Onward, upward, and oh phooey....

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Onward, upward, and oh phooey....

Post by hester_prynne » April 26th, 2005, 5:10 pm

50 candidates, narrowed down to ten, narrowed down to 2, for a job opening I really wanted to get, a job taylor made for ME! I tried so hard, and I really thought I had a chance, after all, it was either me or the other.
But I didn't get it. They called me just now to say they chose the other candidate. Said it was a terribly hard decision. Said I had interviewed perfectly. Said the other candidate had a "teeny little bit" more experience is all.
I was polite and thanked them.
That's what you do right? You thank them, and hang up the phone.
Then, you sit in silence. You hear the house hum. You feel devastated and frustrated and depressed.
You groan because the poverty will persist, the scramble will continue to kill you slowly.
A little tear drops out.
You go on.....,
H 8)

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » April 26th, 2005, 5:28 pm

I'm sorry to hear this, hest!

Listen, you did great! Out of 50 candidates it came down to you and the one other and you interviewed perfectly? And it was a hard decision? That's fabulous!

Why is it fabulous? Because it's a connection. They won't forget you as long as you keep in contact.

Here's what I would do right now and don't wait 'til tomorrow. WRite them a letter. Thank them for the interview. Tell them you really wanted the position and thought it would have been the perfect job for you, so you are disappointed, but let them know that you understand the other candidate had a bit more experience and wish them well in their business.

Then close the letter with something like, "I am available to help out whenever you need me. If you need a back-up person for when she is ill or on vacation, don't hesitate to contact me. I can invoice you at an agreed upon daily rate, if you'd like."

Then, say something nice about their company and how you would like to be part of it if another position opens up in the future. Compliment them on the interview process. Tell them you enjoyed talking with Mr. or Ms. so-in-so who interviewed you.

It can't hurt.

Just an idea to help keep the door open now that you got your foot in it.

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 26th, 2005, 5:59 pm


Do you believe in the saying, "All things work out as they should?"

I know this is a blow to you, hest, and my heart goes out to you. It must be very difficult struggling through without employment.

When things like that happen to me... when something I wanted doesn't work out, I always tell myself, "All things work out as they should." It's the way it's supposed to be. It's hard, yes, but then later, something else comes along that's better for me. Truly. It always works out that way.

And I know that will happen for you. Soon, when you least expect it, a perfect opportunity for you will show up in your life and you'll remember this post of mine. You'll say, "Wow! Doreen was right! Had I gotten that other job, I never would have been in the position to have this new opportunity. I would have missed this!"

Just watch!

I'm trying to be supportive but also, I really DO believe this is how the universe works.

Sending you a cyber ((((((((((hug)))))))))))).

Hang in there. Keep your eyes open. I know you will. Something perfect for you is right around the corner!


Post by hester_prynne » April 26th, 2005, 6:41 pm

Dor...thank you so much, and I do believe what you say and thank you so much for reminding me, that there is something to hold on to. Indeed, it's just another day, it really is.....

I also want to say how unbelievably wonderful you are, that I can't tell you how much better reading your posts has made me feel.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you.
And now, I'm going to go and cook up a beefstew. Cooking always makes me feel better and I have everything I need to make the best stew ever. Come on over! :D

Pan's on the stove.
garlic's sizzlin
Sarah V is schmizzlin in her deep comforting voice...somethin about dreamsville.....

And you are right. Something even better will come......

H 8)

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Zlatko Waterman
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Post by Zlatko Waterman » April 27th, 2005, 9:20 am

In 1971, I badly wanted a job in the San Francisco Bay Area, my dream hangout when I was in college.

I interviewed at Diablo Valley College ( ironic name!) and didn't get the job, mostly because I made a poor showing at transformational grammar, one of the hot buttons of the moment ( it's since been utterly abandoned and discredited-- along with "The New Math").

One of the things I said, rather directly in my 26-year-old self, was that I thought the system of nomenclature, "phrase-structure tree" for sentence, etc., was a little on the silly side, and needlessly complex.

I didn't get the job, and ended up headed for interviews in Southern California, the last place I wanted to go.

Thirty-odd years later, I am retired from the job I got in Southern California. And happy here.

Things do turn out, and with as vigorous and imaginative and capable a person as you are, for the best.

Try to pursue something which renews your faith in yourself.

I always try to survey my strengths after a rejection.

Your art, your magnificent voice and song artistry, your poetry. Those terrific aspects of yourself, Hester.

From your friend down here in Sunny LA-LA Land,


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Post by judih » April 27th, 2005, 9:47 am

an aside, Zlatko - imagine your comix after a stint at Diablo. (one shudders)

hester - you made it all the way to the final crunch. Who knows what twist of fate might happen next.

Be confident, you are totally it.
sing us something, or if you wanna wax nostalgic - go to Uniting the Arts and listen to the Hindu legend blues singer tell her Sita story about what a louse Rama was.



Post by hester_prynne » April 27th, 2005, 4:51 pm

Man, I so appreciate your responses to my woe here, I can't tell you how it really helps ease the sting.

I've been thinking that maybe this is a sign that case work is just no longer what i'm to do, and if so, what shall I do? I feel like I could do just about anything really. It sure gets my mind off not getting this position.
Good grief, almost 52 years old and thinking what do I want to do. Sounds almost midlife crisisy.
Once again, I am deeply grateful for all of your positive responses.
They keep me positive, and that's where I want to be.

Smoochies all around
H 8)

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