Hillary rules...

Essays & explorations by Steve Plonk

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Steve Plonk
Posts: 2483
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Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » December 23rd, 2015, 1:17 pm

Hillary Rules, Trump drools...
Hillary has the fire in her belly to put Trump in his place.
Yes, kind folks & gentle people, Trump is full of hot air.
Hey, you heard it from me first.
Hillary Rules, Trump drools...
ISIS just loves the hate recruiter, Donald Trump.
That is how I view this political circus scene...
:P :mrgreen: :!:

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » February 4th, 2016, 6:01 pm

Hillary squeaked by in Iowa and got 23 delegates, winning by a hair. :)

Trump, the barking turnip, got his butt handed to him, in Iowa, by Cruz & Rubio. 8)

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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by PeteLozano » February 5th, 2016, 5:42 pm

Trump really did get his ass handed to him. How do you think it will turn out in other states. Does Trump have a chance at all?

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » February 14th, 2016, 5:43 pm

Well, Trump won in New Hampshire & Lasich came in second...Hillary bombed in New Hampshire.

We'll have to see how they both do in the March 1st Super Tuesday states, etc. First, South Carolina, & Nevada are coming up next weekend.
However, early voting has already started here in
Tennessee & elsewhere. New Hampshire is just New Hampshire, don't you know... :lol:

My support is still with Hillary & my derision is still on Trump. 8) :lol:
I was suprised how well Sanders did in New Hampshire, though. Although, it IS next door to his home state of Vermont. Iowa is next door to Hillary's home state of Illinois.
These things happen. :o

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » March 18th, 2016, 9:43 am

My sources show that Hillary Clinton won Florida, Ohio, North Carolina,
Illinois, & Missouri on March 15, 2016. Hillary beat Sanders in Missouri by about 1500 votes. Closest win so far... :o

Sanders has an uphill battle to get the Democratic nomination. Hillary rules so far... 8)

On the republican side, Trump forced Rubio out in Florida, and lost in Ohio to Kasich.
He won North Carolina, Illinois, & Missouri by a whisker. Cruz did pretty well in Missouri.
In the last debate, Trump shut his big mouth & got a little nicer. If Trump is ever going
to be the nominee of the republican party, he'd better learn to act more presidential.
Trump needs to quit the off-color remarks & chip-on-shoulder behavior. :P

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » May 23rd, 2016, 11:35 am

Hillary is getting closer to the Democratic party's nomination. She won many northeast states, including New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, & Delaware.

Then she won Kentucky to stop Sanders momentum. Sanders is proving to be a stick-in-the- mud. However, I think Hillary Clinton will win in New Jersey & California to wrap it up.
She might even win in Puerto RIco. :) I keep my hopes up that things will go well for her. :!:

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » June 15th, 2016, 12:22 pm

Well, Ms. Clinton won the Puerto RIco & Virgin Island primaries.
Then, she won the New Jersey, South Dakota, New Mexico & California primaries. To cap it off, Secretary Clinton won the final primary of this season: the Washington D.C. primary.

Hillary Clinton is now considered, by all, to be the presumptive nominee for president by the Democrats. However, Bernie Sanders is still agitating to get his say on the party platform.

Most people think that Mr. Sanders should endorse Hillary Clinton sooner, instead of waiting until the convention in July. I am of the same mind. Senator Sanders should show support & solidarity with Ms. Clinton to beat Trump. Sanders knows that Clinton is the only
viable candidate to beat Trump. Why doesn't Sanders see the reality in the situation?
So, why show lukewarm opposition?

Trump has shown, time after time, that he is a narcissist & a bigoted loose cannon.
We need to realize both as republicans & Democrats that Hillary Clinton is the one to beat him.

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » August 18th, 2016, 2:32 pm

Well, Hillary was nominated for the Democratic candidate for President. She made history at
the Philadelphia 2016 Democratic Convention by being the first woman nominated.

Tim Kaine, Senator from Virginia, was picked as the Vice Presidential nominee.

Bernie Sanders formally endorsed Hillary Clinton to be our next president.

There were some disgruntled Sanders delegates who just looked like sore losers to many.

I wholeheartedly am backing the Democrats up & down the ticket to continue the strides
which have been made during the Obama administration.

I encourage any disgruntled republicans or independents to vote for Hillary Clinton.
If there are any peeved Sanders supporters left, I hope they will join 90% of their
fellow Sanders voters & vote for Clinton. We need all the help we can get to keep
Trump & his ilk from becoming president & continuing the "say no" legacy of the
current republican congress. Vote for the Democratic Party. We support living workers
wages & workers rights to good health care. We are going to keep good police on the
streets & keep our streets safe from crime. We support the rule of law, and common
sense gun & ammunition legislation. We will continue to protect the environment including
the water we drink & the air we breathe.

The Democratic Party is & will always be the party of working class folks. The Democratic
Party has always had our back. New jobs will be created & we will share in the "new
prosperity" beginning to show its face in the economy.

Do not be taken in by the doomsayers & naysayers. Our country is great & getting better
as we speak. Sure, we have our flaws as a nation, but our government is working on
solutions to problems. We don't need "a handout, we just need a leg up".

