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Post by sooZen » February 25th, 2016, 2:12 pm

[Note: Zen Upchuck journal entry, 2/25/2016]

Some people just cannot handle exposure or the world knowing what they are all about… What one does, what one says, where one goes, how one shops, what politicians one supports, what books one purchases, where one works and work history, what one believes, what taxes one pays, where one lives, who are the ancestors and all of that stuff is now in the public record thanks to the internet and data collection sources. (Don’t think you are exempt…no one is…) And all of this info is available in a nano-second for any and all to see in our so-called “free societies.”

If we did it, said it, posted it, pictured it, paid it, owed it…it is all there for anyone to search out and find. Is this good or bad? Like anything, it is a double edged sword. For artists/craftspeople/musicians/ writers & poets…it can be a very positive thing for after all, we usually want people to see what it is that we create. Van Gough might not have had a tragic ending if he knew how much the world would come to appreciate his art instead of feeling so lonely and bereft.

The same goes for a lot of other historically famous artists and writers who never saw fame until their deaths and yet wanted it desperately. Most of us want recognition in the now but like any so called “celebrities” fame has its traps and demands and so there are quite a few of the aforementioned that just don’t want acclaim or recognition…they just want to create for creations’ sake and for the world to leave them the heck alone! Hard to have it both ways…and nearly impossible.

That is why, perhaps, many that try to make a living with their artistic endeavors have hideaways and places that are sacred and inviolable and where they can just be at peace without the trappings of fame. Every artist that I have known or know needs that “off time” to spend refilling their empty tanks, reimagining their dreams, deal with a blockage or some such thing.

And I am also well aware that it can be an o so dangerous world with so many stalkers, hucksters, conmen, terrorists, and just the jealousy of the successful in a life some want so desperately. The gentle soul of the artist (even the most ardent and passionate about his/her beliefs and expression) can be, for some, an easy or likely target. I mean ART can be a catalyst or perceived as “dangerous” and in closed societies, the prisons are full of unfettered thinkers and artists.

Knowing all this gives me an advantage or at least I think it does. Protecting oneself is not always possible if it is not in the cards (or just meant to happen which is something I personally believe) but there are things I can do, without being paranoid about it, to protect me and mine:

~ Being alert, aware, and in the moment is my first tact in protection. I can’t be staring off into space or entrenched in my head if I want to remain aware of my surroundings.

~ Secondly, since I am a believer, I trust in the Uni-verse that all will be as it should be and will work out no matter how it ‘seems’ at the time.

~ Thirdly, I visualize myself and those I love with light (not unlike good witch Glenda’s bubble in the Wizard of Oz) i.e. blue for protection, green for healing, yellow for inspiration, red for energy, purple for spirituality, etc…I just imagine a bubble of color around people, animals or places I think needs protection or healing. The whole spectrum of light is something I use mentally (according to the laws of physics…thoughts do have power!). Also I materially use these colors in my surroundings to achieve an intended result.

~ Finally, I use rituals that I can relate to such as smudging, incense & candle lighting, card reading (tarot) & astrology (to peer into the straight line between past, present and the future…) and do all of these things with intent and attention.

Now…these are just the things I use and I also firmly believe every single, unique human BE-ing must find what works for them if they are at all concerned about the plethora of information and data that is available to the world at large of and about them.

Karma, what you put out come back atcha’ with force, so I try and be positive as well…but even if I am personally attacked, I use a form of mental Aikido to dodge and parry (still learning that art).

If anyone uses a computer, mobile phone, tablet, googles, face books, twitters, searches…heck, just lives in the modern world…there is absolutely no escaping one’s past or one’s present. Time marches on, Pandora’s box is open and there is no way to stop progression for any of us. Be awake, be aware, be positive!

Yesterday, Cecil and I got shorn & prettied up for the show (like sheep or show dogs?) and today is, besides the opening, a watering day in the hood (no avoiding the needs of the garden).

I am rightly looking forward to tonight and seeing the new artists (and the oldies that have been around but are still visionaries like Cecil…) Because he is not “a new artist” even at that gallery but he has been on a long hiatus, with a few exceptions, for a long while… We so appreciate this opportunity to show his stuff…and will enjoy it to the fullest.
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Post by saw » February 25th, 2016, 3:48 pm

sending good wishes for a fruitful event where uplifting connections are made that will help sustain one til the next opportunity comes along....points well taken throughout....
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Post by sooZen » February 26th, 2016, 12:30 pm

Thanks...it was great!
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Post by Arcadia » March 13th, 2016, 10:53 pm

I hope you had a good time with the gallery experience, Cecil & Soo!!!!!! Cecil´s works are amazing, so good that more people can know & enjoy them!!!! :D

& interesting article!! As a schoolteacher I am over-exposed daily and with a semi-captive auditorioum... :lol: :wink: :my challenges & needs are of another kind, but I could also relate with the post, gracias!!!!!!!

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Post by sooZen » March 14th, 2016, 8:49 pm

Thank you Arcadia for the response. I am sure that, especially in this day and age, teaching is one of the most challenging professions there is. Keeping their attention with all the distractions available means you must be captivating (which I am SURE you are!) De nada mi amiga... :)
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