Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by dune » December 31st, 2015, 9:44 pm

I'm gonna jam like James and the funky horns
from way back when the jams began to jam
and the poets grabbed the wheel of this
grooved-out, jamtastic third stone from
the big blaze of cosmic riddim...

Where's my drink?

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by Doreen Peri » December 31st, 2015, 9:51 pm

Someone's in the hospital trying to catch his breath,
best wishes for the insistence of oxygen, grateful moments,
many of us have come undone by the when and where of it all
and I am at a stall in a vanishing mirage, attempting to reconcile
moments, make weeks and months come together like years, fears
overcome by what-the-hell-is-going-on-here? Oh dear, we may be
garden-variety sociopaths finding our way from migraine to migraine,
from insane to sane, from headache to peace, the release such a remedy
to help us sleep and I am simply following the 8-Train, figuring out how to
regain the wonder of thunderous applause for YOU because you, my friends,
deserve a never ending reprise and so I am pleased by the trip, sipping on
a glass of wonder mixed with what-if, distanced only by the blips on the screen
in between decisions and stops.

Thank you for dropping by.
Don't ask why, please. Don't ask why.
Just split your heart apart and bleed.
No need for anything else.

You all
are my wealth, my purpose.
I am currently short-circuited
trying to inhale air despite the right
and left lung having sung a closing duet.
Please don't forget I love you more than praise
and to my amaze, you're all still here, fearless,
as promised, ready to spill hearts and minds for
time to share. Where else would you be?

And so I know that lines of poetry are fresh air.
Tomorrow and the day after that are not yet seen.
Wishing you illumination and soul creation,
in two thousand and sixteen.


Neologistic... Please keep us posted to let us know you're doing all right. Hope you'll be well soon and home, out of the hospital. :)

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by judih » December 31st, 2015, 10:04 pm

every other breath
i feel the zing of you
the yin/yang/wing of you
and then i shut down
digest and impressed
every other thought
as rain pours, as fear soars
will we be refugees before the nighttime's out
will disaster drop by
will the roof defy bombs and snow and sleet?
a million riffs of what-ifs
but every other breath
the calm and the warm
mellow in past the storm
sun and goodness
permeate the nonsense
a fat coat holds in the heat
though mind rushes away from sleep
every other thought
of how far you are
as i sink within

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by WIREMAN » December 31st, 2015, 10:11 pm

a tad of self
pole of rote
down to the
the lickity-splickity
nowhere but up
great beyond
twilights gleaming
scouring the pouring
of guts, fruit loops
a mission not clouded by delusion
or high brow confusions
just jam
basic 1st thought/best thought
layin it on the land
no hesitation
we be on Jack's migration
fueled by the word 8) bop shooby
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by leafsailors ghost » January 1st, 2016, 12:34 am

Well Clide the spellings going to slide inside and hide going to let it be free you see if i make the checker check the whole sight might disapear from here to there were I could not find it before then had come and gone so it could be the end of the song
it was a bad sad year I hear for fear ever present
we must asemble the big machine we all have the parts in our harts
people listen to the sun sing
every day to the sea
the rain and the trees know how real love is
so do we
must shout and stomp
shake and shimmy
ramble scramble the world spin it around
in sight and sound abound
love has real power
love has real power
love has real power
lets get a plan we can every
woman and man dancer singer poet
make the movie make the move
believe to achieve peace never cease to increase
some one has to do it
you know it who are we poet
hay I love you all

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 1st, 2016, 2:23 am

Peace starts within.
Let us begin at home.
Set our metronome to match the beat
of hearts, each departure, a fit and a start
to remind us of calm. Hum this tune in our heads.
Sing a peace psalm. Let us pray the way angels pray
with love halos.

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by WIREMAN » January 1st, 2016, 9:14 am

let it flow
depths of mind
but habitate
let it grow
be lowdown
a chain
a link from
one poet to
the next
sacred poet
there's no choice
with a life
on splice
dodging the slings
and arrows of
inevitable fortune
outrageous indeed
in writing
putting it down
be alive and free
oh say can u see.......
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by judih » January 1st, 2016, 11:12 am

a short nap
a brief detour
where pleasure is the measure of time

news flashes
life happenings
a fool with a smile and a gun

yin and yang
play with our minds
both sides continue to roll

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by saw » January 1st, 2016, 11:47 am

the ball dropped
now let it roll away
we are done with it
til next year, that gives
us a lot of time to create
a path that syncs with other life
a path that holds love
in the breadbasket , a path
that scatters the seeds
of new growth, and if health
and wealth are in balance
may we touch a few hearts
along the way that makes
the world a better place,
a place where strength in numbers
becomes the might to change the world
am i being silly suggesting such
a thing, am I being naive ?
nah, there is power in community
there is reformation that is needed
on every level of life, we must reject
trigger happy cops, say no to shipping
our jobs overseas to the neo slaves
of bangladesh, we must fight for higher
wages, health care, safe streets, it's all
up to us because we hold the numbers,
we hold the cards, so love when you are able
fight when the time is right, think globally
act locally, immerse your brand new day
with determination to build something beautiful
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 1st, 2016, 5:00 pm

So yeah, here it is a new beginning
or so they say, whoever they
are, your starshine more vibrant,
more vivid than ever, the giant sun
blaring its light, the only light to exceed yours,
and in the course of events you found yourself here
yet again, having begun one more time again,
circling the sun for another orbit. But I can tell you,
the torrents of your pain will again surface,
your purpose still yet unknown but believe me,
you have already shown the world who you are
so take your radiating star and start over if you must,
dust to dust, we'll end up gone anyway so stay for a while
shining bright, OK? All of us love the way you take the streams
of light and bend it, reflect it like a prism in a way only you can do
so please please please keep doing it because your love shatters
into multi-million pieces, spread far and wide, each tiny fracture
offered to every iota of life you encounter. You are the founder of
your solitude and your relations, combinations exceed your purpose,
swim to the surface, please, come up for air and you will find there
will be a caring universe admiring you for your very being, starting all over
at the beginning.

Go ahead. I dare ya.
It's your turn.

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by WIREMAN » January 1st, 2016, 5:40 pm

left or right
turn, turn, turn
byrds, 8 miles high
and when u touch down
come on, come on
touch me baby
can't u see
when ur a stranger
faces come out in the rain
rimbaud, assassin time
seasons in hell
looking up from the
bottom of a wishing well
air conditioned nightmares
beneath a coney island
of the mind
ferlinghetti goes on and on
gary snyder too
drums keep sounding rhythms
seasons change
it's all in the giving
yer better off living
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by dune » January 1st, 2016, 8:57 pm

I've had my fun
and gun and on the run,
and I'll let the scholars debate
how it all should play out.

The main thing is,


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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by dune » January 1st, 2016, 9:22 pm

I don't really have a gun.

It just rhymed with fun and run.

Though I probably should have a gun these days, they keep telling me.

Happy Old Year!

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by WIREMAN » January 1st, 2016, 10:35 pm

no gun
no bad ass
no need to
shoot em for
they run now
packin em in
Texas, displayed
like the old
wild west daze
like we've traveled
back in time
only thing is a rescue
call don't cost a dime.....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by judih » January 2nd, 2016, 12:33 am

rescue, breathe, repeat
today you're the hero
you rescue a victim
a one-time hero
tomorrow you succumb
up and down and round
you smile then cry
you leap into turmoil
then withdraw deep inside
out and in and no where
you're you, you're me
you're no one
you're everyone
you're everywhere
and then you sleep


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