"This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

What in the world is going on?
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"This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

Post by stilltrucking » August 28th, 2011, 4:05 pm

http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/thi ... _20110307/

"The Mayan elite became, at the end, as the anthropologist Ronald Wright notes in “A Short History of Progress,” “… extremists, or ultra-conservatives, squeezing the last drops of profit from nature and humanity.” This is how all civilizations, including our own, ossify and die. The signs of imminent death may be undeniable. Common sense may cry out for a radical new response. But the race toward self-immolation only accelerates because of intellectual and moral paralysis. As Sigmund Freud grasped in “Beyond the Pleasure Principle” and “Civilization and Its Discontents,” human societies are as intoxicated and blinded by their own headlong rush toward death and destruction as they are by the search for erotic fulfillment."

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Re: "This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

Post by the mingo » August 29th, 2011, 12:26 pm

What had already been in place before the american revolution was solidified and locked in by that revolution which provided legal documents for it's perpetuation, a declaration & then a constitution. And it has proceeded from these events hell-bent-for-leather ever since. "We the People" is not a statement of fact but a mythic utterance. It has been given the lip both by the wise man and the fool. What was true before, during, and after the revolution continues true today. In the colonies wealth was concentrated & controlled in a very small group. Has anything changed? The ballot box has changed nothing essential in over 250 years. Political parties have changed nothing essential in 250 years. Populist movements have changed nothing essential in 250 years. Freedom is not a lie nor is it a dream - it's a gloss over things too hard to think about and then come to terms with. Neither government nor anarchy is an answer to status quo. Revolutionaries do not want change, or justice or any such thing. They want a bigger say, a bigger piece of the pie and that's it, from M.L. King all the way back to those who wanted no part of the Plymouth Compact. For an individual to go forth and produce good fruit he must attempt first to understand with open eye and open mind the tree & branch which produced him.
Barring this approach, nothing will change.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: "This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

Post by stilltrucking » August 29th, 2011, 6:16 pm

” human societies are as intoxicated and blinded by their own headlong rush toward death and destruction as they are by the search for erotic fulfillment."
some people say there is nothing new under the sun
some people say it has all happened before
and it will happen again and again
about every seventeen billion years or so

I don't know but I think Rick Perry will be a great president. I say let's give him a Noble Peace Prize too.

Don't you love her madly as she is walking out the door like she has done one thousand times before

It has been a long strange trip
and it just keeps getting stranger
Poor old Freud
Such an optimist
"And they laid Jesus Christ in his grave"

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Re: "This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

Post by stilltrucking » August 29th, 2011, 6:55 pm

"history is a bitch with an ice pick" paraphrase of a line from a rev rabbit poem on litkicks a long time ago
"language is a bitch with an ice pick"
I don't know much about history anymore
because I live in Texas and the Christian Zombies on the school board have rewriten the text books, we don't need not stinking athiests like Thomas Jefferson in Texas, thank you very much. We just need to study on Ronald rayguns.

Sorry mingo
pardon my ramble
it is a bad day today for me
but even a bad day is okay
because tomorrow might be a better day

General Sherman was not wrong about Texas
107 degrees with air quality warnings
I feel like a shut in without a home
I saw a bit on TV about how the Sahara desert was a lake seven thousand years ago. because the earth wobbles on its axis the desert comes and goes every twenty thousand years or so

empires come and go
freinds come and go
women come and go
my moods come and go and
the Roman Empire was a robust brand, it lasted 1400 years. I don't think we will make three hundred years
When will we hear from the founding mothers that's what I am hoping for

I still suffer from the Faust syndrome I thinkl
I am a fool who thinks he understands everything

I am grateful there are men like George W. Bush and Rick Perry
men with the courage of their convictions
they are helping to bring it all crashing down around us
which just might be a good thing

In the meantime, where did all these pregnant women come from

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Re: "This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

Post by Atehequa » September 4th, 2011, 1:31 pm

"I don't know much about history anymore
because I live in Texas and the Christian Zombies on the school board have rewriten the text books, we don't need not stinking athiests like Thomas Jefferson in Texas, thank you very much"

Ever ponder the reason why 'they' want to re-write history ?

Here in Virginia we have Governor Bob and there are some who say he is planning on being Vice President, perhaps to Governor Dick,,, Whoops, I meant Rick. I really don't know how Bob feels about Tommy J, as he and all the other Virginian founding fathers are a big source of tourist generated revenue here in our historic commonwealth.

Christian Zombies ?

I don't know as some of the ones I've encountered are alive and kicking, having only the good laws of this land keeping them from repeating the bloody history of torturing and killing their forebearers and victims once knew.

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Re: "This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

Post by stilltrucking » September 5th, 2011, 12:34 am

I mean people who are dead to the spirit. They are such well groomed zombies, it must be the result of better skin care, hardly a stench of death about them because the personal grooming industry has made miraculous leaps in technology. Denistry too they have have such brilliant sharky teeth, They are such attractive looking people these days. Nothing scary about them at all.

Here is one, the former spiritual adviser to George W. Bush

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Re: "This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

Post by Atehequa » September 5th, 2011, 9:44 am

Quite popular these days. I’ve been seeing them in movies, television programs and commercials. I guess they can be associated with the spiritually disconnected.

Ultra materialistic.
Wealthy enough to afford the most nutritious foods and upscale gyms or spas. If not born conventionally good looking by means of selective breeding, can be enhanced as such by means of cosmetic surgery procedures and the best of dental care and professional grooming.

Perhaps they are not all bad, but there are no doubt many who have substituted a good sense of spirituality with selfishness and greed. Worshipping themselves instead of a higher power.

Replacing the spirit world and natural settings with what artificial grandeur they can display or show off.
Giant extravagant cathedrals, churches, temples and mosques.
Humans worshipping themselves having recreated any higher power or great spiritual mystery into their own image, probably beginning ages ago when they took to anthropomorphizing animals and animal spirits into more of a human-like appearance.

This has been going on for thousands of years and has been even more prevalent with the advent and continuation of monotheism.

Good Mother Nature or the Earth Mother forsaken in favor of an angry, controlling punishing male sky god who coincides with their materialistic greed and selfishness. All powerful in his greed, able to extort from fear and the ability to guilt.

An almighty sky father/god who has turned the earth mother into a whore to be used and abused in a most selfish manner. Human followers who force their materialistic wills upon all others by any means possible.

They speak of a loving god who should be feared.

‘It’s okay to kill or enslave them and extinguish their way of life as they are not of our one true faith’

This has been going on for thousands of years and has been even more prevalent with the advent of monotheism.

There can be no heaven without earth.
Last edited by Atehequa on September 5th, 2011, 10:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: "This time we are taking the whole planet with us"

Post by stilltrucking » September 5th, 2011, 9:55 am

Well said!

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