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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » June 25th, 2011, 10:19 am

Interesting Osvaldo Bayer´s today article:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/contr ... 06-25.html

Todos los problemas tienen solución mediante el diálogo. Y el político, el gobernante deben proponerse el diálogo como única arma de poder. Porque si no caeríamos en reconocer a la guerra como única solución para los problemas entre los pueblos. Y eso finalmente significa la muerte.

let´s dialogue!!! :roll: :lol: :)

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » June 26th, 2011, 10:29 am

yesterday I won a familiar apuesta about who´s wanna choose our president as vicepresident in her candidatura for re-election next October... she said "loyalty" was the most appreciate value she considered in choosing him... so, it seems we´ll have as vicepresident an economist named Amado Boudou (he´s our actual minister of economy)... : I don´t want to read his curriculum, I don´t want to read his curriculum, I don´t want to read his curriculum... :lol:

President Chavez seems lost in a misterious Cuban triangle... hope he recover his health again... :?

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » June 30th, 2011, 1:28 pm

my heart is with Greece & Chile´s people at the moment... sad situation (the pression around the "savage-salvataje", the infiltrated, the lack of social sensibilization in the gobernantes), but good to know that the people are really & still alive & creative there... :)


http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 06-30.html

(I owe you the Chile link)

good new regarding medicamentos production here... I´m not easily for medicamentos industrializados (I think that 70% of the phisical & emotional dolencias can step by step dissappear with descanso, love, good food & and adecuate understandig of/by/about the context) but sometimes they are necessary and when that happens they can be available for everyone who need them, so, I guess good news! :)

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 06-30.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » June 30th, 2011, 1:32 pm

"No more nuclear energy in the future in Germany"... I hope they can be an inspiration for the rest of the world and not only a sort of rich´s luxury sample... :)


http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 06-30.html

Our poet, Juan Gelman, about Libia´s "opposition":

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/contr ... 06-30.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 13th, 2011, 8:40 pm

Is Fito Páez a fascist for writing this? mmmm.... I found it too florido (maybe) but I don´t consider him a fascist for writing that... but I´m not a PRO follower and I don´t live in Buenos Aires...

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-13.html


http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-13.html

& yeah, I also can´t understand why Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires´s citizens keep voting Mauricio Macri... auch!... :?

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 22nd, 2011, 3:57 pm

damn..., I have to be in charge of one of the election mesas this sunday (from 7.30 am to sure 10 pm or more possible later :shock: )... pros and cons of electronic vote, anyone? :roll:

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 25th, 2011, 10:05 am

The 15 hours voting process of 351 electores -83 of them didn´t appear and the vote here is obligatorio- was exausting (though we finished the manual counting, filling forms & packing things at 10 pm, fiscales were correct or inexistentes -except one PRO shouting old man reclaiming a certificate and intimidating to call the "forces" in the middle of the counting who suddenly dissapeard minutes later-,most of the voters knew about the new boleta única and only two (both of them young) "cantaron" their votos -one wanting to fill the boletas outside the boxes "because he didn´t want to vote anyone" and other saying that she didn´t need the pen because "she won´t vote to anyone...").
One, let´s call it, anecdotic thing that caught my attention when old people showed their documento de identidad to the electoral mesa: most of them needed to add also a little story about the photo on it -if it was a original document-, about the times they already voted, about the school if they were ex-students, about the necessity of "keep learning new things", about how was the barrio years ago ... The expectation & faces of the first time voters were also somehow moving and gave to all the process -at least for me- a reconforting human note..

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 25th, 2011, 10:31 am

So, thought it was a very high learning experience to be there & tomorrow I don´t need to go to work, I´ll do all the possible next time in order that the autoridad de mesa notification don´t caught me again... :lol:

Thanks the people we keep having a let´s call it Socialist government both in Rosario City and in the gobierno de Santa Fe.... but we were at two points in the risk to have Miguel Del Sel (pro PRO, pro Macri, pro heavy-right-wing peronismo, bad comedian, Physical Education professor and "un vago" -the last thing in hiw own words-) as our province governor.... :shock: :roll:

The Socialist governments -both the city and provincia- won´t have a mayority in the cameras, so I expect their governments will be enough creative in the last four years to face with dignity that ...

And now some saying their reasons in some articles :) :

http://www.lacapital.com.ar/politica/Bo ... -0059.html

http://www.lacapital.com.ar/politica/El ... -0054.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-25.html

http://www.lacapital.com.ar/politica/He ... -0053.html

http://www.lacapital.com.ar/politica/De ... -0027.html

http://www.lacapital.com.ar/politica/Cu ... -0061.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-25.html

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-25.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 25th, 2011, 10:39 am

I´ll finish to read this article about Lucian/Lucien? Freud later, meanwhile I´ll post it here because I don´t want to stay sitting more time now to read it or search the s8 link we have with one of her paintings (15 hours yesterday was too much! :wink: )


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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 25th, 2011, 5:09 pm

I just realized that Carlos del Frade was finally elected diputado for Proyecto Sur, that´s wonderful!!!!! :D (and it was the only not socialist vote I did... :lol: )

