"Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Essays & explorations by Steve Plonk

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Steve Plonk
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"Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » December 7th, 2016, 12:24 am

Well, Trumpty, the tweeter, is tweeting like a bird about every little thing. My feet are too
fleet to tweet. I have nothing to do with that scene. I don't text either...

Lately, there has been a right- wing feeding frenzy on facebook. I don't do facebook either...
I just look over relatives shoulders. :mrgreen:

I am a Bill Maher fan. He makes fun of anything Trump. I also recommend "Saturday Night Live". Their latest Trump skit about the transition period made me almost fall out of my seat. LOL :lol:

"Bizarro World" is DC comics take on "Crazy Town". Everything is"bass ackwards" here.
After all the the recounts, Trump will still prevail. But, think of all the lampoons & cartoons
we'll be able to show & quote about him. The latest thing I saw on the net was someone
calling Trump: IL DOUCHE. (Mussolini was IL DUCE...Get it?) Well, the initiated think that
Trump is "one big fizzy douchebag."

Kind folks & gentle people, I'm taking the high road and saying let's wait & see...

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by dune » December 10th, 2016, 9:07 pm

That's all any of us can do, really. It's just baffling at this point.

Steve Plonk
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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » December 14th, 2016, 12:10 am

Yep, the ship of state has gone awry & we will keep agitating for racial harmony,
toleration & acceptance. Trump has appointed some really
right wing bigots to his staff, which do not need approval from the Senate.

That "Breitbart" character is one example. It really irks me...Hopefully, we
we continue to impart that some of these appointments aren't acceptable to
the public. :(

Thanks for your comments now & in the past. We encourage dialog from all
who care to join in. :) We will keep our usual humor from time to time. :idea:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » December 31st, 2016, 2:44 pm

Looks like "Trumple-thin-skin" is tweeting again. In addition, he has raised his infantile
fist in his Christmas card. Poor baby. :P I always did think that Trumpy meditated with
his rump up in the air. :P :lol:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » January 13th, 2017, 1:18 pm

According to various sources in Constitutional Law, Trump will be in violation of the
emoluments clause in the constitution the minute he takes office.

See quote from the U.S. Constitution below:
Article I, Section 9 states: “And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”
Also see this article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ri ... 8c621f3a57

The reason Trump is in violation is because he does business with foreign countries & has
not divested his business interests nor put them in a blind trust.
In my opinion, Trump giving his children control of the companies just doesn't cut the mustard in his behalf.

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » February 9th, 2017, 6:09 pm

Here's another emoluments clause deserving legal note concerning:
The “Domestic Emoluments Clause,” which appears in Article II, says:
“The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.”
As cited from: https:http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/the-oth ... for-trump/

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » February 15th, 2017, 2:20 pm

Michael Flynn, Trump's security advisor, has resigned. I say good riddance to bad rubbish.
It appears Trump had "trust issues" with him. I think this resignation is the tip of another
"Iran-Contra" type scandal. In the future, I believe more heads will roll. :P

Now, if Trump would force Bannon, of "Breitbart", to resign, that would be wonderful.

Congress may be forming a special investigating committee, hopefully with an independent
prosecutor, to investigate the "Russia- pandering" which has been going on with the Trump

Thing is, the phone calls in question began way months before Trump & co.
were sworn in. If the Congress does not investigate, they are pandering to
Trump's "neo-fascist" tendencies & their ignorance will "come back & bite them in the butt." :idea:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » February 16th, 2017, 3:28 pm

Andy, "the putz", Puzder withdraws his labor secretary nomination from consideration.

It's joyful news and "fruit juicy" to all concerned including many republicans.

The guy was against the minimum wage & was going to be another "fox" in charge of the

"hen house" Labor Department. Hey, people it's a metaphor. :lol:

Trump has had a bad week-- then the Prez says:
"The White House is running like a fine tuned machine".

Really? Come on, Trump--a new lie every week! :P

This latest lie is coming from a president who conducts international relations in
his own private country club restaurant. :!:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » February 17th, 2017, 2:31 pm

It will really be a shame if Scott Pruitt is approved to head the E. P. A. or Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt is against the agency's decisions & has mounted suits against
the EPA in the past. :roll:

Especially disheartening, is that the republican wing of congress
is not waiting on additional evidence against Pruitt before
approving the beginning of voting in the Senate.
These are the same senators who would not even consider Obama's
nomination to the Supreme Court all last year.

