Let's talk about something important

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Doreen Peri
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Let's talk about something important

Post by Doreen Peri » January 24th, 2015, 1:45 am

What's important to you? Be honest, now. Time is running short. We're not getting any younger. Fill me in. Tell me about the most important aspects of your life or whatever is most important to you. I really want to know.

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by judih » January 24th, 2015, 3:30 am

Doing the things that I know make me more 'me'.
like meditation - extending daily practice
exercise - continuing daily practice
making puppets, teaching puppets, performing
going slower - not multi-tasking - trying to break that habit
reaching out when i know that reaching out is the thing to do - and not to judge - but to offer attention

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by mnaz » January 24th, 2015, 3:45 am

I know this is trivial in the scheme of the universe, and only tonight, but I really hate to see 'columbus' leave (that other site). I was starting to enjoy (and "chew" on) this person's words and insight, but a lot of posts were edited tonight, and it looks like this person (may have) finally just said "fuck it!" and headed off. To who knows where? And who cares a year or two from now? . . . but that's not the point. I care, and I care right now, I tell you! I may be too damned busy, and lacking in a thousand ways over too damned many years, but dammit, I CARE right now!

What the hell is Kevin thinking?

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by Doreen Peri » January 24th, 2015, 4:17 am

Thank you, Judih... those a important things which can be fulfilling in your life! Smart to stop multi-tasking! I love the daily exercise and daily meditation routines you have and how you reach out to people,plus your puppetry. Being YOU, yes! This is good!

Mark... This isn't trivial to me. It's important to me, too. He's a fine poet who has been published quite a few times. I love his work and he's a very kind person. I should private message you.

For me, the most important things to me right now are healthier staying healthy, my daughter's welfare, LOVE and respect, financial stability, physical activity, managing anxiety, painting, organizing my poetry, and helping people. I want to do something to help people but I'm not sure what it's going to be yet. Possibly volunteer work. What else? Hmmm. This is a lot for now. I'll be back when I think of anything else. There's more.

I think this will be a good conversation to give us a chance to talk to each other, open up, speak about what's important to us, even if only for the purpose of organizing our thoughts about it.

Thank you all for participating! Please add more ideas which are important to you and maybe goals you have, if you want to keep talking about this.

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by WIREMAN » January 25th, 2015, 11:59 am

movement....dancing....the essntials for survival.....mucho importante....the letting it go... 8)
p.s. that columbus video i saw was excellent...
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by Doreen Peri » January 25th, 2015, 1:09 pm

Mark.... I didn't know you danced! WAY cool! I'm a dancin' fool!
Been dancing for years, since I was a wee lass. ....

Yeah, Matt Dennison is his name... GREAT video he made! Maybe I'll find it on youtube and post it here.

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by Steve Plonk » January 25th, 2015, 1:54 pm

Hey everybody, just weighing in...To me, friendship is important, whether they be
online, spouses, partners, friends, acquaintances, etc. Hey, pets count, too. 8)

I've got a thread discussing friendship in my Column. I also touch on that subject in "Chatspot"... I have no clue about the person you're talking about in this thread.
However, I'm willing to find out if I get a link. (Columbus video?)

I think I know all the speakers on this thread. So, I'm going to stick my neck out of my shell.
My experiences, if that interests you, with "Algonquin's Table" are similar.
However, many of the folks who post there are really nice.
One great person is an elderly lady from Buenos Aires.

There are just a few who are trolls & strict grammarians who get on my nerves there.
I'm not very active on "Algonquin's Table" site anymore. I most recently posted in "PoetsintheAttic".

I've bought some books written by the lady
from Argentina, who is originally from Texas, USA. She is bilingual & has grandchildren
in Argentina. Finally, She is an awesome author of poetry & prose. Her last name is Littleton.

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by Doreen Peri » January 25th, 2015, 2:02 pm

Steve... yeah, friendship is important, for sure!

That's Sue Littleton you're speaking of. She's a member here, too, but hasn't posted here in a long time. She's a wonderful lady and her poetry is strong! I own several of her books, also.

