that. But why did he have to trash the archives?
Why is it necessary for him to restore them?
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Post by Steve Plonk » January 17th, 2010, 10:34 am

Why don't you ask Levi Asher on Litkicks why he needs to restore
the old archives of the boards?! I don't know...

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Post by tinkerjack » January 17th, 2010, 11:28 am

I am curious why you said he is working to restore the archives. What do you know about that?
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Post by Steve Plonk » January 17th, 2010, 5:59 pm

Once again, tinkerjack, et al. I don't know about the boards, nor about the tech stuff involved. Asher is busily restoring the Action Poetry archives at the moment. He has many of them restored that he didn't have last year. He has changed formats several times. This last time is using something called "Drupal". I don't know what all he has to do nor what broken boards are in his possession. So, why don't you e-mail support and ask them?

This is supposed to be my introduction thread... I wish people would see that I am not a techie & that I still am posting both on this site and at Litkicks. I have no gripes except I do wish the old boards could be viewed. The way I see it, one has to restore things gradually and with care when using new formats. I am not the research assistant at Litkicks. So please don't ask me any more questions about it. The changes at Litkicks are mostly positive.

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Post by tinkerjack » January 17th, 2010, 6:30 pm

Sorry I highjacked your thread
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Post by Steve Plonk » January 17th, 2010, 7:27 pm

It's all good...Apology accepted. I know people can get hooked on a topic. I appreciate your writings on these forums. I've been known to get hooked on a topic. One of my favorite "hooks" is
public health issues. I'm especially interested in the education end of it. There used to be ten content areas.

But, I imagine that there are more issues now, especially now that we have such catastrophes. Look what happened in Haiti and our country contains many Haitians in certain cities--out of more than 300 Million people. We appear to be represented by nearly every ethnic group in the world. Now I'm getting into sociology. Another interesting hook for me....There have always been catastrophic events that give one pause to think about how lucky we are if we are not included in the mix.

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Please Visit my Column: "Life in the Horse Lane"

Post by Steve Plonk » March 13th, 2010, 12:06 pm

Please visit my column: "Life in the Horse Lane" in the columnists forum.
Hope you will enjoy posting there. Thanks to Doreen Peri, et al, who made it possible.

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Post by Steve Plonk » August 8th, 2010, 3:41 pm

My column is just a short click away. I like the posts so far...
I am still open to discussion. Good idea to read my "Announcements" first, then
comment as you like. Let the fun begin... Here's a direct link:

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Post by jimboloco » August 9th, 2010, 10:45 am

i am announcing that i read the whole thread of your announcement

are you from florida or "somewhere in the mid-south?

i like the name willis

plonk tho is genialously jazzy plonky fusion plonk honkeytonk

why did willis become a plonk?
his brain wanted a wave to ride on
so far he ain't wiped out yet
but hey
me neither
even when i told the tinker kibbutzer i loved him like a true brother
even when i told the kibbitznick i wanted her to carry a prayer for me
even when i played hardball and wrote the mother of an iraq vet suicide
and let it be known that we are not, generally speaking, mercenary minded,
even when i dedicated a poem to my mother and it was not appreciated by my family, instead of a wipeout, it became a part of the community holding up intent for deep healing, killing curses all the time, man

welcome buster buddy
loco jimbo, over 10-4 cigar store cubans carved in woood
proto-aryans dipped in blood stained pools of bronze
now we got the vedas, upanishads, and ram dass
who so famously said, "It's all true!" be here now.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by Steve Plonk » August 9th, 2010, 1:10 pm

Jimboloco, I got an online name for to ride the internet wave, just like you did. This wave gots its ups and downs and we hanging ten...
I am up here in Chattanooga, TN, halfway between Nashville, TN &
Atlanta, GA. Appreciate your welcome. Appreciate your posts, too.

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Post by jimboloco » August 12th, 2010, 11:21 am

gee can you do me a favor sometime
watch that turnstyle at the old train station
and yell out loud "choo choo chatanooga"
when you're straight and sober

that's an undiscovered place
i would definately head to the top of that mountain and fly
soaring up there on a clear day has got to be the best
forget about poetry and game changing revolutionary pop culture
run leap and soar someday somehow
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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