
Truckin'. Still truckin'...

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Post by stilltrucking » April 19th, 2014, 9:06 am

Re: "manifest destiny" and such ...
by stilltrucking » Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:03 pm
soldiers of the cross
Nietzsche had a better grip on Jesus and his good news than any cracker head preacher on TV and probably most pulpits too.

Reagan's pope I remember him
Pius XI, made a real estate deal with Il Duce

I guess America is a mystery to me,
I grew up dreaming of being a cowboy, a soldier, a gunslinger, a pirate, I was living the american dream and I dreamed my life away

you must be a masochist if you love these random rambles of mine

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Re: Trash

Post by stilltrucking » April 19th, 2014, 12:46 pm

Re: "manifest destiny" and such ...

Postby stilltrucking » Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:20 am
conrad wrote about it in the heart of darkness
Europe had their white man's burden in Africa and Asia
We are not so different we are just anachronistic
and of course it is explicit in the judeo christian bible, manifest dominion over the whole planet.

too many rats in the box to keep playing those games

Nietzsche not as problematic to me as the lies of the church fathers, maybe it was the syphilis that did him in, or maybe he died of a broken heart.

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Re: Trash

Post by zero_hero » April 24th, 2014, 9:53 pm

Who governs? Who really rules? To what extent is the broad body of U.S. citizens sovereign, semi-sovereign, or largely powerless? These questions have animated much important work in the study of American politics. ... 3-7-14.pdf
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Re: Trash what's on my" clipboard" Ctrl V

Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2014, 6:44 pm

mnaz wrote;
poets were once beat, or dead
now they type in text boxes
simple glory to wild freakout
adolescent gushing, absurd tendrils
a billion screams in the machine
spontaneous combustions of art
language and image
so what the hell can we do about it now , a sweet lament
among us litkick orphans
another absurd gushing appeal to tendrils of distant minds
as we try to find a way to carry on what we have lost

, the bulletin board software is so godamned linear you can't see the curves, the way the posts on different threads feed off of each other, the threads weaving together into strands of thoughts interconnected into a whole that is meaning full yet pleasing to the monkey brain..
always looking for patterns like being constantly stoned on acid seeing the uncanny all around me, trying to find the patterns in the abstract, a fractal-ized consciousness

this is just another scream in the machine
but I am tired of thinking about Camelot
not tired, depressed maybe. trying to find a way to carry on

that software worked for Levi but most of all it was the people who were attracted to his personality, a really beautiful cant, a lot like Jack, but jack was not a philosopher king, he liked the clowns, the mad men, not so rational

sorry mnaz,
a road adventure 8)
you do good work
if I had not liked it I would not have spilled my guts,

Have you ever done a search of your posts and look at the result for patterns>>>?
interconnections to other thread by other people?
You get a page of snippets which are sometimes interesting and related.
But that is probably just my vanity :?

I guess I still have that image of the litkicks threads in my minds eye when I post these random text boxes of mine.

sorry for the blurt
What pisses me off is being alive.
If I was dead I think I would be more content with things

Sorry sometimes I forget that we must stand by our words as if they actually mean something, all my friends are dead philologists it seems

I know the type, they love to play word games, it is all a lovely game, everything is beautiful in their beautiful minds, there is always room for doubt.

And they exploit doubt with their immaculate logic,

Always another side to the issue, on the other hand,
the invisible hand of the market place maybe.

What do I know, I am crazy.

I think it is all Freud's fault, he laid open our monkey brains to the behavioral engineers of Madison avenue and Wall street,
Ronald Reagan was the beginning of the end of freedom
the final victory of the organization man
The Century of The Self
is over
we live in its aftermath
it will be a time of peace and plenty for a few
for many austerity and adversity
but not so many
will notice

RE: studio eight jam

a gang of three
a personality cult
who am I to say
I belonged there like a pearl onion on a banana split :(
things are changing
and after the fire next time
we will be saying
these were the good old days

unbelievable good days
right here right now
on studio eight
not so good in the Congo
but pheffffffft,
nobody cares about that
it's the white man's burden
it is a terrible cross to bear
I don't know why I think about it even
have not seen a story on it in weeks
as if i have to remind myself of suffering when I am not suffering so as not to forget to pray to Jesus and play the lotto.
we live on the edge here, we are marginal people in my house, one more huff and a puff and we will have been blown away, a man of means by no means
but king of the road jam
Re: april (!)
by zero_hero » Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:36 am
Freedom is in the wind
that caresses me
I go the way it blows ... omerhalder
living dangerously tavis film clip\

perpetual jam entropy and poetry ... channel=sb

Re: "manifest destiny" and such ...
by stilltrucking » Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:20 am
conrad wrote about it in the heart of darkness
Europe had their white man's burden in Africa and Asia
We are not so different we are just anachronistic
and of course it is explicit in the judeo christian bible, manifest dominion over the whole planet.

too many rats in the box to keep playing those games

Nietzsche not as problematic to me as the lies of the church fathers, maybe it was the syphilis that did him in, or maybe he died of a broken heart.

