mango cake2-0-1-4

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mango cake2-0-1-4

Post by creativesoul » May 29th, 2014, 10:54 pm

the three bananas sat on the counter for a few days- they were now perfect for the cake-she had found a mango in the fruit bowl- and she knew that no one was going to eat it-she felt the cake tugging on her- it was g-s birthday=so many thoughts- riding down the road-this house was built on top of a church from the 1700s - it is way out i the middle of nowhere- goble- a boat landing and a tavern.stranger things have happened just about everywhere else- mostly it is hay and strawberries-and vegetables-yesterday- i was covered in pollen= had to play edwinia scissorhands for a few hours- funny- never forget that stuff-

but in my observation- there is clearly- the kind that felon damage vibe --- someone that never leaves the home==i mean come on- sleeping is not a sport.
hiking swimming surfing- fishing-- clearly the couch or the labor from fucking growing weed has gone to your is true that pot makes people more interesting-but too much and they start saying crazy shit like-' i dont need any new frenz 'and - stupid shit-getting all bi- polar and whiny- ugh-acting as if- the words of a pot grower should be heeded like some sort of sage-are you kidding me?
mr g would say-'nasa we got trouble' or he would make a signal that made it clear that someone was 'nutting up' i liked it when i heard stories like .'hawk and everyone had a party and this guy had a buzz kicking in and he kept making stink, so hawk duck taped him to the chair- and told him he could stay- but NO MORE TROUBLE-' gordon would stop and help anyone when they had a flat tire and there were others- now dead- but the mango cake speaks to me of a life i never knew before him- i never knew love- or a man that wanted to be with me- teach me things and help me out- those blue eyes- and his buff surfer body- is hard to not miss- but the jokes- the humor- yeah- and the nieces and nephews and his mom- mary kenney that ruth put in mahelona -[nut house] because she has always been like that- her children-are like my own- i love them=but she wanted to keep them all to herself- and access to everything that was mine- giving nothing- her children suffered- gordon knew- he was a loving man-she pushed people away- she didnt not draw people close- my children had the benefit and drawbacks of a social mother- and step father-= the father is italian- and his handsome and unbelievable heart coupled with the people that loved them- is really llike a dream come true- evolving-=with sufis nd bahais and chrituians and red road people- all coming together-=====always been like that---lots of friends from all of us dropping by- like a circus - in HANALEI KAUAI-my sons have returned to that island- to find the pieces of thier souls so much a apart of the ina- the love of th land- its people- the future generations- dustin barca- one of the kids that jumped on the furniture= is running for mayor-GMO BYE BYE-and the mother earth took care of all of us- unruly children- having little idea of stewardship as opposed to ownership- and how lucky we were to live and love in all that beauty-i am so thankful it makes me smile with the wisdom of someone that is not capable of creating such magnificence-yet the prayers and the smell of mango cake fills my nose- the sunlight is basking my lavender plants an d flowers- even tea leaf-
but to sit under the mango tree with my Ohana after all these years- i hear my mr g- and what he said to me-
but this cake told the story- of the day- the sweetness of the orange sunset and the ripe mango met her soul s desire-back in the day- when the children were small- happily married to a hunk of a surfer that everybody loved-- me too-it is his birthday- that is why i made him a cake-when men were men and - and women were women- HE COMES TO ME - he protects me- he loves me- on the other side- i can feel it-he helps me- when i am sad-i hear his jokes- i smell his skin- like he were here-
all of those
dreams encapsulated in thought forms ;that designed the crown of her hair often looking tangled and - - she would dance a happy dance- for all the people - -no matter what happened to them- or what they did- there is no blemish that cannot be healed- it seems to rest on whatever decisons that are quiet- with = but spirits get confused- be willing to understand- that is what a warrior really does- when they feel the pain of the people in the body- they pray for the person s healing- no one knows what that looks like- never what anyone thought- the outcome- is between the soul and sky= maybe sometimes that looks like crying- or singing from the deeepest prt of the soul- drumming in the soul- like a heartbeat = listen..... listen; do you hear the wind?
reason is over rated, as is logic and common sense-i much prefer the passions of a crazy old woman, cats and dogs and jungle foliage- tropic rain-and a defined sense of who brings the stars up at night and the sun up in the morning---

Posts: 4658
Joined: September 15th, 2005, 3:23 am

Re: mango cake2-0-1-4

Post by creativesoul » August 27th, 2014, 3:41 pm

getting kind of hungry- we have a whole bunch of blueberries= oh i think it might be coming soon- a rare and wonderful cake will bake :?:
reason is over rated, as is logic and common sense-i much prefer the passions of a crazy old woman, cats and dogs and jungle foliage- tropic rain-and a defined sense of who brings the stars up at night and the sun up in the morning---

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