Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

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Steve Plonk
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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Steve Plonk » October 11th, 2013, 6:44 pm


Postby Steve Plonk » Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:41 pm
Doreen, :?: Here is another attempt at a screenshot. It does not copy with a blue color around it. :?:
Neither of my panels has what yours has on it. :!: :roll: ...Including my
"Life in the Horse Lane" Column. :? I guess both need to be fixed. I realize this takes
time. Really appreciate you making "the sticky" on both of my forums.

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Doreen Peri
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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 3:15 am

A "screenshot" is a picture. I can't follow what you posted. Here's how to create a screenshot. First, find the topic, then click EDIT.

Text does us no good. I need a PICTURE.. a SCREENSHOT...

Are you using Windows or Mac and what is your browser? I'll give you instructions to take a screenshot and then upload it as an image so we can SEE it.

Thank you!

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 3:20 am

This is a screenshot. A picture of the screen. This is a screenshot I took after I clicked EDIT in the thread you wanted to create a STICKY or ANNOUNCEMENT for. See? It's a picture.
What you need to do is click EDIT on the ORIGINAL post of the thread and then

Create a Screenshot.

Click UPLOAD...


and the screenshot will show on everyone's screen and I can try to help figure out what the problem is once I see it.

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 3:23 am

REMEMBER... click EDIT FIRST because that's where the "sticky" and "announcement" buttons are.

Take a screenshot Windows XP ... creen-shot

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 3:24 am

Click EDIT on the FIRST post of your thread which you want to make a STICKY or ANNOUNCEMENT, then take a screenshot ... =windows-8

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 3:26 am

If you have a MAC and not a PC/Windows machine, you can take a screenshot by doing the following: ... enshot.htm

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 3:28 am

AFTER you have saved the screenshot as an IMAGE file on your desktop of your computer.... and you named it something like "screenshot.jpg" or "screenshot.png" depending on the formats they offered you... THEN... you can upload it right here...

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 3:34 am

Simply slick the "Upload attachment" tab below the posting window.

Click "Choose file" and navigate to the file you just saved (the screenshot) on your desktop.

Select it.

Click "Add the file"

It will upload.

Then click "Place inline" and it will place the code for the file in this thread so it will appear on the thread.

Then I can see what you're seeing.


NOW>.. if all if this is too complicated.. get out your cell phone or your digital camera and take a photo of the screen and then upload it following the above instructions to make sure it appears on the thread

I don't know how else to help because your permissions are set properly.

The only other option I can think of is for you to send me your log-in info and I will log-in as you and see what you're seeing and be hopefully be able to figure out what's wrong and why it isn't working for you.

I suspect you are not scrolling down far enough due to your screen resolution and therefore cannot see the Option and Upload Attachment tabs.

Just a possibility.

I'm only trying to help.

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 3:37 am

Check back with me tomorrow either here on THIS thread (not the other one in your forum bc i'm going to come back HERE to look).

Let me know the status.

Talk to you soon.

PS.. This type of problem/situation/technical issue should be taken care of via private message. In the future, after we resolve this, let's please use private message because I have no doubt that his is boring a number of readers/viewers.



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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Steve Plonk » October 12th, 2013, 3:24 pm

Sorry,Doreen, I don't have either a MAC nor a camera which takes pictures. I don't even know how to upload photos, so how can I do a "screenshot"? I use windows XP. The directions don't
make any sense to me. You'll have to make do with the copy I sent you in both my intro & this thread. Like I said, I am inept using a computer. I am fine with making new topics, locking & unlocking them. I still haven't figured out how to move topics. I recently discovered how to bump topics, but now that feature is missing. It used to be at the bottom of the page.
See my almost complete copy in my Introduction thread. :? Take my word for it, there is\
no sticky capability & see thread: I don't know how to access a "paint window" nor can
I take photos of anything. What do you mean by a "posting window"? ... See what I'm saying?
Is this blank space I am posting in called a "posting window"? I don't know the terms. :?
I may have to get my daughter to help me...Update... Scroll down & see my daughter's message & screenshots. They are a bit smaller than yours, but they can be enlarged with a click.
(Oh, My daughter is also fluent in Spanish. She helps me with Arcadia's Posts.) ... 16#p167316

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 5:37 pm

I had already linked to the instructions for Windows XP to take a screenshot above. Now the screenshot is located in the other thread and I was hoping to keep all the troubleshooting posts in this thread. I thanked your daughter in the other thread for taking the screenshot and posting it.

You don't need a mac and you don't need a camera. All the instructions are quite clear linked to above. I'm sorry you had a problem with it. I posted links to both Windows and Mac instructions because i didn't know what system you used. I'm happy your daughter was able to help to provide the screenshot.

I will copy the screenshot and post it to THIS thread. Hopefully James will have time to look at it and help me figure out why you don't see Sticky and Announcement as options.

Thanks again.

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 5:39 pm

James, this is what Steve sees. He doesn't have the Sticky or Announcement options. I checked his permissions and he is Full Moderator of the forum. Can you please help me figure out why he isn't seeing the Sticky or Announcement radio button options? Thank you!

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 10:31 pm

I thought I fixed it for you but it doesn't look like I was successful.

I'll keep trying. :)

Unfortunately, James is not available at this time, so I'm doing my best to get this problem resolved.

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 11:30 pm

OK.... try it now. I think I fixed it. Please let me know if you can now see the Sticky and Announcement options when you click Edit to one of your posts and/or when you're posting a new post.

Thank you!

NOTE: Please NEVER use GLOBAL. That will make your post appear at the top of every forum on the entire site. I haven't figured out what I need to do to remove that option. Nobody should have that option other than Administrators and we rarely even use it ourselves.

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Re: Attn: Doreen, Need help locking, moving threads

Post by Doreen Peri » October 12th, 2013, 11:54 pm

And now, everybody's EDIT buttons are gone all over the whole site. I think I have officially earned this bottle of Advil. LOL!

I'll have to figure it all out later. For now, sorry, but looks like nobody can edit anywhere else on the site except for in the Artlogs and it looks like all the Moderators of the Artlogs have a Global Announcement option which they shouldn't have.

But at least you can make your Stickies and Announcements now. Please confirm that you can.

Thank you!


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