Library Books
Call Jerry

Re: "manifest destiny" and such ...
by stilltrucking » Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:03 pm
soldiers of the cross
Nietzsche had a better grip on Jesus and his good news than any cracker head preacher on TV and probably most pulpits too.

Reagan's pope I remember him
Pius XI, made a real estate deal with Il Duce

I guess America is a mystery to me,
I grew up dreaming of being a cowboy, a soldier, a gunslinger, a pirate, I was living the american dream and I dreamed my life away

you must be a masochist if you love these random rambles of mine

I am not cruel, only truthful-/The eye of the little god, ... channel=sb
We cover mirrors following a death so the soul does not become lost within them and a broken mirror is an image of a shattered soul in pieces, and it will take seven years before its wholeness is restored.
It is your own lush self
you hunger for
~ Lucille Clifton, Eve’s Version


Happy Birthday my little rock and roller
your heroes were always cowboys
I remember how oblivious you were when your mom used to play tricks with your clothes, dress you in little girlie things cause it her amused
yeah Earnest Hemmingway started out like that and lordy spare you from a fate like that
I pray you will outgrow that need in you to kill things, because it is fun to kill, a statement of your manhood

saddles and sagebrush the tyranny of words
google nietzsche's good news ... 21396.html
He's a thief in the night and he's stealing for life you won't know it
He's already found you, his arms all around, you won't show it
Maybe one day you'll know more of, you'll know enough to say
Look over yonder he's already coming
Look over yonder he's already coming
Look over yonder he's already coming your way
--. .. ...- . / -- . / - .... .- - / --- .-.. -.. / - .. -- . / .-. . .-.. .. --. .. --- -. / .-.. . - ... / .- .-.. ... d=0CEoQ7Ak

Re: Spontaneity....

I don't even have the concentration to remember

running on the spot
will it ever stop

· Define
· Relate
· List
· Discuss
· See
· Hear
· Love
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
· adj. Tending to cause discomfort, uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling; upsetting.
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
· adj. hard to deal with; causing uncertainty or confusion about how to act or react.
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
· adj. causing an emotional disturbance

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Re: Trash

Post by stilltrucking » April 26th, 2014, 12:52 pm

Re: "manifest destiny" and such ...
by stilltrucking » Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:09 pm
I don't understand either. Sometimes it makes me doubt my sanity. A friend once told me if everyone seems crazy that is a good sign you are crazy. I suppose it is some comfort to know there are others who don't get it either. Not so lonely feeling.

thanks for writing

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Re: Trash

Post by stilltrucking » May 4th, 2014, 5:29 am

piketty one star reviews.jpg
Image Source
“Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” the new book by the French economist Thomas Piketty, is a bona fide phenomenon. Other books on economics have been best sellers, but Mr. Piketty’s contribution is serious, discourse-changing scholarship in a way most best sellers aren’t. And conservatives are terrified. Thus James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute warns in National Review that Mr. Piketty’s work must be refuted, because otherwise it “will spread among the clerisy and reshape the political economic landscape on which all future policy battles will be waged.”

Well, good luck with that. The really striking thing about the debate so far is that the right seems unable to mount any kind of substantive counterattack to Mr. Piketty’s thesis. Instead, the response has been all about name-calling — in particular, claims that Mr. Piketty is a Marxist, and so is anyone who considers inequality of income and wealth an important issue.

I’ll come back to the name-calling in a moment. First, let’s talk about why “Capital” is having such an impact.

Mr. Piketty is hardly the first economist to point out that we are experiencing a sharp rise in inequality, or even to emphasize the contrast between slow income growth for most of the population and soaring incomes at the top. It’s true that Mr. Piketty and his colleagues have added a great deal of historical depth to our knowledge, demonstrating that we really are living in a new Gilded Age. But we’ve known that for a while.

No, what’s really new about “Capital” is the way it demolishes that most cherished of conservative myths, the insistence that we’re living in a meritocracy in which great wealth is earned and deserved.

