Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 19th, 2010, 2:50 pm

:shock: :!:

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by stilltrucking » November 19th, 2010, 5:26 pm

a parallel Universe
where bullshit smells just like roses.

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 19th, 2010, 9:55 pm

we now return control of your tv set to you

no wait.. that was outer limits

i got lost in space for a minute

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Steve Plonk » November 19th, 2010, 10:59 pm

Warning, Warning, eminent meteor approach, Robinsons must avoid
and steer ship...Then we all land on Mars and roast hot dogs in ultraviolet light.
Once again, we hear the ticking of a counter-clockwise clock and hit the reset button. Let's rewind this video or back-up this CD in DC. Yowsuh. How can
sech mortification threads be removed without me even knowing until the last

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 19th, 2010, 11:50 pm

mortification threads? omg! where???? :shock:

This, I tell you, is very strange. I can't listen to my last.fm station and browse the internet while the paint is drying in between layers any more. They removed my facebook last.fm widget. And when I open up the last.fm station ON last.fm, it STOPS the fricking music if I take a break to open another window and check my mail or post on studio8 or do ANYTHING else on the internet and now they have fricking ADs on last.fm which is why I left pandora because of the ads but anyway, as I was saying, or I wasn't saying... but Im' about to say... I'm painting in my studio and I'm trying to listen to music and take breaks and come back to the internet while the paint is drying and I figured it out! It's NOT the twilight zone after all... you just have to use TWO computers at the same time so that's what I'm doing. I have last.fm music playing from my office and here on the other computer, i'm accessing the internet in between paint layers which is a pain in the ass because on THIS computer, i apparently can't use safari which is my preferred browser 'cause something's fucked up on this computer looks like and I don't get a post link or other links I need and so I'm using firefox and the mouse is all fucked up and so, apparently is my brain.

Which just goes to show you or shows to go you, either way, that the twilight zone does not actually exist but instead, all this crap is controlled by internet aliens or sumthin and I was wondering while I'm here typing away, would any of you be interested in becoming administrators and even the owner of studio eight and just continuing this for me (us), so I can just post here as a regular person and not have to figure out what the fuck mortification threads are and all that shit?

I want to be able to curse when i want and not be the owner of the site plus I want my last.fm widget back because i miss it more than i miss my blood, which by the way is apparently not flowing correctly because the heat is set to 73 and I've got 3 layers of clothes on and a space heater in my studio and I'm still freezing to death. My fingers are turning white and numb.

And if you've gotten this far reading this crap, you are definitely crazier than me and I suggest you may return to whatever the heck else you were doing with real human beings. Do you have real human beings? I don't have any right now but I'm looking for some. Would you like to come over and paint with me and watch my fingers turn white and listen to music with me and try to figure out how to log onto 2 computers at once?

Oh crap.. the damn music stopped again!

I'm so glad I'm off the meds so I can speak honestly about this. That shit screwed me up bigtime. I was sooooo sick. Now I'm me again but really who wants the site? I am going on an unemployment vacation.

Thank you for listening. That will be 50¢. Just drop your donation in the donation box. Click DONATE. No wait! We don't have a donate link!

I tell you what... once you own the site, you can create one, OK?

LOVE ya all and pardon my excursion into chatter but I must take a break and get back to painting as well as try to figure out why the music stopped on the other computer on last.fm. Maybe they stop it if you stop using the fricking mouse!

Hahaha :P :shock: :P :D :mrgreen:

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 19th, 2010, 11:53 pm

I was right! If you don't use the mouse... if you aren't THERE, they stop the service and you get an error message saying something about broadcasting to deaf ears and so you have to push RESUME in order for the last.fm station to keep playing and THEN ... guess what? You have to listen to ADs just like on TV before your music starts again.

I knew it was too good to be true. I guess I'll have to find another outlet for music but in the meantime... back to painting!

Happy night, day or morning to you... wherever in the world you may be. :D

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Steve Plonk » November 19th, 2010, 11:55 pm

I, unfortunately, with "mortification threads", was referring to the flap about
LRod's topic(s) and removal &/or locking up of said topics. It happened right under my nose! :o

Good night, Doreen, and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours next week! :D

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 20th, 2010, 12:25 am

Oh that. Well, c'est la vie on the internet stupid highway... er, internet superhighway.

