History is a solution...

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by stilltrucking » December 16th, 2012, 5:33 pm

It may be necessary temporarily to accept a lesser evil, but one must never label a necessary evil as good.

Someone mentioned ancient Greece. Yes if you were a Citizen of the Polis you had a lot of power. In fact the Athenians were so jealous of their rights that they would not give one citizen police power over another. So they used slaves as their cops. Go figure.

Factoids, I love them.

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Atehequa » December 17th, 2012, 6:06 am

justwalt wrote:america was created by the genocide of those who have occupied
the continent for centuries prior... (and it really hasn't stopped)... cool start, right?
Those who survived are suppose to forget about what happened, completely assimilate and become proud flag waving Americans. If that's not enough we are suppose to be team players loyal to, or leaning towards a particular political party. If not we're deemed unpatriotic and not allowed to express ourselves.

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Atehequa » December 17th, 2012, 6:22 am

Steve Plonk wrote:JustWalt, :lol: Just another shill for Iran... Beware a Persian bringing gifts.

Are you trying to get on a watch list? Think carefully, if we had wanted to attack Iran, we would already have done it. No, we don't need Iran's oil. What, in oil sands, gave you that idea? We just need Iran to keep the Strait of Hormuz open. :roll: :P Bye, now, my lad.
Go back to your hiding hole & troll somewhere else. Get real...Stop hallucinating... :mrgreen:
Watch list ? You mean for those who don't agree with and speak out against the atrocities
of the government ?

I see someone shilling for a war with Iran. Perhaps another Christian armchair crusader who hates Moslems.

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by justwalt » December 17th, 2012, 9:54 am

yeah, put me at the top of the list, please!

I'm ready, been done with this planet for quite some time now.

If I could speed up my departure, I would, but I am not allowed.

good, bad or ugly, I must stand my ground with an honest smile,

and a broken heart.

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Steve Plonk » December 18th, 2012, 12:27 am

Dudes, "We just need Iran to keep the Strait of Hormuz open''. That is basically our beef with Iran. As long as Iran doesn't block the Straits, we are good...Hey, don't get up on your "high horses" about it...Easy does it... :roll: :? :wink:

Seasons Greetings! 8) Peace... :o
List, schmist... :lol: Who do you think I am , Homeland Security? I am through
talking with you about this subject. History is full of other interesting topics. :) :wink:
Good night & good luck, from Steve, & "Life in the Horse Lane".
Last edited by Steve Plonk on December 21st, 2012, 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Atehequa » December 18th, 2012, 5:51 am

Steve Plonk wrote:Who do you think I am , Homeland Security?
So what kind of watch list are you referring to ?

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Steve Plonk » December 19th, 2012, 9:09 pm

To Whom it May Concern: Check out "the watch list" in the Humor Forum. :)

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Steve Plonk » January 1st, 2013, 3:51 pm

Now, that the republicans have driven us off the "fiscal cliff", what is next for the economic history of America? Any guesses? Will we avert another recession or will we just muddle through? "I speak of many things including cabbages & kings..." 8)
"We cannot escape death & taxes," the bard once said.

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by stilltrucking » January 2nd, 2013, 4:21 pm

It is easy to get on the watch list, as a friend of mine on studio eight once said "Google is the best cop" We are all on the watch list after operation CARNIVORE>it boggles my mind. Computers in deep thought scanning our emails, chats, phone calls, yes we are watched over by machines of loving grace.
:?: Ziggyboogiedoo!
I tried to check that out but I could not fine anything

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Atehequa » January 5th, 2013, 12:07 pm

stilltrucking wrote:It is easy to get on the watch list, as a friend of mine on studio eight once said "Google is the best cop" We are all on the watch list after operation CARNIVORE>it boggles my mind. Computers in deep thought scanning our emails, chats, phone calls, yes we are watched over by machines of loving grace.
:?: Ziggyboogiedoo!
I tried to check that out but I could not fine anything
Watch ?

Can they see me in the deep woods before I see them ? Let those who are behind these watchers keep fucking up and everybody will be watched, or perhaps everybody will be watching the watchers.

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Steve Plonk » January 6th, 2013, 9:49 pm

Ziggyboogiedoo! (Boo yah to you.) I'm tired of histrionics, let's talk about economics.
I guess that neither of you checked out my thread, "The Watch List" in the Humor forum.

Someone needs to check their wristwatch, for the hour is getting late. TIme's a-wasting,
I got some TV to watch. :lol: "What, me worry?!"

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by still.trucking » January 18th, 2013, 12:06 am

I don't know what this frackin phread is about anymore, I just come here looking for a solution. About a two percent solution :wink:
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


Free Rice

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Steve Plonk » January 18th, 2013, 1:22 pm

Still Trucking, Part of the two percent solution would be to comply with my simple request. Go check out my "The Watch List" thread in the Humor forum. Then, after you've read it, we may be able to talk more fully about historical solutions to economic problems. Humor is a solvent for plenty of confusion...

Raising "the debt ceiling" didn't use to be a political football...It used to be raised after a "rubber stamp" from both houses of congress. Now it is time to remove any debt ceiling limit because it gets our politics in a bind & holds up progress. That way, we may borrow for emergency funding without an artificial economic limit to progress.

Most of our recent problems comes from not having a secure tax base. That is, we must
raise enough taxes "to pay as we go"... Also, we have not exported enough goods... That is one reason we have such a huge balance of payments deficit with China. The republican "party of No" has become a thorn in the side of progress & fair trade practices. New taxes need to be raised to keep our social security & medicare system solvent into the future. Eventually, all folks taxes will have to go up. Some tariffs may
need to go up to protect our economy from cheap imports from countries like China.

Moreover, those of us who are best able to pay taxes should pay them. Simple as that. Historically, when a country does not have a strong tax base, like Greece, it goes bankrupt. We can't afford to have any country in the world become dependent on the dole. So we collectively try to bail them out. Likewise, Greece cannot afford to become like Somalia. This kind of scenario may happen to any country if they don't collect a fair share of folks taxes. In order to "promote the public welfare" taxes need to be raised & efficiently collected.

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by stilltrucking » January 19th, 2013, 3:21 pm

In the words of the Republican party
Stop making sense. . .

This quote brought to you by —
William S. Burroughs for president committee

"Never be such a shit that you don't know you are one"— William S. Burroughs,

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Re: History is a solution...

Post by Steve Plonk » January 19th, 2013, 6:46 pm

Still Trucking, Bill Burroughs, dead or alive, is not presidential material.
However, you're entitled to a brain cramp or two before bullshit is spouted. :lol:
After all, this is the Rant & Rage forum. My man, you stint so nicely, if offbeat...
Yes, we are all full of it from time to time...Yes, I am trying to make sense of
the economic shit we are in. Mine was a well thought out rant. :lol:

Tomorrow, OUR MAIN MAN, President Obama, is going to get formally inaugurated for
a second term at or around high noon. Then, come Monday, MLK Day, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. will give his second inaugural address, after having the public ceremony around noon. The well-heeled invites are getting lobster & buffalo for lunch as the main entree. Wish I could attend. But, I come from a low budget operation & have to watch on TV, like most of us. I'm proud to be part of history & have voted for a winner once again. 8)


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