Angel on a Bender

Prose, including snippets (mini-memoirs).
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Angel on a Bender

Post by Tjflowers80 » October 30th, 2015, 1:01 am

Angel on a bender

Dear god she was at it again, fleeing from life, facing it all alone, getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar, and looking for her desires in all the wrong damn places.
Countless times she ran into walls, figuratively speaking and often times those walls would be real enough to give her a concussion or even knock out a tooth or two.

I sat there watching over her as she fell apart only to put herself back together again and each time I shook my head, for she was relentless in her ways, determined to change but never able to due to her lack of confidence. And her anger... Oh that anger... Often it would get her in trouble... But on the rare times it didn't I would swear that she was one hell of a lucky woman.... Then there was her stubbornness and by God you don't want me to deepen the words on that.

Now I am a patient being, the kind that people are blessed to have..... I am a guardian angel. Meant to protect individuals... To give them courage... To be the voice of reason... To be the lament when things go amiss..... To make hope seen and faith shine through the souls embrace.

Lately however, my patience has been tried and my energy spent in vain. This woman is driving me nuts as can be. Each time she faltered I would whisper like a soft breeze but she would never get the bloody message so I would speak a little louder until finally I had to scream it in her sleep for her to even get it..... She was dense..... She was crazier then anyone I've ever protected.... She was strong and did I mention she was stubborn as hell.

Her creativity was beyond the imagination, she invented so much in the dream world as well as in reality, now I'm not talking machinery inventions here, I'm talking creative inventions such as jewelry and yarn fun, and the way she spoke gave hope to those who had a hard time finding faith.... Not to mention passion at every little thing wether good or bad or large or small....

So why, you may ask, does she make me nuts? Well my answer to you is this..... Though she may have all of the above and she may give all of the above its the way she lets herself go that drives me batty as fuck.... You see.. She gives of herself but never to herself.... And giving slight hints, for example, " don't do that or you'll mess this up," don't work. Like I said once before I have to scream at her before she even starts to listen and even now I wish I could hit her with a frying pan, but since I am a guardian I cannot harm.

The days pass and I pray to the higher entities for guidance only to have their replies be "patience and persistence equal perseverance."
Well I need a vacation, no offense oh great ones......

After a millennium of looking like this
image.jpeg (18.98 KiB) Viewed 711 times
I now have come to this.
Sorry oh great ones I'm on the bender "shit has gone to far.... I'm out!"
And above me the stars align
But not yet with my own
And the night birds sing
Whilst the demon haunts this restless soul.

Jessica Taylor

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