Dear Biotch, I have a problem...

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Advice bydagurl upin udderpeople'z grillz.

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Dear Biotch, I have a problem...

Post by Doreen Peri » September 5th, 2010, 9:14 pm

Dear Biotch,

I have a pretty serious problem.

My denitist is constantly asking me out on dates. As a matter of fact, every time I go there, he asks me out. His constant flirtation is really annoying!

First off, he's a married man. And second, I'm not at all attracted to him. He's about 10 inches shorter than me, for one thing, not that I have anything against short people but he has to stand on a step ladder to get up high enough to clean my teeth and I don't know, he does a good job on my teeth, that's for sure, but first off, I'm not going to even consider dating a married man and second, I like to wear 4" heels and he's 10" shorter than me. Even if he weren't married and I were attracted to him, for some reason I think it might be a little uncomfortable.

I don't know what to do because of this situation. I've canceled 2 dental appointments in a row and there's not another dentist for miles who does a good job. But I'm getting a toothache and I really need to see a dentist so I'm in a conundrum.

What should I do? Go back to him for dental services and put up with him hitting on me all the time? Or lose all my teeth?

Please help!

Undrilled in Utah

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Re: Dear Biotch, I have a problem...

Post by .Lucy. » September 5th, 2010, 9:56 pm


You gots to get yo teef done rite
aint no matta that he be up in yo grill when you don't like him.
If yo teef docta want to check yo mouth
yo gots to open wider son.

If you gets free teef stuff
give him a piece of yo action
wear dat baby jesus thong you done wear on new years.

Aint no body critizizing

I'm just sayin.
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Re: Dear Biotch, I have a problem...

Post by .Lucy. » September 5th, 2010, 9:58 pm

If yo wants a grill for yo teef
Lil Plucky can hook yo up yo.

24 carot gold
fuh real.
The road to happiness: Perseverance, Endurance and a whole lot of Hope.

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