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by WIREMAN » January 25th, 2015, 2:05 pm

one bad apple trying to spoil the whole bunch there......yeah Doreen there was lots a picture takin goin on at the party last night....i seem to remember cuttin the rug with u, but that was a long time ago 8) ....ps i'll try and find some of those dancin pics....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by Doreen Peri » January 25th, 2015, 4:44 pm

The key is to ignore him/them.

Would love to see your dancing pics. I don't remember dancing with you (sorry) but I do remember dancing on an elevated platform behind Lrod & Barry at one of the Warehouse Theater Cabaradio shows which Barry played guitar and Lrod played flute. Trying to remember the name of the song they played.... it's a classic... hmmm...

Oh, I love dancing. Finally connected with Dan the Man (from Charm City) on FB. Knew him in my 20s when I was a dancer. He was one of my main squeezes. He's still rockin', I see! He sent me some of my modeling photos from the late 70s.... what a trip! I was young once... Yes, I was. And boy did I have a good time!

Which reminds me... having a good time is IMPORTANT!

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by whoaisme » January 25th, 2015, 5:54 pm

love, God, family, art

peace is possibly the most important thing to me. inner peace and world peace especially. there's quite a lot i can't control so i just try to be at peace with myself and the wonderful people in my life and go from that place.

music is important too, and literature. both of those things have made me feel less alone and at times strong/beautiful/loved throughout the years.

there's a quote from James Baldwin that goes something like: "You think you are alone in this world and that your suffering is unprecedented, and then you read."
"From the sudden invasion of a mind not my own in the world. This I will record. For whom? For m y s e l f, beyond denial and beyond indifference." - Philip Lamantia

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by Arcadia » January 26th, 2015, 10:16 am

What's important to you? thanks for the question, Doreen!: it seems like a perfect moment of the year for it!. That´s what I wrote last night, you make me think & write, yeah! (re-reading what I wrote made me smile, gracias!)

a) Some feeling/experience of spaciousness (to be tuned in a creative mood whatever I´m doing, art, different kind of meditations. sense of humor, being outdoors, reading, travels, some conversations, some people)

b) To be loving & helpful to the people in my circle (family, friends, students) and occasionaly others-others.

c) To be aware, curious & willing to learn & de-learn the necessary when a & b are not so fluid and begin to be antagonic somehow.

d) To care enough about my health without being obssesed, too tired or too attached about it. To laugh also about the whole thing from time to time.

e) To dialogue and make me friend with the fact I don´t have sons or daughters and that at that I will not have them in the future: I never thought it could be a so hard task, believe me...! :shock:

that´s all for now!

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by justwalt » January 26th, 2015, 9:45 pm

that's a loaded question...

in a world largely compiled of lies and deceit, truth matters most, to me.
truth affects belief, and many humans exist, ultimately believing in a lie.

humanity deserves better than this, and I do what I can on a personal
level, (one to one mostly), to help ease a mind, or help solve a problem
that one might have.

and in doing so, I learn more about my self as well. helping others is enough.
I try living without purpose, living to be alive... living to experience this life,
and the lives of people I meet along the way.

millionaires or bums, makes no difference to me, I relate to either regardless.
and those in between too, after all, we are only mirrors unto ourselves.

mirrors to each other, as such, means I still feel what others feel, whether it
be classified good or bad. reaction to these... is what makes the difference.
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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by sweetwater » January 31st, 2015, 1:58 pm

i think you should check the poetry section
or the arts and media
there is also

a few other categories of reference

is it amnesia you are referencing ?


ha ha ha

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Re: Let's talk about something important

Post by Unk » January 31st, 2015, 2:26 pm

Oh yeah, the f-cking truth :( : Where would be without that. Nietzsche died for nothing I suppose.
"Don't truth me Unk and I won't truth you."

Pardon my rant. Nothing personal just too much acid and Nietzsche I suppose.:oops:
thanks dino

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