McConnell claims that waiting until after February 27th would be "another excuse" for delaying the senate vote. :roll:

Why hasn't Tennessee republican, Alexander, come out against Pruitt? Alexander is a
supposed environmental senator. :?:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » February 28th, 2017, 11:54 pm

Trumpty, the tweeter in chief, gave a speech before Congress today.
It was the first soft soap conciliatory speech I've ever heard Trumpty give.

Respect, Mr. President, has to be earned.
Perhaps, old boy, you have made the first little birdy steps toward respect...

Twenty-five million folks who have insurance today--who never had it before--are watching
the president's every move. :roll:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » March 8th, 2017, 8:28 pm

Did you smell the latest wikileaks dump? They claim to have "revealed" some more paper from our boys in the CIA. I wish the intelligence community would go into the Ecuadorian embassy in London & physically remove Assange by his ear. That's what they''d do if I were in charge.

Assange promised to leave the embassy, if Trump were elected, and that private was freed.
He did not. So, Assange's ass needs to be grass. You hear that, Trump?
You gum flapping liar & hypocrite? Go in there and get him with your Homeland Security. :idea:

Also, I'm tired of marijuana being illegal. It is time to decriminalize it nationwide. All you
heads out there know what I'm talking about. Tobacco is a worse weed...but don't get me
started...just send a puff of cannabis my way. :lol:

No more mister nice guy...I've had it with these so-called conservatives
who think they have a corner on all that is right. Hey, don't forget your left hand. We need both hands of politics to function. Why do the KKK & nazis have their say in Trump's white house? :roll:

What does Breitbart have that I don't have? Send me an application, White House.
Think of all the Department of State positions they have refused to fill.
Is Bannon & Co. trying to ruin the function of the government?
What's up with that asshole anyway? Let's hear from somebody.
Are you all deaf & blind? You need a left-wing man in there. :lol:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » March 26th, 2017, 9:29 pm

An answer is not forthcoming. The right wing & the left wing have been antagonistic for years.
I am for tolerance & for justice for the oppressed in this country.
Too long have people been used as "political footballs" who don't fit societal norms.
We are all Americans. We need to learn to get along. :idea:

There used to be this thing called "compromise". It is hard to compromise with bias & bigotry.
Attitudes must be changed & they must start with "the man in the mirror". The emperor
has no clothes & we all know it. It is time that Trump should grow up & become a real man.
That goes for Speaker Ryan, too. Too long has there been a "chip on the shoulder" on both these men. :idea:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by mnaz » March 27th, 2017, 12:06 am


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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » April 14th, 2017, 11:38 pm

I hate to say it, but the Trump administration appears to be even more venal than the
Warren Harding administration in the 1920's. Looks like we are backsliding back to
the bad old days. Perhaps, in 2018, the Democrats will make some inroads in Congress
& keep the corruption in check. Otherwise, we are in for a rough ride.

I am disappointed that the moderate republicans haven't done more to
bring the investigations to fruition. I know these things take time.
So, hopefully, we can talk sense to our senators & get something done
about Trump's failure to report his taxes to the public &
put his assets into a blind trust. With Jeff Sessions as attorney general, I'm afraid not
much is going to get done along that line unless Sessions recuses himself...more to follow
later. :!:

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Re: "Reflections from "Bizarro World"

Post by Steve Plonk » June 16th, 2017, 1:23 pm

"Dingleberry Donald" is whining about being under investigation.
It's about time he was brought to task. Hopefully, congress will wake up out of their republican stupor & keep Trump's feet to the fire. We are not holding our breath because this thing is about as big as "Watergate".
Sessions did recuse himself from the Russian investigation,
but that doesn't get our boy Sessions off the hook...

It will probably take another year before anything is resolved. At least, It will certainly take most of the summer to get to the bottom of this Russian influence thing.

Trump & his billionaire cabinet are the antithesis of many common sense policies
brought on by prior administrations. Trump & Company makes Nixon look like a boy scout liberal. :!: :mrgreen:

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