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » September 28th, 2016, 6:31 pm

Hillary Clinton won the first debate against Donald Trump "hands down". She mopped up
the floor with him. Trump stayed on task for only about 15 minutes out of the total 90
minutes. Trump made Sarah Palin look smart. :P

I think that Donald Trump should be required to release his tax returns like everyone else
in the last 50 years. That requirement should not be negotiable. I think the Democrats
need to make his refusals a campaign issue, along with his Trump University scandal, etc.,
to go along with his latest wife's questionable past foibles. Why does this "blowhard jerk"
think he has the moral high ground? Trump's "the PT Barnum of the 21st Century".
Hey,Trump's followers are "caught under a spell" and are being hoodwinked...You heard it from me first... :P

After all,Trump has threatened to bring up Gennifer Flowers(sic), Paula Jones, & Monica Lewinsky. What do all these folks have to do with Hillary? The Clintons reconciled... Moreover, Bill Clinton was not removed from office & went on to be quite popular with the public. 8) Hey, Clinton is even friends with the elder Bush whom he beat in the election. :)

So all you fine police & firemen, go out there & vote for Hillary Clinton, the woman with a plan. A vote for Maw Clinton is a vote for positive action where all are concerned. :idea:

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » October 17th, 2016, 5:56 pm

During the Kaine/Pence debate, TIm Kaine put Pence in a box from where he could only wag his head. "The Party of No" was well represented by Pence. Pence confirmed that Trump "was not a polished politician."

Hillary Clinton put Donald Trump in a similar box of "cracker jacks". Trump was so distraught that he wandered aimlessly about the room every time Ms. Clinton was answering a question from the audience. Then Trump threatened to get a special prosecutor on Ms. Clinton if he was elected. What a mean spirited character Trump has become!

Trump's sexual foibles were brought out by moderators & he spent quite a bit of time arguing
with them that his statements were "locker room talk" & that he never laid his hands on women as be bragged about in his taped statements with Billy Bush. More than half dozen women have come out telling of Trump's unwanted sexual advances.

I am looking forward to see the third debate, where I hope Maw Clinton shrink wraps Trump as a whiny loser & his being ill suited to be president of these great states. :idea: :!:

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » October 27th, 2016, 5:06 pm

Hillary Clinton sent Trump's head spinning in the third & final debate. He repeated his old
inane ideas about growing the economy. Under Trump's tax cut plans, the economy would
crash & burn. Hillary's idea to "soak the rich" and the corporations is
something whose time has come. Hopefully, she'll get Congress to go along with it.

Trump was so befuddled that he argued with the moderator about questions &interrupted saying "Wrong" to every point Hillary made--which was quite a few positive ideas about what her administration, if she were elected, would do. Trump had nothing to add to his inane ideas & still refused to release his income tax returns. Trump also said he'd "keep you in suspense" about whether or not he'd abide by the results if Ms. Clinton won. One snide comment Trump made was "what a nasty woman..." Now, many women are sporting "Nasty Woman" T-shirts to rub Trump's nose in his bigotry.

I think Trump was wrapped up in a tight shrink-wrap bind by the time the debate was over.
If Trump keeps talking trash, he will end up losing big time in two weeks time.
In my opinion, republicans are going to vote for Hillary Clinton in droves.

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » November 15th, 2016, 5:15 pm

Well, kind folks & gentle people, Hillary Clinton lost in the electoral college purportedly 285 to 215. Maw Clinton carried the popular vote with about as much as Gore did against "W" Bush.

We are NOT happy campers. We got Trumped & blindsided & woke up to
gloomy statistics last Wednesday morning. Hopefully, Trump will get his "come uppins" when the Trump University fraud trial comes up and his many other lawsuits are settled.
Trump will find out that governing is a lot different than campaigning.

Trump is a throwback to the "know nothings" & sucked in all those working people with his
bombastic rhetoric. No one else has campaigned with a slogan to send his opponent to jail.
We are living in "bizarro world". The results contained what we used to call a "white backlash". Thank goodness that the Democrats picked up some Senate seats and some
seats in the House...the only highlight in otherwise dismal election results.

We are now the honorable opposition party in more ways than one. :idea:

Oh, another thing, the final popular vote is not in yet, nor has Michigan been fully counted.
Maw Clinton might increase her popular vote & electoral votes with New Hampshire which has just come in. Clinton may end up with 232 electoral votes. Still not enough to win
unless the electoral college goes rogue... Clinton conceded the election on November 9th.

Steve Plonk
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Re: Hillary rules...

Post by Steve Plonk » December 24th, 2016, 11:39 am

The last popular vote count has Hillary Clinton winning almost 2.9 million votes more than
Donald Trump... :)
Too bad she didn't win around 150,000 of it in those four northern states of Wisconsin,
Michigan, Ohio & Pennsylvania. Also, too bad that those in North Carolina, who voted
out Governor McCrory,(sic) didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. These things happen... :(

Perhaps it is time to either revamp the electoral college so it reflects popular vote more
accurately or abolish the electoral college altogether.


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