For the past couple of decades, the conservative response to attempts to make soaring incomes at the top into a political issue has involved two lines of defense: first, denial that the rich are actually doing as well and the rest as badly as they are, but when denial fails, claims that those soaring incomes at the top are a justified reward for services rendered. Don’t call them the 1 percent, or the wealthy; call them “job creators.”

But how do you make that defense if the rich derive much of their income not from the work they do but from the assets they own? And what if great wealth comes increasingly not from enterprise but from inheritance?

What Mr. Piketty shows is that these are not idle questions. Western societies before World War I were indeed dominated by an oligarchy of inherited wealth — and his book makes a compelling case that we’re well on our way back toward that state. ... ef=opinion

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Re: Trash

Post by stilltrucking » May 19th, 2014, 9:32 pm

ted haggard.PNG

I am worried about my little rock and roller's daughter, been thinking about taking mother and child to a Quaker meeting see if I can get her into First Day school. She is going to a day care center where the jesus freaks run the place, if the kid is going to get religion I don/t want it to be from the likes of them, they got daggers eyes and in their teeth when they smile. they creep me out.

reminds me of reverend ted haggard for some reason

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Re: Trash

Post by silent woman » May 23rd, 2014, 7:19 am

Hunter S. Thompson my ass!
Where the hell did all these pedestrians come from
Oh I got um
got them metafiscal pedestrian transcendental blues again

I'm still crazy but I am still walking
If you can't give me love and peace, Then give me bitter fame. — Akhmatova.

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Re: Trash

Post by stilltrucking » May 23rd, 2014, 9:47 am

Fun with email
Fan mail from some flounder?

From: Auto Google Support <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 08:28:05 +0000
To: "stilltrucking
Subject: Caution. You have missed messages caucasians

Fun with email
The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists: Vol. 46 (2009)

A church with no Books and a reader who cannot Write The Strange case of P.Oxy. 33.2673 ... 1/00000109 ... 6.0046.001

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Re: Trash

Post by Diana Moon Glampers » April 9th, 2017, 10:55 pm

Take out the trash
Let the cat in
and lay me down to sleep

not think about it
let it go
it was only stuff

maybe it will still turn up
but still I am blue
metafical blues
cause I can't afford to replace it all
But I still got my electric tooth brush
so life is still good.
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"a sixty-eight-year-old virgin who, by almost anybody's standards, was too dumb to live. Her name was Diana Moon Glampers."

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Re: Trash

Post by tarbaby » April 21st, 2017, 12:52 pm

I need a social media site for the socially disfunctional
facebook for the autistic
call it

For page 19
These platforms generally claim that they don’t censor content but only delete it when it violates copyrights, contains nudity, or is abusive. Yet it’s easy to find cases where the meddling looks subjective. Facebook banned an ad for an event promoting “body positivity” that used a photo of plus-size model Tess Holliday, for example. “Ads may not depict a state of health or body weight as being perfect or extremely undesirable,” Facebook said in a statement. “Ads like these are not allowed since they make viewers feel bad about themselves. Instead, we recommend using an image of a relevant activity, such as running or riding a bike.”
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Re: Trash

Post by the mingo » April 21st, 2017, 1:51 pm

Holy Multitudinous !
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Trash

Post by stilltrucking » April 22nd, 2017, 11:30 am

Elephants are multitudinous
sometime when I wake from a dream about her
I can still smell her scent.
delhi.PNG (43.78 KiB) Viewed 3709 times
nothing to do with elephants but this old thread came to mind after I read your post

Mile after mile of a two fold continuous multiplicity

thanks for reading 8)

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Re: Trash

Post by WIREMAN » April 22nd, 2017, 7:46 pm

the scent of elephant
vaguely I remember
it wafting from elephant
house at the national zoo
pungent in its aroma
yet not revolting.....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Trash

Post by stilltrucking » April 22nd, 2017, 8:21 pm

just big old cows
and they don't :wink: kick your ass if you annoy them.
clean dirt just funky musty musky odor, lots of straw in in,
never forget the smell of the tigers
stench, reminds me of denture breath

once, twice, maybe woke with the scent of a woman in my dreams, don't remember those dreams too well, but I usually wake from them with a satisfied mind. Nice to know that I am nt too old to remember . Never found a woman that could stand to have me around for long, except for one woman who put up with me for a few years because I kept her amused, but after our abortion I was not much fun to be around. One day she just took off for California and a new beginning far far from me.

one day I will have a honey hive in my heart just like jimboloco

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