Just another day at Studio8. You came late. We had lots of this before. Hopefully, it won't continue.... I'm such a harsh maiden and nazi censor. They should lock me up for control issues alone.

Ahh... but the paint is drying now, in between layers, and my paintings are coming along and this is the first time in MONTHS since I was very sick that I picked up the brushes and went back to the studio and now that I've figured out how to use 2 computers to hear my music and access the internet and paint at the same time, well, all is well, that's all i can say, no matter how lousy the paintings may turn out.

And I, too, wish YOU a happy thanksgiving.

One day someone will take me up on my offer. I've been trying to give this site away for several years every time something like the mortification threads happens. I don't have time. I don't need it. I have an unemployment check to collect and I must keep looking for work while continuing to become an acclaimed poet and artist internationally.

*shrug*... oh I LOVE this tune.. it's a rap song coming on my last.fm station... "Now Walk With Me" by Ebonics whoever the hell they are but somehow they got on my playlist and I love it!

xoxo much to you and your family for thanksgiving which should be every day... I give thanks I'm still breathing no matter how bad my breath may be

*poof* blowing a kiss to all studio8ers .... wear a mask... it might be contagious... that's a poem, know how i know that? it rhymes and everything

blowing a kiss to all studio8ers
wear a mask... it might be contagious.

see? a poem! it rhymes! YAY!

OK then, back to the paint
i ain't lyin'.
dirty water's dyin' and so are we all
live for the moment, it's all you git
carpe diem and all that shit


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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 20th, 2010, 12:29 am

PS... just the other day my daughter said to me, "You know why you're so down, mom?" and i said, "well, maybe 'cause I don't have a job after 11 years with the same company and no money's coming in" and she said, "NO! It's because you aren't painting and playing music." That's all there is to it. She was right. I'm feeling great tonight. Doing both.

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 21st, 2010, 12:05 am

I like how nice and calm in is here today on Studio8.

What a pleasure! :)

Steve Plonk
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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Steve Plonk » November 21st, 2010, 2:06 pm

Doreen, I sincerely appreciate everything you do "in the Zone" to keep things
from getting too strange around here. I try to do my part, too. See
my post on LRod's "Riot Act" piece in the Poetry Forum. Thanks for
your good wishes for the holidays, also.

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 21st, 2010, 3:58 pm

Thanks, Steve. I read it. You're a dear. I do the best I can.

I just wanted to create a place I could come to and enjoy. I didn't realize at the time there would situations to deal with.

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by judih » November 22nd, 2010, 12:57 am

where there's people, there's gonna be a situation
but music, painting and dancing will keep us happily detached (for a while)
& then rinse -repeat

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by stilltrucking » November 22nd, 2010, 11:34 am

that's life on the internet
always a situation
come to think of it
that 's just life
"life is trouble, only death is no trouble" Zorba the movie

Got to dance my blues away

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Re: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Post by Doreen Peri » November 22nd, 2010, 1:21 pm

just one more day on the internet.
people behind screens, let's not forget,
well, that is, unless you got skype,
which might be better 'cause you don't have to type...
but i don't have no camera, man,
too paranoid, understand,
don't want nobody lookin' at me,
'cause my heads on backwards, and if they'd see
that my eyes are like vacant holes in my head
they'd turn off their cameras, send me to bed,
tell me i look like halloween,
so i don't have no camera in between.
just one more day on the internet.
it's sorta like life, but let's not forget
that we're in separate spots, not in the same room,
so people say stuff you'd never assume
they'd say to your face if you're face-to-face
gotta remember that when you post on a place
where it's not as real as real, it's cyberspace.
watch out for me now, i'm cuttin' loose!
i learned to rhyme from dr. suess.
and pretty soon he'll teach me cartooning
right after that, my business is booming,
my books on the shelves at borders in the mall,
so don't be surprised when you get an email or call
from my agent who'll be handling sales,
'cause rhyming can sell, it ain't nothing but a thing
just like the internet, it's happening!
sorta like life, but not sorta either yet.
just another day on the internet.


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