War in Libya

What in the world is going on?
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Doreen Peri
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War in Libya

Post by Doreen Peri » March 20th, 2011, 12:11 am

:( :( :(

The whole world is falling apart.

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Re: War in Libya

Post by Arcadia » March 20th, 2011, 11:21 am

yeah... it´s sad and also uncanny... like reading a book that for multiple reasons insists to be under the only title "Crónica de una muerte anunciada"...

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 03-20.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 03-20.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 03-20.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 03-20.html

maybe we can just stop reading the book... or read it in a more creative way...

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Re: War in Libya

Post by Doreen Peri » March 22nd, 2011, 2:44 pm

Veronica... wish I could read Spanish... sighhh....

Here's my opinion about the war.

First off, this is NUTS! There's absolutely no reason for wars like this. It echoes Iraq... trying to get a dictator out because he's a bad guy. OK fine. He's a bad guy. Why bomb the country? Why get the whole UN involved and take military action?

They could send in undercover agents and infiltrate and somehow get him OUT if that's what they want.

But that's obviously NOT all they want. Things like this can escalate beyond proportions I don't even want to imagine. People will die. Lots of people. It's barbaric!

I predict the US will AGAIN occupy yet another arab nation and that we will be there for YEARS.

What happened to declaring war? What happened to the Constitution which says we must declare war first? And the whole world is involved in this.

Sure I feel sorry for the Libyan people living under such a cruel dictatorship and I understand their rising up to rebel against it. But what is the US? The world police? Why are all the other countries in the UN involved in this, too? War is barbaric, unnecessary. There are many other means to solve problems, aide in changing regimes, or whatever people decide is best for humanitarian reasons but to go in there and attack Libya and bomb the place? These people are NUTS!

It's all about money. It's all about oil. There's some bigshot wealthy people running this show. I'm disappointed in Obama. But hey, apparently he's just another puppet.

Warmongering in the 21st century is dangerous practice! It's so upsetting. I can't turn on the news without feeling like crying.

All of this on the heels of a major earthquake, devastating tsunami and nuclear plants being damaged to the point of threatening life and they're going to war in Libya?

They're INSANE!!!! War is INSANE. I have no other word for it.

How many more arab countries are we going to attack and occupy? Yeah yeah they said "Oh this will be just a short maneuver to get Saddam Hussein out" when they attacked Iraq how many years ago? 10? OMG and we're STILL there!

I even heard a military commander on CNN the other night saying that the object of the military maneuver is NOT just to get Ghadaffi out. (sorry I don't think I spelled his name right) But if that's the case, then what the heck IS it about? I'll tell you what it's about. It's about taking over the world, controlling oil and money. It's not about the people.

Call me delusional if you want. I'm NOT! I can see it clear as day.

All this money spent on military action when all the countries involved in this attack could be spending the money to help with the situation in Japan?

They're NUTS! INSANE!!!!!! They don't care about people. They care about MONEY.

OK that's it. Rant over. I'm appalled at the whole thing. It literally makes me cry. I turn the TV on and I'm watching the devastation in Japan and the death toll is rising astronomically as they find bodies and the nuclear plants are damaged to the point of being a threat to human life..... OMG..... and they're spending money to attack and bomb Libya?


Just watch the escalation of this.

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Re: War in Libya

Post by Steve Plonk » March 22nd, 2011, 5:37 pm

Obama got us into this "no fly zone" bombing, etc. upon request of allies and the U.N. However, Doreen, you are correct...We could end up with another
longer lasting conflict. No ground troops, I hope...

Obama is not quite the puppet as Dubya was. But, I am not very happy with his decision. So far, Germany and Russia have stayed out of it... Though, France & Britain are into it. So is Spain & Italy... "Gaddafi (sic) must go", but this goal is not our specific objective. In other words, Gaddafi is supposedly not a target, although bombs did hit his compound again like they did in 1986. Could have fooled me!?... At any rate, Obama seemed to have the usual reasons
for going in...Oil, Oil and more oil...(Huh!?) Seems like a more tightly wrapped
package than either Iraq or Afghanistan...

I'll have to get my daughter to translate Arcadia's spanish-speaking posts.
At any rate, here we go again with another air war like in Kosovo or Bosnia...
Like, then, I think we'll eventually have to secure the oil terminals and airbases
so we'll need ground support from the guerillas. Arggh! Reminds me of African interventions in the late fifties...

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Re: War in Libya

Post by Arcadia » March 25th, 2011, 11:00 am

well, it seems Nicolás & friends get the cool wave now... See:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 03-25.html

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Re: War in Libya

Post by Arcadia » March 30th, 2011, 2:58 pm

so it seems USA and the OTAN partners will give arms to the libian rebels...

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 03-30.html

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Re: War in Libya

Post by stilltrucking » March 30th, 2011, 10:57 pm

He had lost to humanity, but his friend Tony Blair, his friend Silvio Berlusconi, his friend Vladimir Putin and all the friends that grew from 2003, including Sarkozy himself, it recovered. Lo abanderaron con una copiosa bienvenida al seno del “mundo libre”. I flagged with a hearty welcome to the bosom of the free world. " Le compraron petróleo y le vendieron las armas con las que bombardeó a su pueblo. I bought oil and sold the weapons to bombard his people.

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 03-20.html
In Search of Monsters,

Reformed interventionist David Rieff, who wrote the book “At the Point of a Gun,” which criticizes “the messianic dream of remaking the world in either the image of American democracy or of the legal utopias of international human rights law,” told me that after Iraq: “America doesn’t have the credibility to make war in the Arab world. Our touch in this is actually counterproductive.”

He continued: “Qaddafi is a terrible man, but I don’t think it’s the business of the United States to overthrow him. Those who want America to support democratic movements and insurrections by force if necessary wherever there’s a chance of them succeeding are committing the United States to endless wars of altruism. And that’s folly.”

He quotes John Quincy Adams about America:

“Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy ... she is the champion and vindicator only of her own.”

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