Interesting declarations, see:

http://www.lacapital.com.ar/politica/Si ... -0068.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 26th, 2011, 1:12 pm

elected governor Bonfatti on "not judging the voters" and on dialogue... yeah!, he & his team will need it...!!!! -in fact all our nation need it...- :)

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-26.html

Wainfeld´s analisys on the election:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-26.html

Del Sel´s declarations:

“Creo que les moví el esqueleto a todos" ... I think he´s right! :)
http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-26.html

´90´s back? I don´t think in the eterno retorno as an image for the History: the '90 factually can´t be back as the ´90, but we were about to have a sort of dialectic shake... :roll: . See more:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 07-26.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 27th, 2011, 6:51 pm

Evo Morales saying today: "le tengo miedo al gobierno de Estados Unidos porque conozco a sus operadores políticos"... sane sincerity! :)


Morales dice temer que Washington y DEA le involucren con narcotráfico
Por Abi - Agencia - 27/07/2011

EL presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales habla durante encuentro en Estados Unidos -

Declaraciones del presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales desde Nueva York (27/VII/11).
Conferencia de prensa del ministro de Comunicación, Iván Canelas- Viaje del presidente Morales a Nueva York (27/VII/11).

Morales va a sesión de ONU sobre agua tras expresar temor a complot de EEUU


El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, patentó el miércoles su temor a que el gobierno de Estados Unidos le siembre pruebas y lo involucre con el narcotráfico, por vía de su agencia federal antidrogas, DEA, durante una conferencia de prensa en Nueva York, sede de una asamblea de la Organización Naciones Unidas (ONU).

"De verdad, quiero decir, tengo mucho miedo al gobierno de Estados Unidos porque conozco sus operadores políticos. Siempre el narcotráfico maneja con intereses geopolíticos", afirmó durante una conferencia de prensa ofrecida en el preámbulo de las deliberaciones sobre la declaración del agua como derecho humano universal, adoptada en 2010.

Morales, que el domingo pasado denunció la posibilidad de un complot en EEUU, fundó su temor en una serie de publicaciones sin base en la prensa nacional e internacional, hace poco más de un mes, sobre la supuesta detención del avión presidencial boliviano en un terminal estadounidense con trazas de droga, cuando la aeronave se encontraba en un hangar cerca de La Paz.

Convencido como se expresó del talente de la DEA, Morales se dijo consciente de la política de Washington con su gobierno de izquierdas.

"Yo salvo mi responsabilidad denunciando lo que quieren con Bolivia, su gobierno y su Presidente", subrayó.

El mandatario boliviano, defensor a ultranza de los derechos de la Madre Tierra y de los pueblos indígena originarios, dijo conocer, desde sus tiempos de labriego y líder de los cultivadores de coca del centro de Bolivia, cómo se las gasta la DEA, cuando se conspiraciones se trata.

Morales corrió a la DEA a fines de 2008, tras casi 20 años de liderar la lucha antidrogas boliviana, después de denunciar que la agencia estadounidense se encontraba, junto al embajador de Washington de ese entonces, Philip Golberg, a quien también echó, involucrada en un intento de golpe de Estado en Bolivia.

"La DEA de EEUU no luchaba contra el narcotráfico, controlaba el narcotráfico con fines políticos. Inclusive algunos ex agentes de la DEA denunciaron de las barbaridades que hacía la DEA, so pretexto de la lucha contra el narcotráfico", ejemplificó.

Durante un mitin en un emplazamiento indígena, Morales había ya, el domingo último, expresado sus suspicacias con los procedimientos poco ortodoxos de la DEA, más aún si se trata de suelo estadounidense.

"Ni siquiera este ultimo año hemos ido a Estados Unidos, y se piensa que deben estar preparando algo, hasta tengo miedo ir con nuestro avión a los Estados Unidos, seguramente cuando lleguemos allá pueden meter alguna cosa y detener el avión de la Presidencia", dijo un acto de masas en una población rural del centro de Bolivia.

http://www.lostiempos.com/diario/actual ... 75816.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » July 27th, 2011, 8:34 pm

I got a good feeling about Evo. I think his fears are probably justified.

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 28th, 2011, 2:56 pm

gracias for reading s-trucking!!!!!!!!!! :)

& WoW!!!!!!!! Susana Baca is the new Culture´s minister of Ollanta Humala!!!!!!!! :D I love the songs and the way she sings...!!!!!!! Bravo for the peruvian people & best wishes to them with their new government!!!!!

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » July 31st, 2011, 7:47 pm

tomorrow we´ll have a marcha & recital here to protest against the Electoral Tribunal for not giving at the end the diputado´s cargo to Proyecto Sur´s Carlos del Frade despite he had nearly 60000 votos... no idea about the sutilities? concerning this case: 3% of the total padrón? or 3% of the votos escrutados? an electoral law from the dictadura years?, can we be so stupid to discuss or not have clear this in 2011 after a lot of elections in democracy times? ... :shock: or... well, I have no idea, so I will go to the marcha and ask if someone can tell me details... :lol: :lol:

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